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There's Still A Chance To Get Tickets!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 25, 2013


daydreamin said...

Almost 4 million views of Marry the Night!

This from Adam Unofficial:

Our Exclusive Christmas Eve Present to Adam Lambert Fans!

December 24, 2013 By Carol 6 Comments

As I was catching up on some reading yesterday, I came across a little tidbit concerning Adam Lambert that I haven’t seen anywhere. I googled it and nothing came up. Isn’t that proof of an exclusive?!

Entertainment Weekly always has “The Bullseye” on the last page. In the past, they have taken a not-too-friendly stab at Adam (see Nov 18, 2011), but this time is different. In the November 29, 2013 issue, positioned just a little to the left of center (which is where we always find Adam!), came this gem:

“Adam Lambert’s cover of “Marry the Night” hits the top 100, while Lady Gaga fails to get a post –Saturday Night Live sales bump –which proves that Adam Lambert is a better Lady Gaga than Lady Gaga.”

Anonymous said...

GaGa's MTN hit in the top half of the overall Billboard chart in its day.

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived on US so that I could even have the possibility to see Adam on NYE. "deep sigh"

Anonymous said...

I mean "in US", not "on".

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go to that concert.:(

Anonymous said...

11:34 what's the exclusive the magazine decided to pit one singer against the other?

Anonymous said...

wish I could go to that concert.........

Anonymous said...

Why the blazes are tickets still available. Heavens above it's Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Great gifs!

Anonymous said...

BB, fly to Europe and you'll get 'SOLD OUT' in no time! :)

Anonymous said...

"sold out" would feature a real show with dancers and costume changes and ditch the organic. There is always hope. ......... I would go for the beauty and the voice and to dress up MYSELF though too far.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to come to Australia he has a huge number of fans here, his Take 40 Lounge Performance in Sydney last year was sold out within the first 10 minutes and people were so keen to see him some of them were offering huge sums of money up to $2000 just to secure a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Gawd I hope he never has those dancers again. That's what helped sink his career in the first place. Things are looking bad if he can't even sell out a casino.

Anonymous said...

awww those are sweet gifs.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam would have sold out if he had come to the east coast casinos in CT or NJ. I don't know. I guess without an album out or a recent hit single, people are not as interested in seeing him perform. I agree about those male dancers he had; they really added nothing to his show. With his third album and a possible tour, Adam will probably have to rethink the focus of his show performance to bring in new fans. His loyal fans from the past 4 years will follow him, but he needs to bring in others to keep his music career relevant along with other opportunities that have come his way. It is sad to read that tickets have not been sold out yet because Adam is the best vocal talent in music today .

Anonymous said...

going to Biloxi and cannot are sales there? does anyone know how long the concert in Biloxi will last? saw Adam at Universal and he was great waited 11 hours in line to see him...

Anonymous said...

@9:14 AM Biloxi is sold out

Anonymous said...

again @9:14 AM
I predict you will have a Fabulous time. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I wish i would be able to go to the concert, i'm shocked that there's still tickets left! He deserves so much more,maybe with the next album he gets to the next level with his career!

Anonymous said...

As someone already said, Biloxi is sold out. The casino is in the middle of nowhere on New Year's eve. I saw on twitter that Adam is much closer to sold out at the casino than the other two acts the day before and after Adam.

Anonymous said...

hot tamale.

Anonymous said...

That casino is in the middle of nowhere. I just checked ticket sales for Adam's show and others, Flo Rida, and Train. Adam's sales are deep into the C section. Flo Rida's show was cancelled, and Train's show the next night is only into the A section. I would go if it wasn't so far and in the middle of nowhere. So I think Adam is doing pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Adam is NOT SOLD OUT. Go to Ticketmaster... you could buy hundreds of tickets right now if you wanted to. He has only sold about 2/3 if the seats. I wish I could go! :(

Anonymous said...

oops... "2/3 of the seats"

Anonymous said...

i`m so mad that Sauli has to lie every day!!!!

Anonymous said...

PS - The Biloxi concert and the WinStar Casino concert are 2 different concerts.

The Biloxi concert is at a Hard Rock Cafe on December 29. It is a very small venue and it is sold out.

This thread is about the NYE concert at the WinStar Casino. That venue holds between 3,000 and 3,500. It is no where close to being sold out.

Anonymous said...

@11:42 ?

Anonymous said...

Correct. The NYE concert is not sold out, but Adam has sold a lot more tickets than even the band Train. I believe Flo Rida's was cancelled because of poor ticket sales. Adam's ticket sales are well into C section, so relatively speaking he's doing pretty well. I wish it wasn't so far, as I would love to go. What's the big deal anyways. I'm sure the casino is happy to have Adam and his fans there. A lot of people like to stay home on NYE, especially when it's in the middle of th week.

Anonymous said...

Why does Sauli have to lie everyday????

Anonymous said...

Care to explain yourself?!

Anonymous said...

Adam must have been offered a good deal to perform at Winstar for NYE. It is possible that tickets are not sold out because of it's location and the fact it is the middle of the week and people just can't travel there. Whatever the reasons, Adam will put on a great show. I wish I could see it. I'll have to rely any pics and vids that come from the show.

Anonymous said...

@ Sauli pregnant?

Anonymous said...

Please stop responding to the VERY obvious troll.

Anonymous said...

Yes... it is best to ignore, not feed the troll!

Anonymous said...

My sisters and I are going to be there. Can't wait. Haven't seen Adam since GNT!!! Need my Adam fix bad!!

Anonymous said...

@2:40 PM

I am sorry, did not mean to; but I almost choked from laughter; that was so unexpected just came out of no where. Statement is so impossible and of course sarcastic humor; and harmless. Ha,ha. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Adam's doing great; not to ever worry about our BB!

Anonymous said...

I just checked that this hotel has only 365 rooms. As far as it locates in the middle of the desert and this is the middle of week, Adam is lucky that VIP and A section tickets were sold! They still have some ticket on section B. But who cares? Adam is gonna perform and all his fans will have a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

@11:42 AM
WTF? I haven't heard about him since Monday when he wished Merry Christmas.

So, you wanted attention and you got it. Happy now?