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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Confirmed by Shoshanna Stone


Anonymous said...

He will be missed :( :(

Anonymous said...

Adam's Glee swan song / Queenbert poem

Elliot and Kurt are a pair of compatible artists extraordinaire
Both sing, act, captivate with musical flair
What's up with you both...still more tit-for-tats, dribs and drabs
Interspersed with hyperventilating burying of the hatchet by Elliot lwl!
Crystalball says there's more to it than meets the eye
Whichever direction the windsock flies
Contributes to that decisive surprise in disguise
For the ponderance of the inquisitive mind
So far it's still kind of laissezfaire
No telltale signs of a major topsy-turvy affair
Mmm... need to consult my confidante, crystalball
Who seems poised at the crossroads, enthralled
In anticipation of what's forestalled
Adam never fails to sustain the consistent mystical awe
On the sideline, how about a fancy-filled Elliot/Kurt kaleidescope
That swirls and twirls in an aquarian showdown of a Glee episode
Mmm, a little sad as it's not going to happen after all
Anyway Thanks to Glee who allows Adam to act, storm, pound the floor
Reminds me of Prince Charming at the Cinderella ball
It's 12 midnight now for me too, and fairy godmother's curtain call
Meanwhile, back at the ranch... much attention is shifted to Queenbert
Sprucing up for a shimmering array of concerts
That'll galvanise feisty Glamberts to converge
On the various venues whilst the rest of us skilfully skirt in search
Trip trap trip trap over the rainbow bridge
Glamrocker maps his destiny from yonder ridge
Armed with a whole lot of love and the latest funk pop rock music
His impeccable vocals swing into amphitheatric orbit, effloresce...


Anonymous said...

Glad glee is over. Maybe now Adam can get serious about his own music

Anonymous said...

I feel sad that Adam, most likely due to time constraints, can't film more Glee episodes. Hope to see him later in future tv productions, as a main character because his face lends really beautifully to tv or even movie. Well Starchild's MTN has hit 6 of the year for me.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my-I just love your Swan Song Poem-you just nailed the whole experience for Adam's Glee experience. I hope you write some childrens' books one of these days-I would definitely buy them for my grandchildren. Don't let your talent go to waste! Write for those kids!!! I will tell you that you will get a few poems from me after I see the Queenbert concerts in Las Vegas! I wish you could be here with us as we all experience these shows!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady
Thank you for coming in at this moment; my heart is heavy, almost feel like crying because Adam is so fitting on Glee. I guess the news is a bit abrupt as I had expected Elliot to go on to the end at least more episodes in NY. It's far too short a Glee stint for Adam. Thank goodness I can still clutch onto Starchild/MTN. Thanks for loving my poems and writings. Yea, will certainly love to hear from you after your AdamQueen concert. Oh yes your poems at times knock me off my feet! lwl!


Anonymous said...

I'm as emotional as many here, but on the other hand we should be thankful for this great chapter in Adam's career which will hopefully help create many other opportunities. Time to look forward to many great things this year!

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing Adam on Glee. Mmaybe he will be back next season.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I am sending a virtual Glambert hug to you, and, may I say that I also am so sad that Glee is over for Adam-but, did he ever leave us a Glee legacy! I will always watch and intensely enjoy Marry The Night, Gloria and Barracuda. I never watched Glee before Adam, nor will I ever watch it again without Adam. He just does something to us, doesn't he? Now, to march onward to even bigger and better things with him. The Queenbert concerts will slay the world! I can not wait to see what outfits Adam will wear during these performances. Leather, give me freakin' black tight leather with incredible embellishments!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I will really miss Adam on Gllee. He brought such new energy to the show....and those vocals. Maybe we 'll be lucky enough to see him back next season. Can't wait for Queenbert and Adam's Album 3.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed his stint on Glee, but HAPPY he is leaving! Moving on to produce his Solo stuff, i pray..( really need his solo tour, cant help it again).
@lammy ( God help me) i like your poem ( sometimes) but its goes on and on,making it difficult for me to read, you could make it shorter...# no insult intended.
@magarita lady, could you explain the poem since, you enjoyed it so much....

