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Adam Lambert: "I Was Blown Away By @katyperry's Prismatic Tour Last Night!"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, May 31, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 31, 2014


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the production numbers are the key factor in putting a tour together now. It's all lights, smoke, color, costumes, sets and dancers. And many or most of the songs involve lip synching don't they?(Britney Spears in Vegas). I don't know about Katy. I guess that's what the audience wants. Is this what Adam is going to do on his next tour when the third album comes out? We had all that glitz and glitter with the Glam Nation tour and Adam's image has changed since then. I'm just speculating about what he will do because he has the voice, does sing live, has an amazing stage presence and sometimes those dancers around him and the backup singers can be distracting. It will be interesting to see how the Queenbert tour will be produced. To me the music is the most important aspect of it and everything else is secondary. But that is just one person's opinion...mine.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Katy's production is amazing,but she doesn't sing well live.But her songs are catchy and she has millions of fans.

Anne Marie said...

So glad he was in the right place to see her concert. Probably the first time he has seen her tour, and now she is one of his neighbors.
Also he will most likely go and see the closing show of "We will rock you" musical, put on by Queen. It has been non-stop running for 11 years. Brian and Roger will be playing part in of it. Sad ending for them. But they are thinking about a sequel 2

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry can't sing her way out of a paper bag

Anonymous said...

Adam was blown away by the production. Didn't see him write about her voice. But she does know how to put on a show.
I don't think Adam will ever resort to lip sincing. He has a voice , and he knows it. This is what people come to hear.

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly doesn't have the budget right now for a huge production show for A3. I agree that I'd rather have his voice at the forefront than a lot of stuff going on all around him. But you never know. It may happen someday. I liked the little dancing he did on GNT and the Asian tour. I think Katy's voice is fine for what she is doing. She's fun and frivolous. Perfect for her fans. Glad Adam enjoyed her show. And they're going to be neighbors!



Anonymous said...

From what Roger and Brian have said, the Queen tour is going to have the biggest and best production that they have ever had, but I guarantee you they will not be lip sincing.

glitzylady said...

In spite of the fact that Katy isn't the world's most perfect singer live, I like her music for the most part, and I think her newest album, Prism, is a step above the album previous to it.. which I also liked..

I don't think that she lip sync's during her live performances, at least she didn't at the iHeartMusic Festival in Las Vegas last Sept.. (it was pretty obvious that she was singing live, a few off-pitches and all). And I have to tell you she does an admirable job dancing, jumping rope, etc.. while singing.. But in spite of the occasionally less than perfect vocals live sometimes, I like Katy and I think she is hugely entertaining. The MGM Grande arena was rocking out when Katy was performing...

And she is a good friend to Adam, which is a big plus in my book as well.. Her support of him during his Idol days, and her intro to him on the iHeartMusic Festival in LV was wonderful..

As for the big productions for the tours, I hope to heck :) that Adam has some major success with his music the next time around and he can do some amazing production for a tour.. One of the best, if not THE best tours I've seen is Pink's, last year.. She's one of my favorite singers, and her production/show/concert was unbelievable..and wonderful in every way. The production didn't detract or distract one bit from her fabulous music and more importantly, her voice. IMHO.

I DEFINITELY wish that for Adam one day.. And I'm looking forward to seeing what magic Adam and Brian May and Roger Taylor are coming up with for their tour!!!

Anne Marie said...

I hope Adam will continue to be a one man front man, for his tours. He has enough charisma, and sexiness, and stupendous voice, that he does not need to cover up any inadequacy with fluff, like dancers and back up singers. He rarely just stands at the mic and sings, he is all over that stage, he owns it. He has gotten away from all the make up
and now we see him as he really is. A good looking man with a great voice, who knows how to entertain people from a little birthday party, to 200,000 or 300,000 people, it's all the same to him. He said " The stage is my happy place"

Anne Marie said...

I like Katy Perry too, firstly, because she backed him on Idol. I think she is a serious performer, and in her off time a nut case, which makes Adam laugh. He likes her too. Seems like you expect the female performers to have a more outlandish production of their tours, than the male performers. I am trying to think of a male performer who would put on a production like Katy's or Pink.

Gabi said...

