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More Gorgeous Pictures from"Freedom to Marry" Event

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

I didn't see Leila in the other pictures, she looked very nice.

Anonymous said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy Adam.

Anonymous said...

He looks so hot in those jeans! :) And his mom looks great too!

Anonymous said...

I think his mom has gone Hollywood. I think she was nicer looking when she looked like Adams mom not his sexy friend. I creeps me out when I see pictures of her.

Jadam NZ said...

I have noticed a difference in Leila to. But she is just enjoying this time in her boys life. She is a very young looking and attractive Mum, doing no harm and being proud of her boy.
Good on her.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask Leila what kind of hormones she took during pregnancy that resulted in the outstanding perfection of a human being such as Adam..she looks amazing and good for her...her pics do not creep me out at all..ever..but, listen up Leila..Adam belongs to the world just sit back and enjoy him with the rest of us..and thank you for your contribution to the beautification of the planet..

Anonymous said...

Leila is so pretty she could be finding a happy marriage for herself.

Anonymous said...

I knew that other picture we saw of Leila was from some years ago. She doesn't look like that any more, as with most of us her face has changed shape as she has aged. Not to say she is not a pretty lady, she is. But showing off her boob job, is not a very attractive pose.
Looking at Ebers old pictures, Adam looks more like him. Eber was a very handsome man in his younger days. Give Adam the reddish hair and give him lighter lashes and eyebrows, you will see more of a likeness to his dad, also a haircut like his dad had. Adam has the same blue eyes as his dad. People think that just because Leila dyes her hair black, that he looks like his mother. But whatever changes they have made, they all look good. Eber has no changes, he is growing older gracefully. Adam on the other hand has to keep trying to look better and younger for as long as he can, that's show business.

Anonymous said...

You left off his freckles came from his father, LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam's look is off the charts! I love how he puts himself together!
He looks so gorgeous and fierce!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In the picture with Leila, Adam looks like he has to duck a little, so as not to hit the ceiling. Don't know where they are standing, that the ceiling is so low.

Anonymous said...

2:32 What's with your new fixation on Leila's boobs? I wondered how long it would take you to zero in on Adam's mom. I am glad you are on such good terms with Eber and you know for a fact he has had no changes. It's nice you are giving his band and other things that Adam loves a break.I guess that is troll business. Worry about your own frumpy self.

Anonymous said...

I think Leila looks lovely. It always impresses me that Adam shares these important occasions with his Mom. Adam, of course. looks more handsome than ever.

Anne Marie said...

I know it is supposed to be fashionable, but I sure don't like the jeans. I hate to think what Adam paid for them. To me they look like a poor laborer would be wearing them.Just cannot see the beauty in them. I am probably in the minority about this, but JMO, and we all have one. :)))

Anonymous said...

The jeans cost 800 bucks.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the pretty lady in jeans is?

Anonymous said...

She is no one famous. Her name is Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

damn it Lambert:)

HK fan said...

another pic with Leila from this event

I think Leila looks stunning here, but I do agree that I think she has had some work done, but it looks very natural and well done.

Anonymous said...

What was that saying; "have you no decency; My goodness; Adam's Mother should not even enter the conversation of some of you people. She is not in your home she is in an event with her son. For Heaven's sake; leave her alone; Adam's family should be off limit. Does he not give you enough to talk about. Some of you should have more respect; and you know who you are. This is just plain crazy!

Anonymous said...

Adam is lovely; and has a lovely family and I will leave it at that. Adam looks so beautiful, so handsome in all of these pictures.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Mind you she might as well enjoy the Hollywood lifestyle too.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the image of his dad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @3:19 PM

Anonymous said...

Love Eber.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that casual-yet-all-nicely-put-together look!

Anonymous said...

Wish I can look half as beautiful and sexy as Leila when I'm at her age.

Anonymous said...

I looked at pictures of Leila from four years ago and it looks like she's lost weight, had a boob job, and some kind of face and neck work. That's just what it looks like to me. I think she looks great, and if I can ever afford it, I'll do the same!(just not the boobs).

