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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice pic . . . is Adam doing a Jingle Ball this year????

Anonymous said...

There's another Kathy Griffin photo of her and Adam that could be labeled "that's the left one".
I'm getting a good laugh from them.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are very funny!

Anonymous said...

Lol. Jingle balls are promo. Adam has nothing to promote.

glitzylady said...

Beautiful picture posted by Adam

@adamlambert: Just posted a photo

Anonymous said...

Lol do you have a kitten you can bully or an elderly lady you can trip while crossing across the street. I know you despise elderly people. It's Christmas that ought to cheer you up.
I know your favorite thing in life is bullying Adam and his fans.
2014 will be Adam year for promotion no matter what you think.

Anonymous said...

Ah Shucks! I knew it! I wish Adam and Kathy all the best! ROTFL
Adam is looking mighty fine!!

Tall Tree