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ARTICLE: 5 reasons we’re glad Adam Lambert auditioned for American Idol 5 years ago

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

All Excellent Reasons. Couldn't agree more with them.

Anonymous said...

We are blessed, for Adams talent that the world discovered on American Idol. Hasn't been the same since season 8. Were is Chris Allen, never hear of him anymore?

Anonymous said...

He's a precious gift that I'm NOT going to give back!

Anonymous said...

3:54 - yeah still a little befuddled at that outcome myself. We all know the Gokie Hokie vote went to Chris. Tis ok tho. Adam is laughing all the way to the bank.


Anonymous said...

One Direction came up at third place on UK XFactor and they also doing really well. JHud was seventh place finalist on AI and Daughtry was fourth place finalist. They are doing well also. Position isn't important after your done with these talent shows. How to make a career out of after the show is the key.

Anonymous said...

Why be nasty? Kris Allen is finishing up and will soon release his 3rd album and enjoying life with his wife and baby.

Since he and Adam like each other a lot and are pleased for each others success - why would Adam be laughing all the way to the bank? Does that sound like Adam?

Like Adam, Kris is a friendly, kind, sweet young man.