Anonymous said...

Please - no.

Anonymous said...

I will be starting with the fact that my expertise is in the field of writing with using the English language. I work with people (mostly young people) to transfer their thoughts to descriptive sentences and paragraphs as they write important college papers. It is a very difficult thing for many people to do this, especially if they suffer from any type of mental depression. As I read Lam-my's poetry and verse, it is very evident that she possesses an incredible talent to express herself, and may I take the liberty to say that she is like our Adam-flamboyant as the thoughts transfer from her mental waves to the pen. I can truly appreciate her verse as I am highly trained to teach people to do exactly as she does-express the English language. People like Lam-my do not see the world as black and white, but in amazing colors-that is why her poetry is rather ethereal-she literally sees Adam in another realm from the average Glambert. She could take the dullest of topics and write a descriptive poem about them. Therefore, show a little respect for her magnificent talent-it is a gift. I speed read, therefore long poetry and papers do not make me flinch in the least-learn to scan. I hope Lam-my keeps up her flamboyant verse because to me it is a pleasure, however, I live in Lam-my's mental world, which is the world of an effortless command of the English language. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Margarita Lady
It's almost like a citation on me and my poetry...feel so honoured coming from a well-versed / highly educated teacher/lecturer. And your citation itself is an admirable piece of eloquence! By the way, my former boss / English Language major, UC Berkeley, told me the same thing you did, in different words; he said to me: "I like your concept and approach of the English Language."
Margarita Lady..."I live in Lam-my's mental world..." Wow! And that I "see Adam in a different realm", yeah that is exactly it! But I didn't know how to phrase it. Thank you Margarita Lady! Great respect!


Anonymous said...

Magarita Lady and Lammy, please stop! Your comments are way too complex for poor souls like me, who come here to read about 'Adam Lambert'

Anonymous said...

Expertise in writing with using the English language? Oh, boy.

Anonymous said...

lam-my again thinks this is her blog ,a lot of folks lately use Adam's name for their own benefit , even those who claim they are fans .

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious...there is a brand new Glee thread above this one...another fresh thread after. Why don't you go there to carry out your daily ritual of destroying all the threads by your insipid callous comments, if this one is beyond your interlectual reach! This blog belongs to Admin, not my blog, be very clear about that! Moong-cha-cha !...moong/blur...cha/lousy/substandard.


Anonymous said...

Shall we have an I.Q. pissing contest?
What is deep poetic expression to one person is boring drivel to another. I think we should drop the subject before it gets uglier. Some people like Lam-my's poetry, some don't. Some like Poe, some like Keats. Some like Shel Silverstein, some like Dr. Suess. We don't agree on mustaches is it expected that we will agree on poetry?

Anonymous said...

Lam-my - You misspelled intellectual - - twice!

I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

4:56 when you're tying on an iPad a lot of words get misspelled . This isn't rocket science.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing that out. But I know why you find this thread difficult because you can't even come up with a sentence of your own.
You copied my sentence: "I rest my case." lock stock barrel. lol! And I know who you are, you gave yourself away...dig your own grave once again...moong-cha-cha lol!


Anonymous said...

Anon 4:49 thank you!
Lammy, I browse with a mobile phone and scrolling is a big deal ( seriously). So when your poems takes lots of line, difficult for me to read and appreciate and not very easy scrolling too!
It will be silly to accuse you of taking this blog over, you can't and I know you don't wanna..but call a spade a spade, not every1 here is a linguist or enjoys your gift of poetry like magarita ( who still can't explain to the anon that asked).
Consideration to others is important please...
Adam, great time on Glee, move on and give us tha album u promised!
I rest my case (lol) #stolen

Anonymous said...

okey .. now lam-my trolling and it's acceptable bc she has a tag name !
go sleep lam-my u r annoying as the other guy who has tape on his mouth .

