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Adam Lambert Changes Twitter Avatar Again

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

See, in pictures like this Adam's hairstyle really works. There were others taken at this photoshoot that were excellent and I totally got the hair - daring, sexy, futuristic.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeek!!!!.................sorry : ( .....JAK

Adamluv said...

How I LOVE this picture! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Spocks nephew? Must be a pointed ears!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful man; inside and out, no matter the hair; it's just a dressing for that gorgeous face. Whatever makes him happy; I am for that. Nobody can tell me as a grown person how to wear my hair; I guess it's the same with Adam. But, nothing wrong with opinions.

I think it is great that Adam always changes it up, and in no time, it changes again. How cute is he?

Anonymous said...

He is changing it up. Loved that avi a while ago with the most handsome face and facial hair. Sorry he changed it but at least we have two great side by side ones.

Anonymous said...

I despise his hair shaved on the sides..but I am almost certain that this is a pic from a year or more ago...hopefully he won't shave his head just is not a good look on him..

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv 12:55
Nice to see you posting again... Missed you!

Anonymous said...

Oh gawd I hope this isn't a hint of a new hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

Shaved sides .... big deal .... NOT! Adam's hair grows very quickly.

glitzylady said...

It's an old picture... from over a year ago...

Anonymous said...

This man is just gorgeous no matter how he does his hair, in my opinion. You can't please everybody so it's best to do it the Adam way; please yourself. Take it or leave it kinda guy. Adam will always be fine. Just open that beautiful mouth and sing, sing, and sing some more. Love you Adam M. Lambert. You are a beautiful man.

Another great personality trait of Adam's; I have never heard him ever tear down, or complain about another person's look. He is just not that shallow. He seems to accept everyone as they are.

Anonymous said...

Well too bad Adam can't accept himself as HE is. He's either starving himself to lose weight or changing hairstyles. And no matter how many of you jump to his defense (& there will be countless I'm sure) , you know it's the truth. He's a nnaturally big boy with naturally big Maybe one day he'll accept that...tho don't hold your breath.

Anonymous said...

Adam accepts himself better than almost anyone I can think of. Good grief.

Anonymous said...

Well @6:13pm...naturally we have boogers in our nose and wax in our ears so we should accept them and do nothing. Naturally we have dead skin so we shouldn't scrub it off and accept it. Naturally our nails grow so we shouldn't clip them and accept it to grow long.

I got this analogy from a psychology doctor at his seminar where he talked about why some people all so forceful about natural look and against others taking care of their looks.

daydreamin said...

Anon 6:13 maybe he's just so busy he doesn't have as much time to eat. He looks darn healthy to me.

Anon 6:35 You had me laughing!

glitzylady said...

I just saw Adam a few days ago from zero feet away and he looks DAMNNNNNNN fine. :)) He didn't look like he's been "starving" himself to me. But he DID look like he's been working out and taking care of himself. And his hair looks awesome too.

I have no clue why any of that (trying to keep in shape..and changing his hair style periodically) would be considered a bad thing..or even out of the ordinary. Seems like most of us like to look our best. Nothing wrong with that. It shows that we care about ourselves and have pride in our appearance.

In other words, Adam is looking AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:35 PM.....You had a Doctor of Psychology who talked about boogers and ear wax and dead skin? Gee, my classes were so dull!......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

How is changing up your hairstyle not accepting yourself. That's as crazy as the comment about the psychologist.

Anonymous said...

@JAK no I don't have a psychology doctor. I attend seminars of a psychology doctor where he talks about different subjects such as success, freedom, self confidence and self esteem, marriage and family, and other individual and social issues. Hundreds of people attend his seminars. He is a great speaker. He said he had parents as clients who were overtly concern and controlling cause their son/daughter wanted to change their looks. How the parents wanted natural look for their kids. So he gives that as an example stating that arguments cause much more harm than change in ones look.

Anonymous said...

6:13 is just expressing concern for our guy, I think. I see his desire to change hairstyles frequently an extension of his creativity and desire for variety to prevent boredom. Sometimes I've wondered myself if Adam has done extreme diets to lose the start of the Glam Nation tour he seemed overly skinny compared to the end. I think Sauli was a very positive influence on Adam forming healthy eating and exercise habits....he looks healthy to me and I agree it seems he must be doing more weight training.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that psychologist would recommend people here stop trying to control Adam, someone who they don't even know.

Anonymous said...

3:43am he says all the time on his seminars and radio programs that people should fill their time with good things and do good things so they don't have time to think bad about others.