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Adam Lambert liked Damon Barker's photo on Instagram!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 24, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 24, 2014

via Lambertlust 


Anonymous said...

Damn that guy is SMOKIN Hot ;)

Anonymous said...

Another tranny :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do these people send their IG photos to Adam, or does he go thru hundreds of them every day?
I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Is that Damon Baker or a photograph he took? He is a photographer.

Anonymous said...

me too,that is an artistic look

Anonymous said...

Why is it so blurry?

Anonymous said...

Idk why the admin posted the photo downgraded quality. Here's the tweet cap with the direct IG link also

Anonymous said...

Admin Fan is Mrs. Lambertlust.

She sure likes to chose the IG likes that will stir up trouble here.

Anonymous said...

What trouble, only by the simple minded. I think it is a beautiful picture and beautiful man; I can see why Adam liked it. Well someone on here that is so judgemental and someone may look at their picture and say "another tramp"; just saying.

Anonymous said...

I agree; he is very hot!!

Anonymous said...

1 07pm

If Adam goes through the pictures; or they are sent to him; what difference does it make, it's his time. It's nothing for you to get. Just enjoy them; or not! Does not really matter.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just beautiful; Adam knows beauty when he sees it! But, no one is more beautful than Adam!

Anonymous said...

OT just because I thought this tweet was funny

God @TheTweetOfGod · May 20

If you say something stupid and then defend it by saying "I have a right to say it," you've now said two stupid things.

Anonymous said...

I think it's an extremely artistic picture and I can see why Adam would appreciate it. The man's jaw line is very similar to Adam's. Adam is all time beautiful though IMO.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful picture that shows both the model's masculine and feminine side. Love it! I can see why Adam likes it. He has good taste.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@3:08 PM

Don't worry about what Adam is doing; you sound so ignorant and disrespectful of Adam; why are you concerned about, how you so delicately put it, "He is not working his ass off". I think perhaps you should worry more about what your own behind is doing; and leave Adam's body parts; and what he is doing with his life alone.

You are not supporting him financially are you? Not a member of his family; not his boyfriend, his management. Then who in the heck are you, and where do you get the nerve to try and tell this amazing, wealthy hard working super star how to spend his time? You sound so, so foolish!

Anonymous said...

3 08pm

You sound very homophobic? Why in the world are you following Adam Lambert around if you cannot accept him for who he is? You certainly arn't going to change him. Might be a good time for you to consider your options, just saying!

Also, in your second paragraph, first word; What do you mean by the word, "Anyroad", right before Adam's name? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture, what a beautiful man. Adam loves pretty things. He knows beauty when he sees it; since he is beauty personified!!

Anonymous said...

@Byroncooke: 24 hrs till my @AdamLambert @QueenWillROCK interview! Coming soon to @musicgeek YT channel!

Anonymous said...

3:39 Anyroad is more of a European expression maybe thats where 3:08 is from. Just saying lol

Anonymous said...

@2:03 PM

Oh snap!! You are so funny; love the tweet, thanks for bringing it over! Laughing so hard from your post; but, it rings so true!! Laughter seems to make the crazy easier to take!!

Anonymous said...

"Anyroad" specifically expression from an area called Sheffield in England. So never assume these bloggers are only from the States.

Anonymous said...

@5:01 PM

Thanks, I was wondering about that too! I never heard it before either; even from friends from Europe.

Anonymous said...

That poster @3:08 still has a bad, nasty attitude when it comes to Adam Lambert; no matter where they are from. Being rude is the same all over the world. Where you are from is no excuse for such ignorant statements!!

Anonymous said...

@5 01 pm

Just saying what? He or she is still a very rude and arrogant creep referring to Adam Lambert in the way that they did!

Anonymous said...

5:14 As Adam would say "Its not that deep. The model in that photo lives in England name Jack Borkett. He is an editor for a magazine.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He is fashion editor, and works for a few magazines.

Anonymous said...

Troll bait.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He is quite a nice looking guy.Kudos to the photographer, got us all talking.

Anonymous said...

He is quite a nice looking guy.Kudos to the photographer, got us all talking.

Anonymous said...

Well, that guy is definitely smoking. I am not sure if he's MY type of hot. Anyways, is about taste, it's personal.

Anonymous said...

7:14 pm, it's OK if you don't understand androgyny.

Anonymous said...


There you go again; don't you get it by now? Adam posts plenty of Instagrams that he finds interesting. Some he probably doesn't even know the subject. Just interesting pictures that he wants his fans to see. Why so uptight about everything that Adam does; All your posts seem to be borderline obsessive.

What real women would you suggest that Adam get? You! or what real man would you suggest that Adam get? You! Whoever Adam gets as your put it; or already has, is none of your business. If Adam wants to look at, or be with the best look of both genders; that is none of your business either.

Instead of worrying about why Adam Lambert is interesting in certain pictures on the internet? Why don't you worry more about your own relationships and things you can do to improve your own life. Pretty sure that Adam can take care of his; without your imput, he has so far!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Man!

Anonymous said...

God bless you all!!!

Anonymous said...

I just came from twitter and a rumour circulating is Queenw/AL are going to be on OZ xFactor in the judges houses. .?? Far fetched I know.

Anonymous said...

Adam is like the rest of us, he doesn't know what he wants until he sees it. It's like going to a yard sale, you never knew you wanted that special something until you saw it. Then you knew it was what you had been looking for a long time. Adam is still looking.

Anonymous said...

That rumor is already posted on here. Look up.

Anonymous said...

That rumor is already posted on here. Look up.

Anonymous said...

Not so far feached. ADAMs performed on the show before and who knows if they're clinch
him AND Queen this year. Sounds crazy but the timing could be correct. ADAM knocked the socks off those judges last time in OZ. Left them breathless.

Anonymous said...

8 54
Before you write something about instagram you might want to educate yourself how ig works, because your post makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:54 read a book. quit assuming that someone or something wants Adam Lambert by a simple comment. If he wants feminine, get a woman. A man in lace gloves just don't do it.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:54 Your comment is over the line ignorant. think before typing.