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FAN MADE: Queen ft. Adam Lambert - North America Tour 2014 Trailer

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 12, 2014


MADE BY Jesha84:

A product made completely out of excitement over this amazing opportunity to see this legendary band with such an incredible singer!!!

A crazy amount of thanks to @glamhalo, my cheerleader and researcher and all around awesome friend. We are going, girl!!! Also to my parents who also helped me with the dramatic "storyline" and finding the right words to use, and for supporting my flair for over-the-top dramatics.

Queen video credits:
-Days of Our Lives (documentary)
-Killer Queen (documentary)
Adam Lambert video credits: -American Idol
-Adam Lambert Vevo
Concert credits: -MTV Europe Video Music Awards
-LiveStream from Queen in Kiev, Ukraine 2013
-iHeart Radio concert stream 2014
Music credit:
-"Trinity" - James Dooley


Anonymous said...

is there any new news , beside queen ? i mean actual Adam news !

Anonymous said...

10:32 it's gonna be all Queenbert for a while. Get used to it.

glitzylady said...

Really fantastic job Jesha!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jesha84...pretty dramatic but it fits, because Adam is drama king. lwl! Very nicely done, in this epic-type story-line; with running credits at the end; you're very systematic, I always like that. In Cantonese, we say: Got head got tail meaning, with beginning and appropriate ending in things we do.


Anonymous said...

Great job. I really liked it.
Yes there probably will not be any other news for a while, since Adam went back to Sweden, for music and whatever, for another month. He has his reasons for being there, and I hope it is mostly music, but you cannot do that 24/7. All his own business, not ours.

Anonymous said...

Wow was that good.

Anonymous said...

This indeed is a very hectic period for Adam...sheer hard work even if he enjoys it; because it still boils down to being meticulous and error-free...not easy. Like Brian once said, they deliberate on each and every note...enjoyable but tough all the same.


Anonymous said...

Way better than promo ads by Queen. Tweet to Adam's publicist Shoshanna to see this. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous job!

Anonymous said...


Are you going to any one of the Queenbert concerts? If so, which one?

lorraine said...

@Jesha84 Beautifully done. Gave me chills. Thank you, Jesha.

Anonymous said...

10:32, no news says to me he is very busy recording. So no news is good news :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this one!!!:)

Goosebumps everywhere and thanks for your great creation Jesha!!:)


Anonymous said...

Two words . . . WHITE PANTS

Anonymous said...

3:04 am OMG, a couple years ago I said those exact words to a co-worker when talking about that music video!

Jesha did a stupendous job putting that together. The background music fit perfectly!

Anonymous said...

C'moon people, no reason to be nasty for those who crave some news - other than Queenbert - from/of Adam!
Not all here are from US and can attend the future concerts. Reading comments like "yuhuu, I got my tickets" in every thread gets a bit boring for some, I'm guessing...

Before anybody jumps on me, no I'm not a troll, nor jealous, evil, maliscious, not "a fan of others" (whatever that means?) - just understanding that some fans here would love to see other news, too! Something! A pic, a twat from the man himself! A new(old) pic?! Picture of the month?! New pics?!? Don't the Swedes recognize Adam?!! Aren't there any fans stanning Adam in Sweden!!? Glee news?! Gleeks wanting to go to Queenbert concerts?! A N Y T H I N G?!?!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me; but Adam made so much news last Friday with Queen; and all the interviews; all the excitement. Glee videos, radio, etc. So much to see. Things I am looking at, between my own life; work. So much of Adam. I know we never get enough. But, Adam has a private life too. He is not a reality show. We do not; and should not have privy to every moment of his waking life.

I just love this time for him to record and live; do what ever he wants all under the radar without someone reporting his every move. No matter what this gracious, kind man does, someone is going to complain.

Enjoy your life dear one; Hope you have some down time through all your hard work. Because very soon; "to the moon". We Glamberts will be on that rocket ship right along with you!! Peace and Love.

Anonymous said...

no , i'm not from US so there's no reason to me to be that excited honestly , but i'm happy for Adam though ..
maybe we'll have something new today

Anonymous said...

THIS is INCREDIBLE!!!!such talent to make this

Anonymous said...

This is done so beautifully. Such insight in the life of this beautiful man. Just love it. Should be the official promo in my opinion. But, the original one is great to. Love, all things Adam.

