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FUNNY! "What is this?"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

yes we all want new music. probably in the fall after queen tour. adam said he'd have new music out this year

Anonymous said...

perhaps a QUEEN tattoo?

Anonymous said...

It's a Marilyn Monroe calendar. Probably why it's still in a clear package.

Anonymous said...


This pic was posted earlier.

Anonymous said...

A Marilyn Monroe calendar - big deal - not.

Anonymous said...

Pictures of naked women on bulletin board is a must in all kind of shops where manly men

Anonymous said...

@8:52 You must have excellent eyesight - just wondering how you know it's a Marilyn Monroe calendar when the woman appears to be a brunette? 'Course, if I'm not mistaken, that was her natural hair color...:)

Anonymous said...

5:53 am, it's a rather famous calendar. Google Marilyn Monroe calendar and you can see she is blonde in the photo.

Anonymous said...

The news is there is a nude women calendar on the wall. Ok then.

Anonymous said...

I bet AL examined the Calendar. nothing goes unnoticed.