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Marry The Night Costumes - GLEE Returns in 2 MONTHS!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Things of beauty are a joy to behold! Esp. the guy wearing them.


Anonymous said...

Loved his Starchild look if he is ever on the show again I would like this outfit revisited.

Anonymous said...

He suppose to be on the first two episodes in February.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was one month away.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Adamluv said...

Also loved his Starchild look. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam is back in the episode "Frenemies" which airs on Tuesday Feb. 25. He is also in the episode the following week.

Anonymous said...

According to spoliers: in ep 9, Frenemies, Elliott sings "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" with Kurt.

In ep 10, Trio, Elliott sings "Barracuda" with Rachel, sings "Gloria" with Rachel and Santana and sings "The Happening" with Dani and Kurt. Pamela Landsbury also sings "Hold On" with several Lima characters.

Elliott is not mentioned in spoilers for the three episodes after these. The 100th episode is a two parter and the rest of the season is supposed to take place in NYC only.

Anonymous said...

I love adam but I still can't force myself to watch glee.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know much about the Steampunk outfit so I did some investigation on the internet to learn about it. Then it just so happened that an episode of Castle took them into a Steampunk Cub in NYC. And ironically a mystery I was reading had references to Steampunk also. So because of Elliott Starchild and his outfit I learned something new about a particular style. Adam looked fabulous in it.

Anonymous said...

If you get out and experience a bit of the world the steampunk thing has been going on for quite awhile, for perhaps two decades now.

Anonymous said...

The Adam bubble person to the rescue. LoL

Anonymous said...

2:33 good idea now that I have raised my kids and put them thru school I can get into the things I have missing out on in life.....Steampunk !!!!

Anonymous said...

1:49PM - Please watch Glee when Adam is on the show. You won't be sorry - Adam is so terrific! I was not a fan of Glee, but I watch it now for Adam. He is really worth watching!


Anonymous said...

2:58, imagine the world that is available to you now!

glitzylady said...

Adam's Glam Nation Tour "look" (costumes, etc..) was based on Steampunk as I recall......

Anonymous said...

I don't recall GNT costumes as looking Victorian (steampunk).

Anonymous said...

I don't see any steampunk in them either.

glitzylady said...

I'm pretty sure Adam said they were based on Steampunk. I remember wondering what the heck that meant.. And looked it up.

But I could certainly be wrong.... It wouldn't be the first time!

glitzylady said...

So I was curious to see if I remembered correctly, looked it up, and found this:

Interview from June 2010: USA Today "Idol Chatter"

"Adam Lambert talks Glam Nation Tour, more"

An excerpt: (Interesting, long interview BTW...worth a read...):

"Q: How would you classify your image right now?

Adam: I've always been fond of the glam-rocker title. Glam is a broader term than people realize. With the tour, I'm exploring a look inspired by psychedelic rock stars blended with this thing called Steampunk. That's Victorian-era fashion mixed with modern elements, punk rock elements mixed with historical clothing."

Anonymous said...

He may have explored the Steampunk look for GNT but he didn't incorporate it.

Anonymous said...

LOL the extent some people go to to be right.

If there are steampunk influences they are pretty subtle. I don't get much of a Victorian or Western feel. And no gears! How can you have steampunk without gears and glasses/googles?!