Anonymous said...

This video is so intense!! I love it!! This Queen and Adam concert is going to be so amazing and I can't wait!! Go Adam!!

glitzylady said...

Off topic, but I have to agree with this article from the Sioux City Journal: (I watched last night and this guy is pretty much spot on with his remarks about this year's Idol.)

"'American Idol' lacks the wow factor it once owned"

This excerpt starts out the article:

"Harry Connick Jr. made a big deal about this year’s “American Idol” contestants Wednesday night. He raved about their diversity, their quality, their originality.

But, really, this may be the weakest crowd yet. There’s no Adam Lambert, knocking you out from Week 1...."

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: 'We Are The Glamberts My Friend And We'll Stick By Adam Till The End' Get ready for #Queenbert

Anonymous said...

That was amazing. Thanks for the video. I'm more excited than ever to see the concert.

daydreamin said...

Jesus did an awesome job putting this together. It should be the commercial.

I really hope that everyone that can, gets to see Adam and Queen. This is my first time and am stoked!

I really wish those who are in ill health or don't have the means to get to one of these will somehow, someway able to see Adam live. It is my heartfelt wish! @JAK and @Tess4Adam I know are two of you out there I wish I could surprise and take you!

daydreamin said...

Jesha! Autocorrect at its finest!

Anonymous said...

I hate to throw shade on American Idol, but I did actually watch the audition rounds (since I saw the tide turn last year away from making fun of people and such, thank goodness) and there was actually some cool talent showcased in this year's audition rounds. I don't mean to be disrespectful to those still competing, but I can not believe the quality of what I am hearing at this point in the competition (and not in a good way). It is almost embarrassing how the show, the producers, the host, the judges - have to "hype" the competitors and the competition.. .I fall victim to the hype, and then I tune in, and I am left in awe of how not special the performances are. I guess I am being hurtful, I am not trying to comment on the competitors so much, but more the ridiculous HYPE that the main players of the show, on-air and behind the scenes, espouse... and then they are revealed to be so full of it when show time rolls around. I almost feel badly for them. I can't be the only one feeling like they are trying to "play me" ... I am nobody special, but I have eyes & ears and some music knowledge, and the performances have not been great... and as far as "IT" factor, um, ah, yeah not so much. Whatevs, just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

7:20 here

Sorry I didn't preface with an Off-topic like Glitzy did at 5:46, I should have, sorry. Hopefully everybody's scroll function works well! ;)

ON-TOPIC: Have always luv'd me some Jesha!!! Good Job.

And as far as no news, maybe just maybe sometimes that old adage is true: No news is good news! :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Wonderful video! Enjoyed every scene. Great memories. I think the focus will be on Queen right up to the tour. REMEMBER the Glee episode on April 1, everyone! We'll see how they say goodbye to Elliot, at least for a while.

Four weeks in Sweden isn't all that long. Hope Adam has already got a lot of work done there and will be able to finish up before rehearsals start for Queen. That's gonna take some time. It's so great to experience this epic time in Adam's career.

Interesting link to the Idol article. Sounds like no one has that "wow" factor that Adam has. There are always good singers on the show, but it takes more than a good voice, as we all know. Ratings are still down, I imagine. Good luck to all the contestants.



daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awesome! Gave me goosebumps!

Anonymous said...

There hasn't been anyone with the it factor since Adam.

Magiclady said...

Love the WHITE PANTS mentions. The whole look was sexy,but the pants were and will always be pretty amazing! Him singing in that outfit is an image burned in my brain...

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesha! What an incredible video! I love how you built up the intensity to the introduction of Adam. Very well done. I really loved it.

OT. Sometimes I watch AI thinking always about the exciting times when Adam was on the show and how it will never be as good as Season 8. Last night I didn't even remember AI was on.....totally forgot about it. It just doesn't have that same impact for me anymore. I do think the judges are better this year though.


Anonymous said...

There is some great talent on Idol this year.

Anonymous said...

3:40 am, if you are not in the US or Canada it must get boring to hear repeatedly about someone getting tickets. It must be difficult to read for those in the US who can't go due to physical issues or because they can't afford to travel to a concert. I hope people can be a little more sensitive about announcing going to multiple concerts or announcing repeatedly that they have tickets. I'm sure they are excited but they need to do it in a way that doesn't rub it in other fans faces.

