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What is it about Adam Lambert's Voice?

Filed Under () by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Eh! OVERKILL..Not interested in the "why's" and opinions and recitation of range. Even he doesn't want to discuss what notes in the upper and lower range he hits.
I just enjoy hearing him sing. Simple fact.

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy the article. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

So why read and comment if you r not interested scroll on please

Anonymous said...

So extremely talented. I love how clear his voice is and thAt I can understand every word. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cassie for this...I love reading your essays on Adam

Anonymous said...

Love this interesting essay on Adam. He has amazing talent and sings beautifully! Thanks for writing this!

Anonymous said...

Most voices simply don't require this level of analysis. They're just not distinctive enough. Most voices in the rock/pop world are pretty ordinary, many enhanced by technology. Adam's voice gets write-ups like this because it is so especially good. Otherwise, no one would bother to pay so much attention to it. That voice, combined with his looks and stage presence, attracts attention. His voice is so fine and he uses it so skillfully. No wonder opera singers and voice experts have written about it.


Anonymous said...

Adam vocal range is so amazing.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Hit the nail on the head. Thankyou.

Anonymous said...

That is one thing I have noticed. When he sings a cover, all of the sudden I can hear every word clearly.

Anonymous said...

No die hard Freddie fan is going to change their mind by reading something like this. They already made up their mind. Not everybody has to love Adam like we do. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes this smother love for Adam goes so overboard, it's creepy . Like worshipping at a shrine.
I'm crazy about the guy, but I'm not - c r a z y !

Anonymous said...

DRG Why does Adam's voice require any level of analysis? Will we like it more, appreciate it more?
Can't we just know we love to hear him sing?

Sometimes I think these paeans of praise are to glorify the writer instead of the subject.

And in some musical publications in the UK the opera singer Angelina Kalahari is considered a kook.
Fixated, fascinated, crazy bout the boy!

Anonymous said...

some people just love to analyze, just like me. so thank you very much for the essay ! Axel

Anonymous said...

What credentials does Cassie have to analyze Adam's voice? Is she a professor of voice prowess? In any event, she's preaching to everyone who already believes it.

Anonymous said...

This site does have some of the most whiniest fans(?) of Adam Lambert...geesh. Is there ANYTHING you don't complain, criticize or whine about?!?

@Cassie, so appreciate your postings re Adam's voice, I have read so many of them during these years! You have a gift of saying and describing these
"vocal things" (totally out of my league) in a way that makes even a dummy like me understand the uniqueness of Adam's voice and talent from a professional, 'scientific' pov, not just from my gut, heart & soul... To me this is not analysing, this is more like trying to solve a riddle, what is it that makes his voice & presence so mesmerizing?!!??
THANK YOU, Cassie!