Katy Perry is probably the kind of artist who profits greatly from a big production number. Her voice alone doesn't cut it. I consider Adam a different artist whose strength lies in his vocal capabilities and natural stage charisma. Of course he can pull off a more "theatrical" show - that's why he's so well suited for Queen - but so far(!) my favorite performances of his even with Queen are the ones where his voice shines. (Who Wants To Live Forever, Show Must Go On)

I am very curious where his new music takes us. How will he surprise us?

Anonymous said...

“@adamlambert: @glamisback haha no. The red fur jacket (designed by @TheBlondsNY ) has been retired. Sesame Street called...”

glitzylady said...

Bruno Mars puts on a pretty fabulous show too.. He's a guy :)) I also saw his show last summer, and loved it. He has a great voice, he had a really great collection of musicians, and some dancers.. AND he had PYRO! :) Some of his numbers were huge production numbers, others were more simply presented.. It all worked very well, and Bruno's voice always stood out. It helps to have a really great sound production crew working on it too..

Adam comes from theater, he loves the lavish production (just watch his Zodiac Show performances..for instance "Crawl Thru Fire") to get a taste of that..

There are some songs that obviously are best sung, and appreciated, with just Adam's voice, and some minimal musical accompaniment, but some songs, especially the more "fun" upbeat ones, certainly, could still be wonderful with some other things going on. And we can still hear that phenomenal VOICE, if the sound mix is done right..

I suppose it really just boils down to personal preference. But MOST of all, I would love to see Adam do what HE prefers, and LOVES to do, which is sing and perform.. his way. Always...

You can take the man out of the theater, but you can't take the theater out of the man!!!


Anonymous said...

Eeek!!:) For me, my priority is the voice and showmanship.:) I go to concert to hear live voices that's all!:) Big production is only secondary for me he!he!...


Anonymous said...

I know most of you won't agree with me on this, I loved Adam singing with the Zodiac show, and his Crawl thru Fire. BUT, I think he was trying to prove just how gay he was, and thought this is how gay people should act. He was as feminine as he could be, even putting it on for show. So glad he doesn't feel he has to prove anything any more. He is a gay man, take it or leave it, and he is proud of it, but he is a man not a fairy, it's not his character.

Anonymous said...

Being gay, is simply preferring the same gender for sexual reasons. This who Adam is, he is not a tranny, but he does support them. He is not what some people call a flamer, he is just a simple gay man, along with a million others.

Anonymous said...

well ..
a good voice with amazing production is all what i want :)
Adam have the voice of course but come on ! i want a whole show ,with all this fancy stuff, not just a voice .


glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:33 AM
I was referring to the type productions that were typical the Zodiac Show, as an example of "production".. Lavish and a little wild and crazy and sexy and a more than a little "Burning Man" esque.. Or "Hair" esque for that matter. I don't consider Burning Man to be "gay" :))... And the Zodiac Show wasn't necessarily "gay" either. Although Adam did look pretty fabulous in it!

Obviously Adam was at a different point in his life and his career, but I would think he still loves the excitement and craziness of that type of show.. I know I do, and I'm not gay...not that it matters one way or the other!

Just wanted to clarify my use of that example..

That said, I wouldn't necessarily expect to see Adam doing that particular type of show in the future.. But who knows!!

Anonymous said...

I love how Adam can switch from a huge performance with dancers and lights to just using his incredible voice. 😊

Anonymous said...

I am glad that for the most part we can voice our opinions on this site, without friction. This is how it should be.
I believe this started with Adam loving Katy's show, and I am sure it was just as fabulous as he says. I am so glad for once he was able to see her. More than likely she had an after party.
Hope he is seeing the "We will Rock you" last show, as we speak, considering the time difference. I am not aware if he has ever seen that musical, and tonight Brian and Roger will be in it.

Anonymous said...

I love great production concerts. JT, Mars, Usher, MJ, Pink, Madonna, etc. It's for entertainment. Most people don't care for voice. They want to hear great music with great stage production. Why Avicii and Guetta are huge? Because they know how to excite people with mixing music. Queenbert will have huge stage production with great music and Adam as frontman. I love all the bells and whistles in a concert.

Anonymous said...

Katy perry is not Adams friend and she doesn't give a shit about him. She goes on and on about sam smith and Bruno mars and never said one word about either of Adams albums when they were released. I heard an interview with her once when she put down people who go on idol and said professionals should be beyond the talent show stage. Which is her right but people who want to believe she is his buddy just because she reads an introduction she is given are incredibly naive. They both are friends with markus and that is where their associations start and end.

