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Possible New (Old) Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice to see these old pictures again. Well, new to those fans who have not seen them. Adam looks stunning as usual.

glitzylady said...

I still LOVE his look from earlier this year with the silver/platinum hair. I wonder if he'll do it again... I was so excited to see it like that when he first showed up with the super light blond, that evolved into the platinum silver.. But then he looks good in ANY hair color................

Anonymous said...

I see Paris Hilton in the background of one of those pictures.

Anonymous said...

@11:06 Paris met her bf River, at the Blonds show. I think they are still together. I occasionally read their twitter.

Anonymous said...

He may have passed beyond that 2010 look, but it still looks sexy on him. The Blonds really got him and created something that suited him then. I also loved the silver gray hair. Took me a few days, but then, WOW! I love his current look, too. Classic chic. Lightly shadowed eyes, too. Brings out the blue.


choons said...

Love seeing him in a crowd - he really stands out - everyone else fades into the background.

Anonymous said...

Adam always looks like a billion bucks!.................nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I really love Adam's more recent looks esp. when he is in a suit. He looks so classy. His hair color and style are constantly changing and that keeps us interested along with whatever he is doing or the friends he is seen with.

Anonymous said...

This one thing is certain...that Adam Lambert is never uninteresting or boring. He is constantly changing his hair color, style and the fashion he wears. He is usually surrounded by very interesting and different kinds of people. He gets invited to the best events, clubs, parties, etc. and everyone wants to have a picture taken with him. Lately he seems to be getting more attention from music producers and others in the entertainment field probably because of his role on Glee and other events/concerts he has done. I think he looks better now than he ever has. There is a certain maturity about him that seems to come across in his pics and interviews. Keep these pictures coming whether they are old or new. They are the best way to end the evening by scrolling through them to look at this gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

Hope he never goes back to some of those outrageous looks. He even said he has looked back and wondered what was he thinking. He's so handsome and classy these days. People notice that now and not the crazy outfits and makeup, etc. He's pushing it now with the new doo. Hope he doesn't get any more wild hairs. (Ha! There's a pun in there somewhere.) But with Adam anything is possible. Never a dull moment.

Anonymous said...

Was the silver platinum hair really during this year? Can't be... Really? Having a senior moment here... Help? Somebody?

Anonymous said...

12.56 am
It's OK - you're not having a senior's moment. The silver hair was not this year, but for a while last year. It looked fine but I much prefer Adam's hair black.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:42
Thanks! sigh if relief... :)))