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Nile Rodgers Revealed He Has An Unreleased Collab with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, March 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!!! Nile and Adam make a great team. Can't wait to hear what they have in store for us!

xo laura

Magiclady said...

If it's anything like "Shady" I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I pray that it's true!

Anonymous said...

Shady is the gayest song I ever heared -.-

Anonymous said...

Woots. Sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh man,, heard it all now

Anonymous said...

queenonline - IMPORTANT: Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour Update

Anonymous said...

IMPORTANT: Be sure to check your inbox from 7am EDT / 11am GMT on Monday 24th March for exciting news about the North American Tour!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for them to open the can!

Anonymous said...

Ready to hear it Nile! Let it out the can would'ya?


Anonymous said...

I just love Shady; it is one of the sexiest songs I have ever heard; with Adam's vocals and Nile's guitar playing; Oh my God!

Anonymous said...

I smell the scent of skunk coming from post 2:28pm. Someone get the air fresher!

Anonymous said...

So many good things happening for our man. Soon as I wrap my brain about one good thing for Adam; another one happens. I am so excited; I could scream, but I won't, I'll just keep this big old smile on my face; and wait until I get to the concert to scream.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for someone to post the news Monday!

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to hearing what Adam and Nile have done.

Anonymous said...

@2:28PM-you freakin' idiot, you CAN'T EVEN SPELL "HEARD"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Shady its really sexy . The 2.28 freak just not worth the time of day! Most 10 year olds cannot spell. This is same one making remarks about Adams dating stuff won't say what he said or she most likely it.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 I feel the same excitement and I think I'll take your advice and scream my fool head off in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Screamers at Adam's concerts give me the screaming irrits. I go to Adam's concerts to HEAR HIM SING, NOT CRAZY SCREAMING fans.

Anonymous said...

you can spell it "heard" or "heared" , you freak ! educate your self first .

Anonymous said...

Concerts are for fans of all kind and in concerts you should let people do what they want (of course within the rules and regulations of the venue etc). It's rather silly to expect fans to be quiet when they see and hear their idol singing his heart out. I always hope that people would show respect when slow ballads etc are sung (fans in Asian countries get my praise on this one!), but concerts are mostly noisy fun, people singing, shouting and screaming, showing their appreciation.

What annoys me are the ones who are there just because they get free tickets, drinks and food, i.e. quests of companies etc, most often not even fans of the performers and they are there just to talk and mingle....arghhh!

In big arenas and stadium concerts all this "extra noice" luckily fades away...

Anonymous said...

I don't go to concerts anymore because of the audience.
I'm afraid I would scream "shut up" to the screamers around me. Rude, rude, rude. Enthusiasm doesn't equate to hysteria. Half of which is faked to get attention.
When that girl screamed out "marry me" during the dramatic pause when Adam was singing Soaked during Glam Nation Tour, my palm tingled with the desire to slap her. I've never hit anyone in my life, but it's best I just stay home and watch the videos on youtube. I know I'm missing the electric feeling of being there, but at least I can hear Adam and not get arrested for assault! : )

Anonymous said...

@8:03 are completely rude to jump on someone for a grammar error - when it was perfectly clear what they meant. Plus, it could easily have been a typing error, which we all make.

@5:25 are incorrect, "heared" is never correct.
Now I've corrected you, how does it feel?

Anonymous said...

I just hope the song in the can isn't the one Nile and Adam laughed about - oral sex on a female.

Anonymous said...

oh brother!