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to another Glee episode with Adam and will miss the excitement of him being on the show, would love to see him on the last season of the show. I am also looking forward to his QAL show in July in Auburn Hills and hope to run into some people from here.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Adam on Glee. I only watch when he is on. I hope he be able to return as a reaccuring character when time premits. I am anxious to see how they write his departure. Hope they leave the door open for futue appearances.

Darren Criss really stated how much he enjoyed Adam being there. He said he would love to see Adam return when he can pull away from being a Rock Star. He had so much praise for our man. He said that everyone felt the same way. Said Adam infused all their brains.

Someone else has said that Adam made the all reach for that higher level of inside of them. He said he will really miss his fellow actor and buddy! Loved the video interview.

Just like Idol, I will watch each show again; when and if Adam returns. No other compares!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's going to happen to Jane Lynch's character?

Anonymous said...

If Adam can be on Glee some more this season or next season, I think it's great. He needs all the TV exposure he can get. He'll have time for all the rest. Lam-my, your poems are definitely your heart and soul. I don't always get them, but I like them! Keep-em coming! :)


Anonymous said...

I love watching Adam on Glee. He just fits in so naturally with the NYC cast. It will be interesting to see how Elliott makes his exit from the storyline. I wish they would leave the door open so to speak so that Adam can return for the last season of the show. I guess most of us want to hear new music from Adam and we are all waiting patiently for that to happen. In the meantime there is the Queen summer concert series and perhaps other projects and commitments we don't know about at this time. I've lost interest in Glee for quite a while and I only have watched it this season when Adam was in an episode.

Anonymous said...

Just started watching because of Adam,. Jane Lynch's character is the most negative thing on TV. She needs to go.

Anonymous said...

@March 19, 2014 at 6:48 AM

There is a very specific reason why Jane Lynch's character, "Sue", is written in that manner. I'd elaborate, but Mr. or Mrs. I-can't-digest-more-than-a-minimal-phrase-or-concept might get angsty! :)

But please do know that there is quite a significant (and imho brilliant) reason why the "Sue" Character is written and played as she is. :) I'm sure you could find something by Googling if you were so inclined. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks DRG...I think you are one of the more peaceful, amiable commenters on this site and yea you have told me many times you like my poems. Thanks!

I will continue writing my poems regardless who find it difficult to read or scroll or whatever; I've said before, only Adam can extract poems from my brain and I enjoy writing these poems; just like some enjoy bickering in those really long drawn-out rather boring back-and-forth slamming threads, often with obscene language spewed at Adam. I think your insinuation of my inconsideration because I write long poems, is illogical and somewhat out-of-line. If those long bickering threads are allowed, why aren't my long poems? You seem to be the one guilty of being inconsiderate! But thanks for stating writing poetry is my gift and your dig at #stolen gave me a tickle. Frankly, it's all just plain fun for me, nothing more.
Of course Margarita Lady can explain my poem; the fact she loves it means she has assimilated / digested it; and she teaches the subject at college level. She did exactly the right thing; I also think she needn't explain. Thanks Margarita Lady for your wisdom!


Anonymous said...

I have no dog in this fight, as the saying goes, but I will just add that I am aware of many people who have come to be familiar with each other on Adam blogs and eventually decided to communicate with each other in a less public manner, such as emailing privately, and even emailing groups.

I generally check a few Adam blogs on my ipad or the desktop, so scrolling is not an issue... but it is a bit more challenging on my cell phone. To me it is not a huge inconvenience, but my phone is not my main source of technology for blogging, if it were, I suppose scrolling (and skipping over, by, around in general would be more of an annoyance).

If there are a few posters/participants here at 24/7 that have a lot in common that seems to spill outside the realm of definitive Adam related content, perhaps they might want to consider reaching out to Admin privately to secure each other's email addresses; I think this can be done. Again, the Off-topic content never ever bothers me personally, but I would be unfair if I didn't acknowledge that there is a case to be made on BOTH sides of the issue.

