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Adam Lambert liked Sauli Koskinen's photo on Instagram

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sauli is gorgeous. Love the pic. Thanks

Anonymous said...

So happy Sauli is in Sweden, having some quality time with Adam, and probably celebrating his birthday.

Anonymous said...

the thought of Adam and Sauli together right now in Sweden warms my heart. I new they'd find there way back to each other. True love never dies.

Anonymous said...

It was surmised that Adam probably took Sauli's picture.

Anonymous said...

Don't think they are really together, the same work problems are still there. Too many separations. It is sad, because I believe they still love each other. Adam has had many opportunities this whole last year, but met no one like Sauli.

funbunn40 said...

Sauli's such a great guy and seemed to be the perfect fit for Adam, but each has to walk their own path and if it's meant to be, maybe they will find their way back together in the future. If not,their friendship, I believe, will always be valued and respected.They both handled their breakup in such an adult, classy manner. Two very, special, decent men.

Anonymous said...

So many people who think they know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Since we already commented on this under another picture, there doesn't seem much more to say. For the most part, everyone is happy that Sauli went to Stockholm. There are still some who doubt any of this. I just wish for Adam and Sauli to be happy, and each must follow his own dreams and career. Life is not always easy or fair. I believe that both Adam and Sauli are expected back in LA by the end of this month.
OT Did anyone hear if Adam actually moved in January? There was a lot of talk about it, but don't know if he stayed in the condo, after all.

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli Koskinen's photo on Instagram.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam also liked Joey. Gray's photo. No big deal liking pics. Joey is the guy who said that they are "only buds" when someone asked in January if he is dating Adam. Same goes with Sauli. He is Adam's bud, friend. It's nice if they met in Stockholm but could it be that Sauli is there with/meeting some other people? I know they are in good terms and it's logical to get to see your friend when the flight time is only an hour, but they are ex's, so it sounds a bit weird
Maybe Sauli is there with his sisters celebrating his birthday before he flies to LA.

Anonymous said...

Stunning pic of a handsome man. I like it too.

Anonymous said...

Too bad these two can't be left alone.

Also too bad Sauli felt like he need to tell everybody where he was. Surely he knew what would happen when people saw the pic.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was better to tell where he is .In other case ,IF somebody has seen them on Stockholm and what would happen then?
I think this was " right way"to tell.

Anonymous said...

10:44, who cares if anybody would have seen them. So what. This pic doesn't tell us anything anyhow. Seems like somebody was looking for attention to me.

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that Sauli went to Stockholm to see Adam, regardless if they are just friends or more than that. Who knows? However, I believe that they were truly in love and that they never lost interest in each other despite their break-up about a year ago. I wish them both happiness regardless what the present and the future hold. I'm sure Sauli posted this picture on Instagram after discussing it with Adam. They are fully aware how invested the fandom is.

Anonymous said...

PM 11:46
I Agree with You. It was mutual desicion to post that pic. Maybe Adam himself took that, who knows. Anyway, he liked it almost emmidiatly when it was out ;)
Besides, Sauli wouldn't do anything to harm their relationship or frienship like posting pics which Adam didn't approve.
I so like the thought they both are in Stockholm having good time.;)

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned Sauli celebrating his bday with his sisters. When is his bday, and do his sisters like in Stockholm?

Love both Adam & Sauli, and who knows the true nature of their relationship right now. Maybe they're trying to figure it out themselves. Most of my breakups in my single days weren't clean breaks....we'd break up and get back together, even if briefly. Seems like too much of a coincidence that both guys are in Stockholm at the same time. And I must say the idea of Adam taking the pic makes me happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Meant to say live in Stockholm, not like in Stockholm. Lol

Anonymous said...

Adam and sauli broke up over a year ago. We see adam out all the time and he is not with sauli. I don't think for one minute they are dating or in love anymore. I just think sauli is a very sweet and supportive friend and if adam was lonely spending so much time in Sweden he agreed to come over and show him around, have dinner, etc.

