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Adam Lambert's New Twitter Header & Avi

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I hope he uses "the mountain man lewk" sometime

Anonymous said...

just bored mountain lewk looks out of place on such a pretty face.

Anonymous said...

That pretty face is even prettier with the mountain man lewk.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! "The Mountain Man Lewk" will always be one of my favs. drop dead gorgeous IMO <333333


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this but for twitter header and avi all three pics, although artistically effective, are wayyyyy too sinister, imo.

Where is the smiling & happy Adam?!

Love to watch all his looks and photos, just want to see his gorgeous smiling face every where and every day, :))))

Not complaining, just stating my observation & opinion. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Melvin makes Adam look older. Nothing attractive too me about those beard photos. He really needs to shave, and for the fans that loves the mountain man look, that's your prerogative. To each his own.

Anonymous said...

Melvin makes Adam even more attractive. Hope he doesn't shave for a long time.

Anonymous said...

whose paying you guys to looooove that beard. Because really it's not all that. It looks like he's aged 10 yrs thanks to Melvin. Melvin is no friend of mine.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm paying Adam to keep Melvin.

Anonymous said...

A fool and his/her money are always parted.

Anonymous said...

I dig Melvin, but it's ok if some peeps don't.