Anonymous said...


Maybe you could post not as Anonymous at the top, but with your tag, as opposed to just writing in your tag at the bottom. I do not offer this idea to be hurtful, or insinuate that this suggestion is a device that others may use to scroll right by your posts... but the modern way of the world is that many people are blogging on hand held devices and with that comes a whole set of frustrations I assure you.

Honestly, I should look in the mirror and do the same, post with a tag right up front... because I do not comment often, but when I do, they tend to be lengthy! :).

Anonymous said...

The conversation between Margarita Lady and me is all Adam-related and my poem is completely about Adam; nothing private or spilling out of the Adam realm lol! It was until someone butted in rather inconsiderately that led Margarita Lady to reveal a bit her experience with college students and then reminded me of a work-related matter. So it was a provocation that started the seemingly private conversation. We were talking about Adam on Glee, Queenbert concerts, his new music, all Adam related. So I don't get the suggestion that we need private emailing, at all in this instance.


Anonymous said...

At least I pen my name after every comment. Perhaps you should go after those without names, top or bottom, first! like yourself in this case! You are putting the cart before the horse!


Anonymous said...

5:29 here
Lammy sorry if you were insulted by my previoud comment,didn't mean to insult you, just wanted to say my mind as you are entittled to post your poems.
Guess all I have to do is shut my big mouth (lol) scroll past your poems and read whatever I came here to read!
There is no need for namecalling or insults, its really really draining and totally stupid in this case!
**i sip my fergalicious wine and rest my case**

Anonymous said...

**wanted to say my mind because I am entittled to as you are entittled to write your poems**

Anonymous said...

Waoh snide comments; first paragraph. you should be ashamed of yourself who ever you are.

Anonymous said...

I think it is nice when people post their name at the top; since Anonymous is at the top.

Personally, I love Lam-my's writing. I would like to know at the beginning that I am reading them. Makes me want to read them more. If I see a long post. I always go to the bottom anyway to see who is writing; if it is
Lam-may; I would be more prone to read it!
But, she is entitled to post her name where ever she wishes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!!


Anonymous said...

if you have such along poems you should post it in your own blog and just post the link here if anyone is interested to read it ," i doubt there's any "

Anonymous said...

@8:50 AM

Why so mean and condescending to a fellow fan? You started out with a suggestion; and it all fell into the gutter at the end. what's your problem?

Anonymous said...

@3:41 AM-yes, "with using the English language", because you may not be aware that on college campuses many languages are spoken and English is the requirement for all of the college papers. Therefore, I now hope your brain can absorb the meaning of, "with using the English language", but, I have my doubts. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

You Glamberts who hate on Lam-my remind me of the people who also hated on our Adam and tried to break his spirit! Have you not learned by now that hate makes us all stronger. You obnoxious Glamberts who go after some of our beloved fans, Lam-my, Lambertlust and a few others, will not WIN! Accept them and move on with your life.

Anonymous said...

nothing , she wants to impose herself on everyone , i'm getting tired of her fights over and over again .

Anonymous said...

give me a break ! u r not allowed to compare Adam with those .. stop

Anonymous said...

Please think before you let lies roll out of your intimidated brain! Also substantiate what you mean by, I impose myself on everyone and fight over and over again! I only stand up against hateful comments like yours. I do not initiate fights! Please substantiate and if you can't, I'm calling you a liar!


Anonymous said...

@8:50AM-you idiot, you can't even express yourself, as in "along" versus "long", which it should be. Go take a class!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it's not a big deal , you always call people names ! that's what make you lam-my !

Anonymous said...

crawl back to your hole
i just forgot to put a space ,, that's all . relax no one will overshadow your stupidness ,

Anonymous said...

To 7:05
I am looking....just found Glee's Sue Sylvester Problem on the sight Vulture. No disrespect, but as a new viewer sue's character's story line is enough for me to not watch the show. I can't find one redeeming quality.she's a total BORE. I MO. I would be interestied in knowing what you do, though.