Daydeamin, thank you for being sensitive to the subject.

Anonymous said...

I can't go. But I am so excited to hear about others going to all those concerts. It makes me so happy to see that people want to go to so many shows, and are able to do so. Always have a grin on my face in knowing that other will be going enjoying themselves and filling up those concert sites.

I would never want to stop the joy of others in celebrating this once in a lifetime experience. I think that most fans feel the same way. If I didn't enjoy the excitement; I would just scroll on by those particular sites; it is very easy to do. I would never ever try to stifle someone else's excitement; not fair!!

I can't wait to see the live streams from many of this concert goers. I cannot wait to see the videos and read everyone of their experiences; whether they went to one or many concerts.

Please don't ever feel guilty about enjoying Queen and Adam as much as you can. Because I for one want to hear everything about this once in a lifetime event for our most deserving Glam One!!

Anonymous said...

I watched AI on Demand today because I had nothing else to do. Although there were a few contestants I enjoyed like MK for instance, the IT factor just was not there. Adam was always the total package and had qualities no one could match, too many to mention here! Harry has to trump up Idol because it's his job.
He can't really say it sucks. In my estimation, Season 8 was stupendous just because of Adam Lambert period! Simon and Paula said it and Randy knows it!

Anonymous said...

@March 13, 2014 at 9:36 AM

Unfortunately, or Fortunately, this is a Fan site to discuss, and yes Fangirl and Fanboy, about Adam and his career's goings-on ... not to mention that this is blog on the WORLD WIDE WEB... I think it's a little demanding to ask that this site's contributors and participants not flail about their tickets. Having said that, I will be honest, for a split second today I got very inwardly jealous about some of the "great seats" talk, as I have rather lousy seats (and I really have to stay within a reasonable pricepoint), but that envious feeling lasted all of 3 minutes and I resumed my utter excitement for all those that have tickets, great and not so great seats. I am truly psyched and stoked for all the stories I see posted here about ticket acquisition for the various venues. @10:33 said it rather well.

ps. Way down deep, I'm not so very sure the poster at @9:36am isn't purposefully trying to subtly and passive-aggressively stir up trouble. Just a gut feeling. Sorry if that's not the case.

Anonymous said...

I, like daydreamin, think of Tess4Adam and wish I could wave a magic wand and create a scenario in which she could go to Queenbert... but I would also venture to guess that Tess4Adam would NEVER EVER want fans of 24/7, or elsewhere, to squelch their excitement about attending!!

I personally don't subscribe to the same line of thinking as March 13, 2014 at 3:40AM or March 13, 2014 at 9:36AM, and don't even really understand it either, but that's okay, I don't have to understand it. To each his own. This is a blog on the internet, gonna hear all kinds of opinions.

But again, I would venture to guess that daydreamin, and especially Tess4Adam, wouldn't want anyone here, especially someone who participates a lot and often here, to squelch their excitement and stories about the upcoming Queenbert concerts. Peace.

Anonymous said...

@.daydreamin....and others.....JAK here....
I can't speak for Tess4Adam, but I imagine she is as thrilled as I am...for Adam, for Queen and for those going to one or many of the appearances. I feel all bubbly inside and quite excited. Sometimes in life you have to accept the reality that some things are beyond your physical endurance..... And just be happy anyway!

I have a long list of things I can no longer do....but I've adapted and in my case I had a lot of glorious adventures before I had to hang up my traveling boots.
I'm surrounded by my funny family and the whole world at my fingertips thru my laptop and iPad. Life is good!

BTW...@ daydreamin...I got a giggle at the mental picture of some of you sweet Glamberts wheeling tess4Adam and I into Madison Square Garden on gurneys crying "make way, make way, Glamberts here!" :-))))))

Anonymous said...

Love the "White Pants" talk. Funny, and TRUE. And really, is there a pair of pants on the planet that Adam can't rock?

Cool vid by Jesha, an ardent fan for sure!

