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Cool Picture: He Just Grew Up In Front Of Our Eyes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 22, 2014

VIA ad-amazing-glambert on Tumblr:


Anonymous said...

he looks beautiful handsome..

Anonymous said...

From being cute and sweet to being gloriously hot and handsome!

Anonymous said...

I loved his hair on season 8, with the long shaggy look.
But like his hair up, and longer on the sides and top also.

Anonymous said...

Like picture 7 and 9, hard to choose. So photogenic.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have a crush on Adam. No matter how old you are, how can you not love this man.

Anonymous said...

Yep, so handsome in all the pics we see here. He certainly has matured into an extremely handsome man!


Anonymous said...

@9:18- I absolutely agree with your comment. I am mesmerized by this man with his stellar vocal talent and an amazing stage presence. Just give me some new music and I will be elated.

Anonymous said...

Five years has gone by so fast.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone resist this man? I knowI can't.

Anonymous said...

For 2 weeks I've been without my computer, finally my tech brought it back today, 2 whole weeks without Adam is torture. I've enjoyed catching up from where I left off, I adore this man so much!

Anonymous said...

Not really grew up. We have got to watch him change but he was already a mature and motivated person. It is fun to see what he does next.

Anonymous said...

I guess the title of this post says more about the one who wrote it and the demographic of 24/7 then about a certain grown up boy.

Yup, I definitely could not resist... IT! :->

It's been a little more than four years since I first opened the 24/7's door... Nice crowd, mostly ladies. Little crazy, but funny as hell. :-) I remember the old colors and the flowers on the... wall in here.
("..please don't give a thought to me I'm really doin' fine / You can always find me here I'm havin' quite a time..")


Anonymous said...

#9 is meow meow meow meow

daydreamin said...

Hey GLb! Great to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

My fave is the Idol look & the Trespassing album cover look - both yummy! :-)