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New Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Looks like a cardboard Adam in the first pic..

Anonymous said...

Aninmal print shirts seem to be all the fashion rage with Adam and the other two guys in the pic. I do like it. Just bought a zip top in grey and black animal print. It's a pattern for both men and women and seems to be more popular now than ever.

Anonymous said...

I drooled over a 600 euros Vuitton leopard print scarf, but it was way over my budget, lol. I found a similar scarf I liked for 20 euros though.

Anonymous said...

Animal print is In. Adam you are too cute. I like the way you smile when you're in a pic with a girl, and kinda have that badass face with your boys. Love the leather tie.

Anonymous said...

So many incredibly beautiful pics of Adam surrounded by his lovely fans!

Anonymous said...

The last picture is happy, happy, happy he looks gloriously happy. So so handsome Wow nothing miserable or sad about this guy at all! Sue

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Sue!

xo laura :)

Anonymous said...

OT...scarf story.....I am very tall and love to wear scarves, but rarely can find one as long as I like. I was shopping last week with my daughter and saw one charcoal black with gray and dark red design. I had been looking for one to wear with a charcoal outfit. It was plenty long so I bought it.

When we got home, as usual my daughter and I went thru all our purchases and 'played dress up'. She laughed and pointed out that the design on my scarf was actually Taylor Swift's name in large letters. Her music isn't on my list of favorites, but I like her scarves!...........JAK