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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam's hair and look in that pic is tormentingly sexy.

Anonymous said...

Always nice to hear people in the industry complimenting Adam.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear president of a record company complimenting Adam...right now!

Anonymous said...

Awesome little mention! Everyone knows it... it's just a matter of marketability at this point (which I say not in any way snarky). But the voice, everyone in the industry knows it, everyone, and some days that's enough for me. They all know it :).

Anonymous said...

Adam's face is to die for! He stands out in so many wonderful ways!......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Proud to be a Glambert here whenever I hear such compliments!