Anonymous said...

@11:33 AM

I for one, strongly disagree with you! From Adam's younger theater days; I think that Adam was always a bit theatrical. I remember on Idol right before he sang "Mad World" and they
showcased the parent's and the Idol's stories before Idol; he said, "he always liked to dress in costume and he wanted a suit and a tie" and dress up like a grownup. He was in Hair; and all of his performance before Idol seemed to be a natural progression for him. Doing what he love; and not trying to prove anything to anyone.

If anything, I think he is toning down his beautiful elaborate performances now; so that he can fit in and sale records. But, he would probably love to put on the fabulous shows; costumes and all that are such a part of him; the public would probably love it! I think he needed to conform; and that is what he is doing to a certain extent; so that he will be accepted and sale records and fit in to the happenings of the industry.

Looking at all the performances before Idol; he was fabulous and I loved his Glamnation tour. Yes, I do agree; Adam is a Gay man avd very proud of it. Adam is also a very intelligent man; so now he is doing what he needs to do. I bet he will enjoy being with Queen to the hilt!! This is how I feel; and just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

Also, katy Perry's music is total crap geared toward teenage girls. I can't understand any adult who would listen to it or who finds that music enjoyable

Anonymous said...

I think Queen tour will not have dancers or such. Their production will be unbelievable lighting and backdrop. The emphasis on the music and the singing. Brian might even have a costume of sorts, he has before.
The front man (Adam) and the guitarist (Brian), will be the whole production, anything more, will distract from these iconic men. Adam will have classy costumes.

Anonymous said...

I am 12:36
I forgot to add Roger, he will of course play his drums, as well as come down and sing either solo, or with Adam. It will be a great show. No one will top it, not any show that spent millions on bells and whistles, will come close.

Anonymous said...

@12:09 PM
He is seeing it tonight. He is there with Shoshanna. There are some tweets and one very blurry photo that confirm it.

Anonymous said...

12 33pm

I have read where Katy knew Adam during Idol. She also wore a White Cape that had Adam's name sewed on the back of it. A lot of fans of others did not appreciate that. But, she took the chance anyway; informing all of her fans know who she was for. Also, she attended the Premire of Michael Jackson's, "This Is It Premire with him". I think the pictures were posted on this site; they looked adoreable. Also Katy and Adam sat at the same table next to each other at Elton John's Annual charity event when Adam first met him.

I have seen Katy run up and grab Adam when she see's him on the Red Carpet. Wispering in his ear at an event; all from picture I have seen. Also the IHeart, and probably many times we know nothing about. Katy was there when Adam and the other entertainer were playing around and she was taking pictures and playing with them.

So what if she likes other people and other entertainers? My goodness; we know nothing about their relationship. What difference does it make who introduced her to Adam? I am pretty sure that Adam and Katy can handle more than one friend or acquaintance at a time!!

Anonymous said...

And if someone mentions that bloody cape one more time, I'm gonna SCREEEEEAAAAMMMM!!!

Lol, jk!

Anonymous said...

I think that if Adam ever gets the chance, he WILL do a full-out elaborate stage show. Why not? He loves it. And it doesn't have to diminish his vocals at all. I love him all alone on stage, too. Whatever makes his happy and successful is ok with me.


glitzylady said...


By the way, when I mentioned above that I didn't think he'd do a show like Crawl Thru Fire, I was referring to his make-up etc.. He said he's not doing that any more.. But who knows. The lavish production, very likely!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention when Katy was on the red carpet outside, she ran over and pinched his butt, while he was talking to someone, with his back to her. I believe he turned around and did it back. All fun. They really like each other and are good friends.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, If he returns to doing any shows like that again, his career is gone. I was referring to his make up also. He came very close to it with GNT, I watched the DVD again last night. Did not like the show much any more. He has matured so much since those days. I would rather listen to the CD now.
If he ever did a full on production, he might as well let some one else pay for it and do a Broadway show. Don't think he is ready for that yet. I think he still has a mind set or some more acting.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry's voice may falter sometimes singing live, but most of the time she sounds great. And recording wise, "I'm Wide Awake" stopped me in my tracks. Fanomanal in every way. One of her best.

The thing with Adam, I think we're spoiled a bit because he is so powerful live, whether singing a soft song or full on Rock. Gaga just came out and said what Adam expressed earlier this year (?)- singers should SING at a concert. That's what the fans want to hear.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

When will you all stop thinking Adam will do and act what women of 50+ think he should do and how he should act!
So annoying and ludicrous!

