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Adam Lambert share a link on FB!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 22, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

I would consider an on stage VIP ticket ... If they would let me lie down on the stage! .....that's the only way I'd make it thru a concert!...JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK - Just learned that these concerts are going to be over two hours long. That's a long time to Rock n Roll!

Anonymous said...

JAK, just have them replace your chair with a recliner. I'm pretty sure your grandson can arrange that.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:53....I could make it as long as I'm horizontal! I frequently rock out bed dancing to my favorite CDs.
However I wouldn't want to do it on stage with an audience of millions who might catch a glimpse of me.

I have an occasional audience of one. My husband wanders in when he needs a good laugh!....JAK

@ 4:37...... Nope , recliner won't work, they kill my spinal discs! :-(

Anonymous said...

Adam's management posting on his Facebook again

Anonymous said...

So? What's wrong with that?
Normal operating procedure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know Adam.

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam and/or his management is using his FB.

Anonymous said...

Adam has made quite a few comments on his Facebook page recently.

@4:48PM - that's a snarky remark. Maybe you're trying to stir up trouble.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are no more VIP packages in the cards for me. I almost went "glambroke" already.

Anonymous said...

So many people are on Facebook now. It's a good idea to market yourself on Facebook as well as on Twitter, etc. Maybe even better. I think Adam has a large Facebook following.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion to @Glitzylady, Admin fan:

When you post from Adam's Facebook, there is a data width number as part of the embedded code that you copy here. Change that data width code to lesser number so Adam's Facebook post can fit perfectly on this website thread's space.