Anonymous said...

@10:24 PM
Finns visit a lot Stockholm in weekends and vice versa. We are so nere. Who tells you what you are allowed to share through IG? It is the crazy fans that start imagining things when they see a photo. Should Sauli always ask Adam before he posts a photo? And as someone said Adam liked the pic immidiately, so all is well I think.

Sauli's sisters live in Finland but sometimes you just make a short trip to the neigbour, to other surroundings, to celebrate something. Sauli's bd is on next Friday but he might leave Finland before that.

Anonymous said...

1:21 Am
I totally agree. They are friends and it's only one hour flight from Helsinki to Stockholm, so before Sauli goes back to LA, he went to see his pal. Nothing more in it. Maybe they still like each other's company sometimes. And Adam has not seen his LA-friends in long time. He would surely be very pleased to see Markus Molinari and his "gang". He spent so much time with him/them before he left to Sweden.

Anonymous said...

1:24 Am here: I meant near not nere. Sorry about the typos. Typing while still in bed.

And about the Stockholm-photo Adam liked: Good-looking guy in a beautiful city. Spring is coming to Scandinavia. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

I wish only the best for Adam and for Sauli too!! I would love it if they got together whether as friends or lovers. My heart hopes they are together as lovers!! Why not? Even if only for a while. I love the thought of them back together as a couple. That would be so great!

Anonymous said...

Not thinkin anything major is going on, but I really don't think Sauli would go to Stockholm for just some friend, obviously for a special friend! I have never heard Sauli beeing in Stockholm or ever even talked about having friends there. And yes some finnish goes to cruises to Stockholm but it's not that common that some of you made it seem.

Anonymous said...

I feel that Sauli is still madly in love with Adam, follows him wherever even for a short moment to be with him, it must be hard for him to get over and move on, I feel sorry for him, I hope he also finds other guys to go out with like Adam has found, Adam has so many new good looking boyfriend candidates and looks happy with them

Anonymous said...

@11:39 PM
So why did Adam want/accept this attention? He has much more followers on IG and Twitter than Sauli. He could have ignored the pic. He surely knows that his fans stalk his every "like".

I'm glad if his friend really wanted to meet him in and they spent some time together in Stockholm. There is nothing wrong in it. Maybe they just want to show to the fans that they might sometimes been seen in public asfriends. That they don't have to hide their friendship and people accept that they are not a couple but friends who may go to dinner, movies, concerts etc. together and no one thinks that they are more than just friends. That is my hope. That they could be like Sutan, Markus etc. and Adam are publicly.

Anonymous said...

Adam make sauli all messed up , he doesn't know how to live his life anymore without following Adam everywhere like a lost dog ..

Anonymous said...

2:47 AM
Just a little bit of exaggaration, right? Sauli has not been following Adam anywhere or at least I have not seen them together anywhere. He happens to be in his home country doing some work and maybe his friend asked him to come and see him before he goes back to LA. Sauli just said in an interview that he is single and he likes to be single. He is a young guy, but it's no our business with whom he spends his nights. As it's not our business to know with whom Adam sleeps. I'm sure they both have lots of candidtes to share their nights with. They are both very attractive and hot men.

Anonymous said...

I really would not be unhappy if Adam and Sauli got together. I think they made such a nice couple. Whatever mistakes they made I hope they can work them out somehow.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that Sauli be sorry he did not "freak." You are mistaken. Sauli is very beautiful and I think that candidates have Sauli may be too much. it is not our business to indicate they need to meet or not. They know what to do .. Love them both and great patience.

Anonymous said...

@3:06 AM
What do you mean by "everywere". I've not seen a single photo of them after December when Sauli went back to LA and Adam and Danielle arranged some welcoming party for him and January when he was supposedly invited to Adam's bd party. Following where, may I ask? There are many Finns living in USA. Sauli has another home there now, but he does not live with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Some people are so bad here, are you jealous to Sauli that he is living near Adam or what is your problem?