Anonymous said...

And for those that don't understand my made-up word Fanomanial it means Phenomenal. Yes, I meant to type it that was because I don't know how to spell. :)

Sad skills.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

@11:33 and @11:37

The Dark Side said...

I believe Adam and Katy are probably casual friends and now neighbors. Adam has his own inner group just as all celebrities. Also his lifestyle is different than most. As dor over produced shows, Katy lime Gaga, Mikey, etc. put on the see librate productions as it's their thing. Adele kinda goes on stage and sings because she doesn't need bells and whistles. Neither does Adam. I can see more shows like GNT, but less costuming. But who knows, Adam does the unexpected.

Anonymous said...

There you are!
What happened?
Did you take a few days' vacay?

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm deeply upset. Katy's outfit is the same one I chose for our Fourth of July beach my appearance will be anticlimactic ! ....... JAK

Anonymous said...

12.33 we really don't give a S--t about you and your ridiculous troll lies. Nothing you said holds any water.

Anonymous said...

12:35 - 12:36 #1
Good posts!

Anonymous said...

Haha! JAK, love it! Would have loved to see your pictures, though. Too bad Kay beat you to it.


Anonymous said...

Brian said in a recent interview that "there will be no dancing" on their tour. And he chuckled when he said it. Queen is definitely not a dancing kind of band. Just let the frontman strut his stuff and we'll all be extremely happy.


Anonymous said...

Don't think you have ever been a true fan of the real Adam, sorry to say!

Anonymous said...

Katy is beautiful and should go into modeling. Her singing isn't that good. Adam should work with her on her vocal. She has great creativity, but her voice isn't the best.

Anonymous said...

Katy is beautiful and should go into modeling. Her singing isn't that good. Adam should work with her on her vocal. She has great creativity, but her voice isn't the best.

Anonymous said...

Why should Katy go into modeling?
She is apparently doing the thing she loves or at least is getting her pretty secure financally; she has purchased two homes in Adam's new neighbor. Also, her millions of fans would not be very happy if she is not around, I would think!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but Katy is toooo well endowed to be a model, not tall enough and does not have thin legs.
Adam could do nothing with her voice She has her own voice teachers, and you can either sing or you can't.
She is doing very well with her type of showmanship and musical productions, leave her be.

Anonymous said...

Keep your childish opinion to yourself. Just because some one does not agree with you, does not mean they are not a fan of Adam.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady @ 10:27 - I also saw the P!NK concert last year with my granddaughter. P!NK was incredible. But I have to admit I kept thinking (and even said to my granddaughter) 'if only Adam had that kind of budget'! Maybe not for Album #3, but perhaps someday he can go all out with production too. Hope springs eternal ....

Anonymous said...

i hope adam wears eye liner for the tour & i loved the gnt

Anonymous said...

Please no more dancers and backup singers with Adam's own tour. All we need is Adam and his voice!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady I love you a lot. But sometimes I think that you are insane! They caught Katy twice on big shows. Most of the singers can't sing live because their performances require a love of moves, dancing, or flying on the robe about the stage :) And I can't blame them for this because nobody cares about vocals in our time but everybody want to see the lasers, a lot of dancers and sex moves on the stage. Katy never sings live on the stage, I read about this few times. But Gaga sings live most of the time.

Anonymous said...

The troll on here is so afraid we are going to think Adam has more friends than he does. They have posted the same comments on here before. I am not even going to try and figure it out. Lol

Anonymous said...

11:48 PM
i think the troll is being a troll and that's why he/she wrote this kind of comments , and they get you guys EVERY TIME ..!

Anonymous said...

If someone's comment is immature it's @2:28. They have not gotten Adam in the first place and that's not an opinion, that's a fact you can read from that comment!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:41 PM
She sings live quite a bit of the time. She sang live at iHeart. It was obvious. She lip syncs sometimes during her Prismatic Tour, so I've read.. She generally sings live when doing a performance for TV, etc... As for me being insane... (about Adam).... You're probably correct..


Anonymous said...

"nobody cares about vocals in our time..."
Bollocks! What a load of crap!!!


No wonder Adam has a hard time getting where he should have been a long time ago... his so called fans are busy liking and promoting so many others...