Anonymous said...

@7:15 & @7:27 weren't mean-spirited imho. They didn't "go after" anyone imho. Lam-my my fellow Adam fan, you were utterly closed down to any shred of a decent and perhaps even thoughtful notion from @7:15, and quite terse to @7:27 when there was no need to be imho. Just my POV in addition to the other perspectives shared here. It's all good, as the saying goes.

Anonymous said...

@5:29's comment also had merit... offered a valid perspective, and didn't contain name calling, in my view.

Anonymous said...

you are a moron that needs help, please stop being over-dramatic!
I don't hate Lambert, infact i actually praise him for his obvious loyalty and love he has for Adam, i don't hate Lammy, just made an observation and later APOLOGISED, so your ' you hate on us, we become stronger' speech is totally useless..

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:51
meant i dont hate LAMBERTLUST...time to leave this thread..
#couple of asskissers

Anonymous said...

My name is Caryn.

Lam-my, your paranoia is always on alert and ready to emerge punching. Just accept the fact that some of us find you pretentious, b-o-r-i-n-g, ostentatious, t-i-r-i-n-g,
pendantic and s-m-u-g. There are many who seemingly like you, be content with that. You and Margarita Lady can be cosy in your mutual mental world with your effortless command of the English language.

PS - you can't patent the phrase "I rest my case".
Anyone can use it.

Anonymous said...

Please don't call out people for their spelling. Devices sometimes substitute what they think you are starting to type. It happens all the time. It's not a very nice thing to do.

Anonymous said...

@ Margarita Lady---9:07 AM

Don't be so supercilious.
There are people on this site that also have their Ph.D.
I don't find it necessary to flap it around.
I don't come to impress, I come to celebrate Adam.
Your credentials don't mean squat.

Anonymous said...

@11:15 - yes, it is extremely rude to correct spelling and grammar. We want everyone to feel welcome to express themselves. It shouldn't matter if English is your first or fourth language, we will probably be able to figure it out. Or if your iPad goes berserk and plays tricks.
Go for it. This is a world wide fan chat.

Even the best grammarians can slip up or in my case, just not give a sh*t! ; )

Anonymous said...

kids! kids! Kids!

Stop fighting for the Love of Adam!!!
We all know how Adam makes us all feel " Young & "to love " again!!!
It's "Fandom" not "Kindergarden"

Freedom of Speech all:);):)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my has every right to post her poetry. Lambertlust has every right to post a picture of Adam's GLAMBULGE. Adam would truly love both of these wonderful fans. I think a lot of you Glamberts protesteth too much and that you are actually jealous because you are most likely very boring nonexistent Glamberts, totally unable to express anything beyond a simple sentence or phrase. SO THERE!!!

Anonymous said...

I would rather be boring than being creep like lambertlust or Narcissistic like lam-my .

Vicki in Ohio said...

@ 6:05 I also am looking forward to QAL concert in Auburn Hills! A dream come true. I will miss Adam on Glee. He was a perfect fit for the show. So happy for all the good things happening for Adam this year.

Anonymous said...

I've never complained about anything, but whoever posted that zoomed in shot of GB in blue pants awhile back was seriously creepy. Other than that I feel everyone has a right to their opinion. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

I've never complained about anything, but whoever posted that zoomed in shot of GB in blue pants awhile back was seriously creepy. Other than that I feel everyone has a right to their opinion. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Thank You my Friends !!
It's a warm feeling
To know you are so benevolent
And step up to the table
To stand by another
But we might have fallen prey
To a couple of attention-seekers
So I'll probably be more alert
Especially when I write poems
Not to respond to those
Who feel intimidated
Perhaps poetry does have a certain kind of magic
To stir up emotions intrinsic
Once again Thank You Dear Friends
For coming with your fire-hose
But the best way is still to let go... :)


Anonymous said...

Most of the posts on this thread are an absolute disgrace.

Anonymous said...

10:56 11:20
thank you for telling it like it is!