Anonymous said...

@2:47 AM
Hahaha! You are kidding, aren't you?
Hardly neither man is madly in love with each other. But they are still good friends and it's great. No-one can never have too many reliable and close friends.

I don't think they will ever come back together. Too different lives and circles of friends.

Anonymous said...

На..На..Maybe he wants to take the place of Saul?

Anonymous said...

"But they are still good friends and it's great. No-one can never have too many reliable and close friends".
I agree with you

Anonymous said...

This is what I've been wondering too. How does their being friends bother so many? Why is Sauli not accepted as Adam's friend as are Sutan, Danielle, Markus etc.? Is it b/c he is a foreigner? I don't get it. He has many friends in USA too, so he can not be very bad person.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, soooooooo much over-speculation over an instagram pic.

What will be will be.

Anonymous said...

And the photo is stinning whoever took it... Gorgeous man, beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

Oops, meant stunning, not stinning. ;)

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why people say that Adam and Sauli cant be lovers anymore or again.
Of course anything can happen.
We dont know them privatly.
I break up with my boyfriend (two years ago) ,who lived otherside of the world .
We met again year ago and now we are married.
Things happen! :)

Anonymous said...

now we are jealous of sauli too ? lol ,, oh god

Anonymous said...

My co-worker met before Xmas a guy she had been dating in high school. They broke upand got married but divorced a long time ago. No they fell in love again and Such things happen.

I don't say this is gonna happen with Adam and Sauli, but they are still young. "Never say never".

Anonymous said...

Yes, really nice pic!

Anonymous said...

Sauli very handsome man, his soul is even more beautiful. Adam and Sauli themselves find the right solution. Sauli sunny people

Anonymous said...

@4:07 AM
Well, explain what is the problem that some just don't seem to accept the fact that Sauli still seems to be good friends with Adam. What is the word you would use?

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a handsome and cool man! Adam has good taste in liking pics. Well, I don't always understand his choices but this I really Iike.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sauli fantastic man, young, beautiful and very well maintained

Anonymous said...

They are both fully aware that the IG's they put out will be seen by their fans. This pic was not put there accidentally. I wondered where this pic was taken, I know Sweden, but it looks like Sauli is on a boat or something, Might be Sauli is sight seeing with Adam. Love the idea they are together. They will be back in LA at the same time too. Hope we see more pics of them, together next time. First thing Sauli will do when he gets back, will be his daily Runyon Canyon hike, hope Adam goes with him, and they share those awful green drinks together again, LOL
Things people say about each of them is almost identical, great looking, kind, thoughtful, fun to be with, and very down to earth. Adam could do no better than to have the companionship of Sauli, and visa versa. Yes, that IG was put there on purpose, and Adam liked it immediately . Good luck Adam and Sauli, you have many fans that would be happy to see you together again.

Anonymous said...

Some of you treat Adam and Sauli like your personal fairy tale story and not real people. None of you really know how either one of them feel.

Anonymous said...

Normally people would be bashing lambertlust and calling him names but because this is a Sauli post the douchebaggery has centered around Sauli lovers VS Sauli haters. Nice kindergarten playground we have here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. If Adam and Sauli friends, they do not need to hide from anyone their friendship.

Anonymous said...

how about what the word you should use to describe your obsession over their relationship and when someone find it odd you call him\her jealous ?

Anonymous said...

5:19, don't worry, I still snort laugh when I see a screencap with Lambertlust's name over it posted here.

Anonymous said...

Adam also "likes" IG photo of Drake Labry and took him to Halloween party. He is also old boyfreind so what do you say about that? Also that IG of Joey Gray he is not in photo and Adam was liking the comment he made about the party that Joey was at with those freinds.
By the way I personally think there is more to their relationship than old buds. Adam has liked many of Joey's post but they have never been picked up by 24/7. They have been seen together since last October and if you notice Adam stopped being seen with Bridger around same time. Adam has no photos from Bootsy Bellows and other clubs for a few months.

Anonymous said...

