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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The leaked RuPaul episode wasn't worth anything much. Adam looked good as usual but the program was badly written. Those drag queens are like clones. They look the same and behave as they always do. Nothing new there, I'm afraid.

Adam deserves to be a part of something more current and more interesting. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

When and where are they gonna release the pics of this photoshoot? I'm interested in seeing the pics of Adam and Eddie VH.

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam looks really sexciting; if ever an Elvis film were to be made, Adam will really be a super fit. I recall his 'Blue Suede Shoes' mentoring and he mimicked Elvis' voice with a low tenor growl, oooh-la-la. In the photos, Adam comes closest to an Elvis look, with that rock n roll angst. Not bad at all placed in this super league of stars.
I just watched Starchild on tv, whoa, Adam was so natural and he smiled a lot mmm...I'll get to see Starchild again next week; we get previous + current episodes back to back every week. So tomorrow Adam is mentoring on AI. Not bad, so much of Adam on tv.


Anonymous said...

8:21 how about tonight at 8 on Fox American Idol you can't get more current than that. J/S

Anonymous said...

10:53, they won't find that more current because they are a troll.

Anonymous said...

12:53 I know ;) ;)

Anonymous said...

Above message to 12:35

Anonymous said...

Two days mentoring American Idol this week. Glee next Tuesday with Adam and the following tues as well and at least one more we know of. Think that's I say is very current. RPDR is renewed for seventh season so sorry like it or not its current.

Anonymous said...

at 10:53 AM

How come one gets a troll label even though one is not criticizing Adam? Do we have to love all his acquaintaces and associates in order to be accepted by some highly sensitive worshippers? In real life crap is still crap no matter how it has been gift wrapped.

Idol may be a thing of the past too, but at least it gets Adam some media attention a performing artist needs. And, he looks really handsome and qt in those promo videos. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh she had to come back a make a sly remark about AI now. Bwahahahaha

Anonymous said...

at 3:21 PM

Ok, then I must be a sly troll since I don't like e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that goes on around Adam. Should I really? In your fantasy world it obviously is all or nothing at all. Still, I will not be calling you names even though I do not agree with you on every detail in Adam's life.

Anonymous said...

What's keeping ng him back from being the star we all know he is? Help me understand.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, the precious Pollys over-protecting AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

at 5:01 PM

Isn't that obvious?

1. He is gay.
2. He is too good looking for some. He outshines every guy (and girl) around him make them look commonplace. Like we've now seen on Idol.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Elvis are both Year of the Dog as well as MJ.

Anonymous said...

Lammy. There have been several Elvis bio films made.
The Jonathan Rhys Meyers film for TV is the best.
You can watch it on your computer.

Anonymous said...

to continue your list...
3. He's far too talented & scares the hell out of the suits behind some "big stars", who can't sing...
4. He will never be accepted by the mainstream in US, radio stations exec's etc., cause accepting Adam would require a major change in the way "they look at life"...
5. He's sooooo good at anything (in the entertainment business) he sets his mind to, in a league of his own...
6. Being so perfect & knowing what he wants irritates so many... they can't deny his talent, but know he can't be 'controlled' or they can't mold him as they please...

I could go on...

Anonymous said...

I lived through the Elvis era and I saw his movie Blue Hawaii; have not been a fervant fan, so I won't be that interested in his biography film. If Adam is the star / stand-in in an Elvis movie...that's a whole different kettle of fish. lwl!


Anonymous said...


With the exception of two, maybe three, most of the films Elvis made were dreck! The sad thing is, good producers and directors wanted to work with him, they felt he had talent as an actor, but his idiot manager refused them.
He talked Elvis out of the lead in West Side Story! Said, "who will go to see a Romeo and Juliet story?"

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's interesting...Elvis in West Side Story, I saw that beautiful movie. Yes Elvis would have made an impact. He's got that 'gangster' look. lwl! But that whole cast was very good, very handsome guys, excellent dancers and Natalie Wood was a hot favourite of that time.
