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Brian May Said On Radio: "IF It happens this year, it WILL be with Adam Lambert"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 19, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

Shout to that news!!!!!:)

Please don't forget TORONTO ACC!!:)


Anonymous said...

I want to hear when it happens not if,but Brian probably can't say anything for sure yet!

Anonymous said...

Now we are back to IF? What happened to the Queen fan site announcement and the coded messages from Adam telling us about it?

V Camilleri said...

Want to know when and want to go! Need planning time :)

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

Be patient, Glamhoppers

glitzylady said...

Always patient, but always excited to imagine the possibilities...

So back to the please...please...please.......... :))))

Anonymous said...

Please have one or two or three at LA Staples, or Nokia, or Forum.

Anonymous said...

Sounds encouraging.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the tour will be in July and August.

Anonymous said...

I think it's more likely this wil happen than not. Brian's been talking about it pretty often, and he wouldn't be talking about it now if it wasn't brewing. I just think he can't be too specific right now. His health was an issue for a while, and it takes a lot of work to plan a tour and schedule it.

I THINK IT WILL HAPPEN! Brian and Roger love working with Adam. The IHR show really gave Queen and Adam some high-profile attention. I can't say enough PLEASES to the heavens above to make this happen.


Anonymous said...

This interview was dec 9,2013

Anonymous said...

He has an interview today. Maybe he will say something in it.

Anonymous said...

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 1h

This week I am LA bound. :)

Anonymous said...

IF...for only two letters, there is a lot of meaning behind it and whether Adam and Queen will get together. Maybe DR. Brian's cancer scare and overall health has something to do with being unable to make definite plans. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

This was not the latest interview? I thought it was? I guess we will have to wait for the latest one. Then I can comment. I hope someone posts it. It would be nice to know the dates of these interviews when they are posted.

Anonymous said...

The interview was Before all Brian's medical tests came back. I believe the results were pretty good.

Anonymous said...

When you get older, all your plans begin with IF......
I'll keep my fingers crossed it will happen, I know so many of you will plan to go....what an experience that would be!

daydreamin said...

@JAK I SOOOOOOO wish you could go IF there is a concert with Queen!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:18 PM

Thank you so much for the information.

Anonymous said...

This wonderful news will soon be a reality! HH

Anonymous said...

Oh please make it happen

Anonymous said...

Here is the interview with Brian today. It is not loading for me.

He talks about Adam at 34:38 and 50:20. If someone gets it to load please tell me what he is saying thanks.

Anonymous said...

A bit greedy, are we?!

Here's hopin the tour is not in US only!

Anonymous said...

The Dec. 9th interview with Brian was broadcasted today.

Anonymous said...

Please on the east coast IF it happens!

Anonymous said...

So the rebroadcast of his Dec. 9th interview today means everything Dr. Brian May said then is true today. Queenbert is happening. Big YAAAYY! Happy Dance!

Anonymous said...

IF it happens in the US I'm going! Just wish they could give us a hint of when it might happen IF it happens....I. Wonder what it depends on to make it happen. None of my business I know but I'm so nosey, and, Afterall, we all need planning time, right?

Kidding aside, it's great news that IF it happens, it will be with our beloved Adam!


Anonymous said...

I don't know how they can give us hints until cities and venues are confirmed. Also, don't forget how upset people got that the big European rock concert (sorry, forget the name) was canceled after they had bought airline tickets. Best they wait before saying anything.

Anonymous said...

JAK, trust me sweetie I would love to go and take you along for company. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 3:27 and daydreamin......You are both so nice to think of me, but I accepted 8 years ago that I just can't travel anymore. But......lucky me, I had known that day would come due to a wicked accident in my 40's so I had traveled for 20 years to every place I had ever wanted to go in the world! No regrets here!.....JAK : )

Anonymous said...

Don't like that IF. Put together with the "you now who's" on Bri's Soap Box post, makes it sound as if they plan to go at some point and, if Adam isn't available, they'll take someone else. Perhaps they are in negotiations and this is a little feint.