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Adam and Elvis - Side by Side Picture Comparison

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 22, 2014

VIA 19glambert82 on Tumblr:


Anonymous said...

2 hot guys.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lamber has fuller lips and wider nose nostrils. The profile looks similar. the eyes are different colors. They both have a rebellious nature. Rule breakers

Anonymous said...

Adam has more inches than Elvis. if you know what I'm sayin.

Anonymous said...

24/7 Can we get some new info on songs or the direction he's going in for this year thnx

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Adam is far more handsome than Elvis, not only that his voice is more beautiful too, I wish people would stop making these comparisons Adam is unique and no one compares as great as Elvis was they are both entirely different people.

Anonymous said...

Oh la la I love both these guys. His the Elvis shades book ever going to come out?

Anonymous said...

Adam has larger, prettier eyes. They are most very handsome men.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be giving us new info pretty soon. His tweets are very encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks just like Elvis. The resemblance is amazing. Also he is as electrifying.

Anonymous said...

8:35. You are a jerk. He is the perfect size. Skinny is not sexy. His body is the way a man should look. Talk, dark and handsome. Perfect size; Great talent. Enough said. ;)

Anonymous said...

elvis and adam looks like uncle and nephew-both part jewish and European blood-mix breed-

Adamluv said...

Have always imagened the negative comments towards Elvis are from fans too young to remember him in his early days. Maybe they've only seen him in his later life which IMO were not attractive at all. The early Elvis pictures often remind me of Adam and that is meant to be a hugh compliment. Hard to say which was better since they lived/performed in such different times in our history. Both handsome, sensual and talented singers. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was a young Elvis fan back then and a mature Adam fan now. Each is handsome, charming, and talented in his own way.

Anonymous said...

9:52 - I don't think Adam's being skinny or not is exactly what 8:35 was talking about.

I was 9 when Elvis died. I cried and cried. I have seen much of Elvis in Adam. I also see Jim Morrison, Adam Ant, and of course Freddy Mercury. He is an individual ultimately who has used these influences to his great advantage. IMO, he is better than Elvis was. I know that is sacrilege to some of you, but his range, appearance, poise and grace, to me, are greater. Elvis could have been so much more than he was if he'd just taken better care of himself. I pray Adam does. He will be legendary to all one day, not just us.


Anonymous said...

@justpeachy You said it!! And I agree that the "inches" referred to are below the waist, not around it. ;)

Doesn't it seem like many popular singers these days take better care of themselves? They seem to get how exercising and eating well can contribute to their appearance and stamina.

Anonymous said...

Celebrities in general can afford the time and money for major amounts of exercise and staff like chefs and trainers.

Anonymous said...

Adam is much, much, much more handsome than Elvis ever was and his voice is far more beautiful. Enough of the endless Elvis comparisons already (and I'm NOT a young Glambert).

Anonymous said...

I liked when JAK described Elvis's voice as warm honey.

Anonymous said...

Adam is more handsome and makes better music!!

Anonymous said...

Scary... 2 handsome guys though. Just wish Adam will live longer than Elvis.... Axel.