Anonymous said...

I am a bit younger than Leila and I'm still in good shape too. I have never been overweight, so it's easier to stay in the normal weight index without having to diet. I have never dieted, tbh. Also, if you use push ups, there's no need for a boob job. ;)

Anonymous said...

*push up bras

Anonymous said...

If I was being photographed at various events with my gorgeous son I would also do my best to look good. Even if it meant some nips and tucks. Wouldn't need boob job got enough there already lol !!!

Anonymous said...

LOL OMG, this is unintentionally hilarious. All the talk about Leila. Saying being pretty gets you married. Wondering about hormones and surgeries. Thanks for the laugh but I hope I never run into you people in real life.

Anonymous said...

MONEY, can buy beauty in all forms. Have you never seen before and after pictures of film stars before having face lifts, and also with and without make up. Miracles are being performed every day, especially in Hollywood. Diets and exercise are just a way of life, for that forever young look.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have anything nice to say? Everyday you come up with craps to put down everything Adam. What kind of a life are you living? Go take a class. Exercise. Eat healthy foods. Find friends. Give back to society to feel good about yourself. In return you don't put down everyone on cyber space with negative comments.

I'm happy that Adam has such beautiful family around him.

Imagine if MJ was surrounded with great family, he would be alive right now.

Nothing in this world worth as much as having a great family and extended family.

Anonymous said...

The green eyed monsters slithers slowly and loudly slimeing up the site. Jealous of the son; jealous of the Mother; Just maybe you might want to talk about your own Mother hopefully someone you will have accurate information on; and leave Adam's alone. How damn desperate can you get? The green eyed slimey monster just keepo slithering along without care or shame. Just let it be to run free; maybe into the deep dark sea; of slime.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Mother who, just loves and supports her two sons. I bet they are very protective of her.

Anonymous said...

Someone is obsessed by boobs; go ahead just post your picture, you know you want to. Bet you were just waiting for someone to ask. I bet you are so fine; without of this word boobs; you seem to be an expert.

Anonymous said...

I had no intention of posting on here today to much nonsense last few days. Leila is Adams mother she a pretty woman. She in Hollywood where looking young is important but she has a young spirit. I don't care what she has or has not done I will show respect for Leila because she Adams mother and seems to be a good person.
She looks nice and she proud of her son and he proud of her and seems to be very goods to her. That's all I need to know.
Some people are being disrespectful of her.
I always tried to look my best even when I don't feel like it that what women with pride do and there is nothing wrong with it at all. I think she looks very pretty. I am not lecturing just stating my feelings like everyone else is. Sue

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's jeans. Ripped jeans looks fabulous on tall skinny people. But looks horrible on short people.

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful people. I love how Adam takes
Care of his Mom and includes her in all of the wonderful things going on in his life!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Lamberts are a nice looking family........what I find interesting is that both boys are such strapping young men and Leila is dwarfed by all of them. Adam in particular resembles his dad so much.

If Leila looks better now than during Idol all the more power to her. I firmly believe that a women should take care of herself and look the best she possibly can. When one looks also feels good.

I'm 63, my mother is 94 and we both look a lot I think genes have a great deal to do with how we age.


Anonymous said...

4:47 likewise.

Anonymous said...

4:47PM likewise here also, you laugh like a hyena.

glitzylady said...

Gosh, I got home from work a little while ago, check out the blog, enjoy the nice picture of Mr. Handsome Man Adam and his absolutely gorgeous mom Leila..and THEN I made the mistake of reading some of the comments.

For instance:


@Anon 1:34 PM
"...she [Leila] was nicer looking when she looked like Adam's mom not his sexy friend." Are you serious?? I guess so... and that's your right to say that..but I don't really understand the "why" of it :)))

I don't think she's trying to look like his "sexy friend", she's just naturally stunning to begin with. Should she look like a bag lady?? So she can look like someone's mom.... Again: Why? Mom's can be moms, and still look pretty darn FINE....

