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Pakistani group Covers Adam Lambert's WWFM

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Really beautiful! Music - the universal language. Well done, cute Pakistani group!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

A bit slow but the sound and the vocals are nice ! Axel. Thank you for singing that song !

Anonymous said...

love this!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Really impressive! Adam would love this version. Mmm Pakistanis sure can sing! The girl's voice, wow! The guy's also! Okay I've heard several beautiful versions of WWFM, and their instrumental arrangement and recording system are first, clear; without jarring drums; almost operatic.


Anonymous said...

wow!I love the girl's voice<3 thank you neighbors for covering this song..........india glambert:)

Anonymous said...

This version is great. Love that they put their own stamp on the song. :)