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Adam Lambert & Paula Abdul at Trevor Live

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Their paths keep crossing during Adam's career. She said Adam would be iconic one day and he's well on his way. It's obvious they have mutual admiration for each very sweet.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful are they? Such admiration for each other. I bet you could fill a stadium with the people that have met Adam and worked with him; that admire and respect him because of the quality and character of this most gracious classy man!

Anonymous said...

Paula is still looking good and nice dress.

Anonymous said...

Paula looks great!

Anonymous said...

Dunno, their expression looks strained. Hope they are still close friends? Cause m' not getting d vibe

Anonymous said...

I think they are simply beautiful together!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. I love watching the old idol shows,watching Paula watch Adam perform!