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New Picture of Adam Lambert by Brad Elterman

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013

"I ran into Adam Lambert at the Chateau for the 7Hollywood reception. We chatted about my dinner with Freddy Mercury in Las Vegas a zillion years ago."


Anonymous said...

OMG! I've never seen Adam looking so tough. So versatile!

Anonymous said...

Love the look and the leather shirt.

glitzylady said...

Oh my goodness! Adam is maturing into a stunningly handsome man! He was a good looking young man, but as he gets older, he just gets better...and better..and better-er....

Anonymous said...

I agree! He still has that wonderful boyish quality, but more and more he is certainly ALL MAN. I'll bet Adam was in heaven listening to Brad's story about dining with Freddie.


Anonymous said...

those eyes were made for sexxxing.

Anonymous said...

I love his leather shirt, so sexy!! And those mesmerizing eyes!! He keeps getting better looking and more handsome as time passes!

Anonymous said...

What is going on with his mouth lately though? Is he sucking in his cheeks or what?

Anonymous said...

He looks hungry like the wolf. I wanna put my arm around him and give him a cupcake

Anonymous said...

He is way too sexy for this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anon 11:25, adorable comment!

Anonymous said...

so intense..I wanna give him more, much, much more than a cupcake!!!

Anonymous said...

btw..I think he has just lost some weight and his adorable sweet little cheeks (sorry..I love the man) have lost their chubbiness..and everyone is right..he is maturing into a super hot, hot, hot, handsome to the maxx, man, and I mean MAN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has so many different looks, and this one says, Where's my cupcake? but in a fierce, sexy way.

Anonymous said...

Idk, but his mouth area looks like Keith Richards in this pic. Trying not to worry, lol.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of pictures, I had sent a fan letter to Adam in mid Sept. along with the cd liner notes from Trespassing. I asked that he sign it and also for a recent autographed picture. And it came in the mail today. I had included a stamped self addressed envelope so I recognized it immediately among all the junk mail. It had my first name on both items so I assume he read the letter when signing(or at least I hope he read it and not someone else). This just made my day because I didn't think I would get anything back after waiting several months. But I should realize that Adam gets tons of fan mail, so I was happy to see that mine was answered. Now whenever I play the cd, I will see my name and his signature on the front of the notes.

Anonymous said...

So happy for you getting Adam's signature and your name back from Adam! I've often thought about sending Adam a fan letter, but haven't done it for some reason.
I love Adam's signature! Born famous with poise and grace.........

Anonymous said...

Agree that Adam is incredibly handsome, even more so as he matures. I have noticed in the last couple of pics that his mouth looks a little different to me and I can't quite describe it so it would make sense but it doesn't look as relaxed as usual. I hesitated to say anything waiting to see if any other posters would also notice. I thought dental work? No big deal I guess just curious. He's still the most mesmerizing man I've ever seen... And that VOICE!


Anonymous said...

Maybe the weight loss has caused his mouth area to look different. I like Adam with a little more weight on him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the weight loss has caused his mouth area to look different. I like Adam with a little more weight on him.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's mouth is perfect, I'll take it as is. It's mine, mine, mine!

choons said...

I hope he didn't have a chin/jaw work done or anything - I loved his cheeks when he had them.
Don't really like the hard look.

Anonymous said...

He is just sucking his cheeks in, purposefully ... For photo, no biggy! :)

Anonymous said...

He does it frequently :)

Anonymous said...

Not keen on this picture. He looks angry but perhaps he was caught unawares.

Anonymous said...

He looks sizzling hot and sexy...

Anonymous said...

Whaaaaaatt?! Keith R.... !!!!?????
There's def. Something Wrong with your eye sight.........geeezz!