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Latest Adam Lambert Picture in ASPEN

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 18, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, January 18, 2014


Anonymous said...

I must have some PETA blood in me, I'm looking at that hat and hoping it's a really good fake fur......JAK

Anonymous said...

Probably questioning fake fur while eating a burger or steak right? Eyerolls.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's fake. Silly hats are fun. Nice picture of our guy!


Anonymous said...

Adam, I dare you to get more handsome. That mouth is killing me.

Anonymous said...

7:36, I hear ya. Adam will be the death of me, I keep staring at him like a zombie.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous Adam!

Anonymous said...

I would pay a lot of money to see Adam without facial hair and stupid nose ring.

Anonymous said...

The guy reminds me of a young Brian May.

Anonymous said...

@7:03 PM... AKA....."eye rolls"

As you will note, I did not say I was a member of PETA.
Nor am I a vegetarian....I had shrimp for dinner after I typed my comment.....and I frequently eat beef since neither shrimp nor beef cattle are an endangered species.
I am a member of the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) which I have supported in their fight to protect the dwindling number of polar bears for over 3 decades.

That hat looked an awful lot like polar bear fur so I was hoping I was mistaken and it was fake.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK This isn't such a thing like polar bear fur hat! This is illegal to make and sell them. I think this is fake white fox fur or rabbit fur hat. I hope nobody will complain about wearing rabbit hats or coats.

Anonymous said...

I don't think rabbits are in danger of becoming extinct!
In fact I believe there might be a possibility of being over run with rabbits! They have a reputation. As far as I know the only animal product I wear is leather....wool is
Is too hot and I think I'd be squeamish to wear any kind of fur unless for survival if climate change throws us into an Ice Age.

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em, JAK but there shouldn't be a need to defend or explain your comments. Maybe there are those who don't "get" what you post but I do.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, lately I seem to put my foot in my mouth everytime I open it! But at least I seem to be drawing some of the heat away from the "bashing @ glitzylady gang!"

I think she could use a break.....JAK : )))

BTW....The Dept of the Interior allows the legal hunting of polar bears by Native Alaskan Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos.....unless there has been a recent change of the law. So the products are out there.

glitzylady said...

Awww thanks @JAK :)))

But seriously, it seems there is truly one or two people who get off on bashing some of us. I've noticed @DRG being included in that too. Neither of you two deserve that............

Takes all kinds................

Anonymous said...

Plenty of comments get bashed here, the anonymous ones get bashed too. Having a recognizable name just makes it more obvious.

glitzylady said...

There have been some very pointed one's lately, systematically targeting some very specific people. Just for the sake of being snarky. IMHO. People like JAK do not deserve to be harassed, also IMHO. In fact no one does really. Some people just that way, apparently.

Not arguing with with about what you said, because yes, that happens, but it seems that is perhaps one person, or maybe two, who love(s) making those snarky remarks. And when they are directed at yourself personally, you tend to notice.

Anonymous said...

Why do you Classy Ladies with tags even bother to react to these low life postings?!!?

You always own your posts, every long time poster with a brain and heart in the right place 'knows' you here on AL News 24/7, and you could crush these 'snarky postings' with only your pinky finger on the keyboard (I know you won't do it, cause you are who you are, classy ladies from head to toe!)

Just wishing we could TAKE BACK this site to being a FAN SITE worth this wonderful, multitalented, loving and kind man, Adam Lambert is his name, love & equality is his 'game'!

PS. Hope you all hear my good intentions in this rant, just so fed up with the constant snarkyness and ill will...

glitzylady said...

I hear you, and I agree... :))

Anonymous said...

Systematically targeting. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.