Here's the thing, Leila is still relatively young. She still looks like "Adam's mom" as far as I can see. She's always been a beautiful woman judging from the pictures we've seen of her. I don't quite get what's wrong with her accompanying Adam to events, and looking her very best at the same time!! She's lost a little weight since Idol days, and GOOD FOR HER! She most likely exercises regularly, takes care of herself and wants to look fabulous (don't we all??!!!!) and she certainly does succeed at that. I would dare say that's something we all like to do to the best of our abilities. She's gorgeous, just like her son. I imagine Adam is extremely proud of her, just as she must be of Adam..

All I can say is "Leila, you look AMAZING!".

Anonymous said...

This just gets funnier.

Anonymous said...

It is a bit of a MILF look and pose going on with Leila when everyone else was so casual. But really nothing to get so worked up over on either side. Shouldn't matter to any of us.

Anonymous said...

FYI Leila always had these gorgeous boobs! Just checked old photos. Yes, she lost a lot of weight and looks absolutely gorgeouse. But she still looks like Adam's Mom. Many women of her age look much yonger if they have nice healthy meals and do some basic exercises few times per week. Just don't eat pizza, hamburger and fries every day.

Anonymous said...

@7:25 PM

Unbelieveable, shameful, you just passed judgement on Adam's Mother while pretending that no one should get worked up about the way she is dressed; because it is so different than anyone else's. Using stupid initials to describe Adam's Mother. She does not have to dress like everyone else; she is an individual. You are right about one thing; It damn sure should not matter to you. What a disrespectful little pretend to care post. What the hell; jealous much?

Anonymous said...

Adam is drop dead gorgeous because he has gorgeous mom and dad.
Leila has always been so beautiful and attractive and I'm happy for Adam to be proud of his lovely mom.
Eber is a handsome guy who I'm sure is gorgeous in his youth without the weight.
I agree Adam looks more like his dad but has the same smile as his mom.
I'm envious of Leila having a son like Adam she can be so proud of.
I have so much respect for Adam's family, their beauty and intelligence and wit.
Adam gets so much of my respect and admiration for always having his mom around in events such as this.
A rocker who brings his mom everywhere.
Love Adam. Love Leila. Love the Lamberts.
It's why I am a Glambert!

Anonymous said...

@7:48 PM

Bravo; a mature voice of reason. That is giving the immature a lessons in civility. Adam would be very proud. I hope to high Heaven that not Adam, or any of his family or friends were anywhere near this sight tonight. So embarrassing. Very good intelligent post. Thank you.

@7:56 PM

I appreciate your most insightful post also; right on point. Thank you also.

Disrespecting Adam's family on his fan site should never be tolerated with silence.

Time to hit the sack; goodnight.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like his Mom & they are both gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but people must just loose their cool when they meet him! He is wayyyyy too hot!

Anonymous said...

Leave Leila ALONE!
She is off limits!
Adam would have a FIT if he read this shit!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure Adam would be very upset to learn that people are making derogatory remarks about his mother.

Anonymous said...

Like mother, like son & both very good-looking. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is our lonely resident troll dissing Adam's mom she needs kicked off here but I can see that is never going to happen in my lifetime. She lives here, is a nut job but we keep feeding her.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this after he had been working on Glee all day. To me he looks quite tired, not his usual bubbly self. But then again it didn't look like he knew anyone there.Even tired, he looks great.Give him a glass of that weird green stuff he drinks, and he will be back to normal.

Anonymous said...

@9:22PM Do you mean chlorophyll or green veggies&fruits smoothies? Both of these drinks look weird:D

Anonymous said...

Not one word about the worthy cause of this event. Shameful. Are you all really this shallow and superficial?
Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

If he was working on Glee all day, I would've thought he would be freshly-shaven to make his Elliot character look younger. But what do I know? I love the facial hair, by the way. :) And yes, I assume this event was some kind of fund-raiser??

Anonymous said...

The organization's link was under a couple of other photo posts. Want it again?
Go check out their great work and make a donation.