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Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour Update - Important News on Monday 24th March

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, March 21, 2014

VIA Queen's Official Website:

Attention all Queen + Adam Lambert fans who are signed up to the e-mail list!

IMPORTANT: Be sure to check your inbox from 7am EDT / 11am GMT on Monday 24th March for exciting news about the North American Tour!


Anonymous said...

incredible more dates will be announced! This is so cool!!!

Anonymous said...

More dates to come! More Adam fans to join the fandom and buy his music!!!

Anonymous said...

More $$$ for Adam, too.

Anonymous said...

More opportunities for Adam to hook up with young men! Party on Glambert!

glitzylady said...

Off Topic, but I loved this article!


An excerpt:

"And that’s where Lambert’s “Starchild” would come in, like he did at the start of Season 5. Elliot was a welcome change to the previous Season 4 NYC storylines about Rachel’s call-boy boyfriend Brody and Kate Hudson’s tough-loving dance teacher, Cassandra July. Lambert will sweep in with his epic vocal skills and perfect stage presence and knock a popular 80s cover out the park and breathe some life into the series. He’s proved that he’s a bright light and that’s what Glee needs if it’s going to go out on a high note."

"In reality, we’ve got nothing to worry about — Glee fans love Adam Lambert and if there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s making sure that their favorite characters stay on the series. Whether Ryan Murphy likes it or not."

Read the full article here:

Anonymous said...

Same info is also posted on Adam's official facebook!!

***Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour Update***

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert shared a link.
2 hours ago
***Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour Update***

Attention all Queen + Adam Lambert fans who are signed up to the Adam Lambert Fan Club.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to check your email inbox at 7am (EDT) / 11am (GMT) on Monday 24th March for exciting news about the North American Tour!

Anonymous said...

More good news coming!

Anonymous said...

Would love to see Adam appear again on Glee next season. He has really made an impact on the show and has shown that he can act. Hope all Gleeks let the powers that be know that Elliot needs to be part of the cast next season. Can't wait for Adam's episode on April 1.

Great news about the added tour dates!


Anonymous said...

Yea Adam may be on the brink of his artistic efflorescence; this addition of tour dates and the on-going fierce sale of AdamQueen concert tickets signal a promising turn for his career, his second breakout, I might go that far to say; the first being AI. Somehow I feel Adam may not be involved in many episodes in Glee 6; by which time his plate of delicious delicacies might not allow that kind of time; he did hint once it takes whole days to be on set; unless he is offered a deal too tempting to be turned down. Also, at this rate that AI/13 is going, they might just have to beg Adam for mercy to be on the show next year. It sure needs a whole lot of love and innovation. This season is very nonchalant! nothing much there.


Anonymous said...

I just signed up for a Queen email on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I am going to be very unhappy if I just charged all kinds of money for plane fare, hotel and tickets, only to find out they will be coming to my own city now.

Anonymous said...

Be happy and go to another show in town. Win win

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the news will be that Queen and Adam will have an album available to sell during the concert tour at concerts and of course in stores to the general public. But I expect it will be opportunities to buy tickets at a presale for the new tour dates.

Anonymous said...

With Brian's and Roger's calibre of resources and entrepreneurial expertise, they probably will produce a Queen+Adam dvd and might even reflect parts of this tour in their planned movie; to bring the movie up to present time in honour of Freddie Mercury. I do know they already have an actor to play Freddie.


Anonymous said...

8:11, I'd rather see Adam's new solo album for sale at the concerts.

Anonymous said...

Adam has no place in a movie depicting a live Freddie.
Freddie's fans wouldn't set foot in a theatre.

It's to be a Queen film, not a Queen+Adam Lambert.
He's not part of Freddie's story.

With good fortune maybe there will be an Adam Lambert bio-pic someday in the far future.

Anonymous said...

Lam my please,

Most likely they have overflow of material of Queen and Freddie for this movie, their career together lasted more than twenty years (Freddie died 1991), don't go building castles in the wind, it just aggravates and brings out the trouble makers and shit stirrers here (doubt that there are many hard core Freddie fans on this site, but better to restrain your imagination in this case), just a friendly note. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I look forward to seeing the film, if it's ever made! It's been delayed years. I was very surprised when I heard they had chosen Ben Whishaw to play Freddie.
I saw him in Bright Star, he played the poet John Keats. He's a very good actor, but he's a slight whisp of a guy, I am assuming Brian and Roger feel he can morph into a stomping, strutting peacock striding the stage with reckless bravado like Freddie did.

Anonymous said...

Since I am unable to atten a Queen/Adam summer concert, I would love to see both a cd and a dvd produced for sale from these concerts. I also would love to see a hologram(sp?) of Freddie with Adam on stage singing one of Queen's songs as Celine Dion did with Elvis some time ago. Does anyone remember that? Natalie Cole also did one with her father Nat King Cole. It's only a thought, but I find it fascinating if it could happen.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Sasha Barron Cohen supposed to play Freddie originally? I heard that got quashed when Cohen wanted to focus on Freddie's sex life, and the members of Queen stopped him in his tracks. I am not a big fan of movies that try to portray a larger than life legend. I never liked Val Kilmer playing Jim Morrison in The Doors movie. It just came off trite and silly to me. Can anyone really capture Freddie as he really was? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

JAK here..again. In my post I used the word whisp to describe Ben Whishaw....when I dropped in just now to read new posts my brain said "whisp...what the heck is that?" I did, of course mean wisp. Being the curious type I looked up means 'a flock of snipe!'

@7:01 AM...Brian was asked if Freddie would appear in hologram on this tour...he said "no"...I got the impression he wanted to emphasize that this was a Queen-Lambert presentation..a moving on from the past. A new day.

@ 8:45.... Yes, as I understand, both Sacha and the director have been replaced. Brian and Roger don't want to go for the sensational.

Anonymous said...

@5:58 You must be new to this blog having just realized Lammy is so full of herself and her imagined flights of fancy that she will fight you to the death over. She is a legend in her own mind.