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Very Sexy!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Anonymous said...

DED! Omfg! UNF!

Anonymous said...

this made my day, I will be smiling yet when I fall asleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

This made my day also. Adam looks amazing and I love those animal print shirts that he wears.

Anonymous said...

I'm a sucker for man's neck and jawline. So masculine. Cuddle spot.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God; I think I just passed out from the beauty of Adam M. Lambert. I don't know what else to say; this man is so handsome and nice and, I could go on and on. He is just so perfect beyond words. Talented to the maximum; what more what we ask for as fan?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous overload

Anonymous said...

I love that man! Such a handsome, sexy man. He sure is extremely special. I don't know what words to use anymore to describe Adam. Gorgeous, handsome, sexy are so overused but all I can say is, he is what he is.......sigh.


Anonymous said...

I am definitely not a troll, but have seen pictures of Adam much sexier. I didn't fall down when I saw this. Nice though.

Anonymous said...

new tweet from @adamlambert #Dionysus

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes his men naked, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

The strangest things just crawl out of nowhere like at 11:11am poster; so strange?????

Anonymous said...

@10:52 AM

I know what you mean; all Adam's are so sexy, hard to choose. I came to that conclusion after I recovered from my fainting spell after taking one look at this photo.

The nice thing is, that the man is so gorgeous; there are so many pictures and something for everyone to choose from and love!!

Anonymous said...

I am 11:11
I was referring to LAMBERTLUST's new tweet from Adam.

Anonymous said...

The miracle that is Adam - as beautiful in the inside as he is on the outside!

Anonymous said...

10:35am CT ... Ha, spot on!

Adam is a supreme example of a beautiful soul animating a beautiful face. The combined force of that is earth-shaking. So easy to love.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

If you look up the word gorgeous in the dictionary or Thesaurus, Adam's picture should be right next to it. I think all the best words have been used to describe Adam so often that we have to invent a new one.

Anonymous said...

I'm for that. Gorgeous is all worn out, a new word is needed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a thing of beauty to behold, not just an image to look at, but what he represents to us from many years of knowing him (cynics may scoff at my "virtual" knowledge of this man, but the pervasiveness of virtual reality, with "virtual" being defined as "possessing the essence of truth" should give weight to my assessment of this artist and man. Another description is what Roger Taylor calls "stature" (from Merriam-Webster: quality or status gained by growth, development, or achievement"; "high prestige; also, "natural height", (we know this includes going barefoot on stage and flouting convention, wearing high-heeled shoes.
As we check off each adjective or superlative we ascribe to his being, Adam perhaps unwittingly adds another dynamic. Adam's beauty compels and lasts; the gaze we cast on him returns to us with the inference that beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder but resides in the beholder himself. At least that is the effect of the act of beholding. It was a new revelation to me that Adam remembered the faces of everyone he met, which explains why they come under his spell so readily. It's evocative of the infinity sign he wears, that eternal loop and exchange between him and beholder. Of this gift, one early interviewer observed that Adam made him "feel special". (Who says that of anybody?)
Adam's committing our faces to memory must be a given part of the infinity exchange, not necessarily with the design to ingratiate him to us. It identifies Adam as one who values people for who they are. The Rolling Stone magazine quote about him illustrates this quality vividly,(please forgive, if memory serves me not so accurately): "At his core, he is the hardest thing to come by in Hollywood: a flower child who prizes love over money, peace over power". Poetic justice, how Adam is poised to have it all anyway.

Anonymous said...

Gurl ! Make it short , no one will read such a long post

Unknown said...

My tickets to Adam and Queen just arrived today. Soooo excited to see him perform. I am a huge fan of his voice and his person, really.

Anonymous said...

You're so wrong!
I just read the post @3:28 and wish there were more posts like that! Posts that are so much more than the ooohhs and awwws (although I like them, too --- it's Adam's fault, lol!)

Sorry for those who are only capable of reading and writing max. 4 lines...Nothing to be proud of!

Thank you for your post, I enjoyed it very much!
My prediction: many theses will yet be written about this exceptional man and his presence, 'the aura of AL' and the mesmerizing effect he has on people who meet him... are lucky to be near him....

Anonymous said...

Adam is DELECTABLE indeed!!!:)



Anonymous said...

A Mea Culpa on the Very Long Post: Not to align myself with Ernest Hemingway, praised for brevity in his prose, among other attributes, but on this matter, I offer his apology: "Sorry for such a long letter; I didn't have time to write a short one".

To be honest, though, time was less an excuse than English being my second language to practice here. Which brings me to another explanation--to draw from these American culture footnotes: "We try harder" and "Just do it". In other words, I tried hard to be brief in my English, failed, and if it displeases, I just did it, too bad. Also, thanks to this site for an excellent platform peopled with enlightened ones who recognize a need to express a viewpoint or, in some cases, find vindication.

Anonymous said...

When I see a picture of Adam like this, singing, I just want new music from him. I want to see him on stage just blowing everyone away with his insanely impressive vocal performances. I want to see the joy and happiness in his face with his ability to connect to the audience. I want him to get all the respect and recognition that he so deserves beyond what he now has. Yes, I want it all for Adam Lambert and hopefully this year will be the best for him in his professional and perhaps his personal life also.

Anonymous said...

@3:28PM- As a retired high school English teacher, I must commend you on your comments about something we have in common...Adam Lambert. In this day and age of texting, twittter and people no longer able to write in sentences or paragraphs, you did quite well for someone with English as a second language. I think that many of us who are Adam fans can go on and on about everything we like about the man and then some. I love your use of quotes, the dictionary and even Hemingway. The only way to be a better writer is to keep on writing especially about something or someone you feel you know. There is no need to apologize for your heartfelt comments in a language that is very difficult to master.

Anonymous said...

@3:28 & 7:13 Long or not, I enjoyed reading your post also. :) If English is your 2nd language and you express yourself that well, I can only imagine how well you write your 1st language!!

Anonymous said...

Not bad. There are many other pics of Adam I prefer.

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS! Except for that little fat under his chin. I hope he gets rid of it completely.

choons said...

@10:01 that's where he stores the high notes - better let him keep it.

Anonymous said...

Let's see a pic of your chin?!?
Wish this site could get rid of the likes of you completely! Geez.

Anonymous said...

@10:01 Gimme a break. A pic of a man that drop-dead gorgeous, and that's what you chose to notice? Sheesh!!