I´m not sure but I thought Sauli is standing on one of the beautiful bridges in Stockholm. A really beautiful scenery and a stunning man!
I hope it´s still that sunny there, I know two special guys that add to that sunshine!:)))

Anonymous said...

Sauli is the world's beautiful man, sunshine:)))))))

Anonymous said...

I do not know Joey Gray, but Sauli is really a very gorgeous man, really sunshine:)

Anonymous said...

6:30 am, right, because twitter and IG photos give the complete story of Adam's life. Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

1000 thanks you.....

Anonymous said...

And now Adam is standing on the same bridge! Hah!

Anonymous said...

Ok u guys. ADAM just posted a pic to his IG. Same view what was in that pic of Sauli. Meaning the boys were together and Adam took Sauli's pic. Sauli is in Stockholm to see Adam and I could ' t be happier.
I love both of them :))

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's the Sauli threat again. And I mean threat not thread, because some feel he is a threat to their fantasy. Or is Tommy feeling left out again? Adam has also seen Drake as a friend. No biggie.

Anonymous said...

Adam just posted a picture of himself in Stockholm at the same place as Sauli in his picture... It makes me so happy to think about them together!

glitzylady said...

I think Adam (and Sauli) may be messing with us :)))))

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 16m
Stockholm Syndrome

Anonymous said...

I love the look of both guys, very handsome!! And I just love this mess up!:)))

Anonymous said...

@6:30 AM
I'm so happy if Adam is with Joey. He is a lovely person and handsome man. Why doesn't LAMBERTLUST bring those "likes" here? We could start flailing/stalking the real boyfriend (lol). I don't believe Adam has anything more going with Drake than friendship. Didn't Drake go back to his boyfriend? He likes his ex's photos but it would really be nice to start following the right boyfriend too. And Adam has not been in Bootsy Bellows in nearly two months b/c he has been from the beginning of the February abroad (mainly Stockholm).

About this photo: stunning. I hope Sauli finds a new love too even though he likes to be single.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for Adam!!!!:)

They are both gorgeous and relax!!:)


Anonymous said...

Aww...Adam and Sauli together in Stockholm :) How great is that! I bet it`s driving some people in here crazy...some are overwhelmed with joy (like me) and some are flat out annoyed :D :D But what it comes down to...the boys enjoy each other´s company...there´s no doubt about that. And they even dress alike! :)

Anonymous said...

@4:32 AM
So you are here again. Sauli maintains himself. He is a grown man. Don't worry. He says he is nowadays careful that he does not spend all the money he gets, as he did when was younger. I know that you don't believe this but that is your problem. You must hate him a lot. He has been doing hosting gigs, modelling gigs, commercials and tv-show etc. now that he's been in Finland. He earns his own money. Nobody has to maintain him.

Anonymous said...

Back in the days Adam used to retweet the adommy fans. Maybe soon..

Anonymous said...

@7:59 AM
And have nose rings, and their hair cut starts to look the same, lol.

I'm the one who likes the idea of these two guys who live in LA meeting in Stockholm and having a couple of nice days together. I don't fantasize anything more.

Anonymous said...

They must be laughing their asses off when they see the fuss in the fandom!

I love these guys! ♥♥

Anonymous said...

@8:03am Yeah, I started that way at first Sauli visiting Adam..oukay...and then I became sooo happy, couldnt help it:D!

Anonymous said...

JAK here and fantasizing big time.

I wish Adam and Sauli would get married,
Find a surrogate, have twins,
Name them Sunshine and Starlight
And live happily, happily, happily ever after.

If for no other reason than to piss off
Every other person on this site. :-)

Anonymous said...

JAK That was fun!:D

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK! That was really fun! ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Day! WWFM is playing on the radio, Adam and Sauli are back together (maybe only temporarily), new music is coming soon-ish, Queen+Adam is almost here, Adam is on Glee next Tues, JAK has a beautiful vision -- and all's right with the Adam world. YAY!!

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to that!