And regarding wanting more news than Queenbert news. Okay, whatever, I guess maybe I can see your point, but man I am sort of jealous of those people who have been able to weed through and comb over and listen to and watch and digest and play, etc. all of the Queenbert news in the first place. Real life has me way to busy to have kept up with it all. I am way behind. I don't even think I'll ever get to it all at this point, but that's okay. I am in the East and although we have had a long harsh winter, I am almost hoping for another snow storm so I can stay inside and catch up on all the Queenbert media and coverage and such!! (I said ALMOST ;)). Blah blah blah, but man, if you've made it through all the Queenbert coverage such that you're that bored and thirsty for more or addt'l non-Queenbert coverage, or not content with just Queenbert, good on 'ya, I'm glad Adam's fansite and other online sources covering Queenbert are getting all your hits & clicks!! Cool for Adam, Bri, Roger & the Band.

Anonymous said...

Great job! I totally loved every second! Thank you so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Loved the vid too!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm one of the people who can't afford to travel to another city to see Adam and Queen and I would like to see some middle ground of excitement for the people who got tickets without the boasting of going to multiple concerts and posting in every thread that you have tickets. Once is enough. The bragging is worse on twitter though.

Anonymous said...

If for some reason or another someone is not able to attend one of the concerts, that does not give them the right to throw cold water in the faces of the fans who can attend. I was happy to see the videos as they came in when Adam was on the Glamnation tour and and watch the excitement of fans from all over the world. Then there was the Glamily tour for Trespassing which was not here. There have been many, many more concerts and one offs overseas than there have been here at home. We who cannot attend, and I am one, should be happy and excited for those who can. Sounds like some people go to birthday parties and feel sorry for themselves that the presents are not for them. So sad. Just sayin... :))

Anonymous said...

Jesha, Wow! That was outstanding.

Vicki in Ohio said...

Awesome video! Really wish this could be used for promo for the concert. It gave me chills and I'm going back to watch again. Fine job and thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of fans so keen to go to the concert they are thinking of selling off their personal belongings just for the air fares, as much as I love Adam and would love to be their I'd never go this far. Instead I'm looking forward to seeing the vids and given the crowds that get to these venues you will probably see more on the vids than if their in person. The Kiev concert was sensational just like having a front row seat

tess4ADAM said...

I know & have known that any type of travel is impossible for me ... so I have contentedly resigned myself to seeing/hearing ADAM on TV or Ytube & various fan sites. Thank you all for thinking of me ... your unselfish videos & on-the-spot 'reviews' of all these wonderful 'far-away' places are so much fun for me to see/hear ... almost like being there with you all. Keep on supporting ADAM with all the Love & Loyalty you have always done ... have a great time & don't forget to keep me "posted" here at 24/7. Can't wait to 'catch up' on all your experiences ... in a way I feel as much a part of the crowd as though I was actually there!! So THRILLED for ADAM ... Love 'n Light ...

BTW ... Thanx for this GREAT promo vid Jesha ... Superb Job!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM, no it's more like going to a birthday party and wishing the person well and then that person prances around saying look at all the expensive gifts I got, look at meee!!! with no consideration of other people there.

Anonymous said...

9:07 PM
Agree. There's a lot of "Me Me Me" and "Look at ME Look at Me"in this world in which we live, and there's a lot of bragging too. It's wonderful for those who were/are able to get tickets for the Queenbert concerts but how about giving consideration to those who, for one reason or another, sadly aren't able to attend, and folk not go on incessantly about it for the next however many months. Big thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Now I know, from reading the very bottom of the thread, that the person or FEW persons posting this notion of "rubbing it in" is looking to stir the sh*tpot. When this notion was brought up early on in the thread, I thought it might be sincere, now that I read the very bottom section of this thread... I feel confidant in acknowledging that it is absolutely a sh*t-stirrer. Call it my opinion, whatever, fine it's my opinion... based on a very very transparent poster's comments. This thread is probably totally dead, but I just felt compelled to chime in anyway.

If anyone is still reading, thanks for your comments Tess4Adam. Thanks to all who share their excitement here, unbridled & redundantly & OTT or not, it's all good :). And especially thanks to those who record concerts, somewhat dampening their own live experience, so that fans may enjoy the performances on some level regardless of their personal circumstances. (Not to mention that these YT vids absolutely contribute positively to the "lore" of Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Wow! She did a better promo than the official one. The homage part was very epic indeed. The Segway into Adam's part was very appropriate. The background music and the parts she chose to go along with it really fit. My heart was pounding and I teared up before it was over. Really good. She should get a job in advertising if she doesn't already have one.
