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Biography of Adam Lambert's music career. Insert from 'Best Of Adam Lambert' CD!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, May 25, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, May 25, 2014


Anonymous said...

That's a great biography of Adam's music career :)

Anonymous said...

Nice bio but they left out his Queen appearances . .then and now.

lorraine said...

I was shocked to read that the writer identified Adam's cover of Cryin' as the famous tune by Roy Orbison,while, in fact it was Steven Tyler's and Arrowsmith's song!!!!Does anybody edit or check information before it goes into print today??? Are we Glamberts more informed about Adam and his career than those in the music industry- whose job it is to know these things/ SO FRUSTRATING! Did anyone else notice this?

Anonymous said...

The bio may have gone to print before Queenbert was confirmed. That's one of my explanations for the omission of the Adam and Queen tour, however, the anticipated increase in popularity from that tour may have been the trigger and major incentive to release "Best Of.." after all. Love the mention of "A Change Is Gonna Come" as one of the standout Idol performances. Why(??) is that song not on the cd? I did not notice the unfortunate mistake over "Cryin" though. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the article was not edited for correctness as Roy Orbinson was famous for CRYING and Arrowsmith was famous for CRYIN'-therefore the author got them mixed up. I immediately caught the error as I love both songs, however, totally different genres. Glamberts can never be fooled by incorrect information-we just know too much about our Adam. Other people are not quite as astute as we are! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Why not just quote CaligirlRenee instead of running everything through Lambertlust?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a big outfit would mix up Roy Orbinson and Aerosmith, pitiful. Just hastily thrown together to beat a deadline.

Anonymous said...

Adam joined Glee in it's third season? My liner is going right out the door.

lorraine said...

I guess I should do a bit of editing myself. Tyler's band is spelled Aerosmith. I was just so frustrated at the ridiculous error on a cd cover that will be one I want to treasure.Sorry....

Anonymous said...

They did mention the Queen connection at the top of 2nd column.

Anonymous said...

Time for Miracles had a country slant?

Anonymous said...

What is that no label double talk in the first paragraph?

Anonymous said...

@2:37 PM We're allowed to make errors in info and spelling. We're not producing and selling anything that makes money off Adam. I think it's crappy of Sony to do such a sloppy and possibly disrespectful job on this album.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's a shame that so many errors were made on the liner notes. Big companies shouldn't make mistakes like that.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:02 PM
The "no label" reference was speaking about Adam before he appeared on Idol...

glitzylady said...

And I noted one more error in the Insert:

Adam was on GLEE Season Five, not Season Three..

I also was a little surprised that the author of the insert biography thought "Time For Miracles" was a bit "country" but maybe, now that I think about it..

I have however always thought "Runnin' " could be classified "country rock" by some.. [And I didn't hear a little bit of George Michael there either, as the author was saying.. but what do I know!!] A bit crossover rock/pop/country rock...

As the author did mention, and I agree, that rock has segued off into country in some cases, and it's sometimes hard to differentiate between the two..

I always thought it would be pretty awesome (and just a little bit bizarre, not to mention unlikely but what the heck!!!) to have released "Runnin' " as a single, to have it picked up by country rock stations, and to have him appear on a Country music award show.. Can you imagine!!!!???!!! Randy Travis would still be shaking his head, and I suspect Adam would too.... :)))

Just my thoughts, don't take me too seriously!! (Slow news day.......................)...

Anonymous said...

Yeah some errors, but why be so nitpicky? There is allot of cool things about Adam career in there that are 100% correct. Why not focus on that instead of being a negative nancy.

Anonymous said...

The only really country/country rock sounding song I've heard Adam do is Fat Bottom Girls (the Queen song)... and although I love both Adam and Queen, that is the only Queen song that does not suit Adam (jmo). That song just is not my cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

@4:55 PM You have the right to buy anything put in front of you no matter what the quality. It's the American way.

Anonymous said...

Was Upright Cabaret live comedy? Maybe it was I just never thought of it that way.

Anonymous said...

4:55 not trying to be a negative nick here but "allot" of mistakes made on the insert and we are hashing it over.

Anonymous said...

Mistake by a major label shows how screwed up they run their business benefiting from making loads of money from artists' works.

Anonymous said...

The only mistake was not having a Chestbert or Glambulge pic included. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the author got a bonus for name dropping.

Anonymous said...

I ordered 4 of them. Can't wait to get it in the mail Tuesday. I'm giving away my extras to friends and family. Spread the Adam love!

Anonymous said...

The author probably did the insert in good faith thinking someone would edit his work .

Anonymous said...

Editing wasn't in anyone's job description

Anonymous said...

I also misspelled the band Aerosmith (should not have been Arrowsmth), but I would guarantee you that if I had written that insert about Adam, I would have made sure that it was 100% correct before it was published. BTW, there were mistakes made on the insert of FYE. I can't remember what they were, but I remember reading an article about it. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam won't read this thing. What a difference between this and Adam's own album insert notes for FYE and Trespassing. No wonder Prince, Eminem, P!nk, Mariah and bunch of other artists hate these label companies.

Anonymous said...

Silly comment.
When you publish something editing is always in someone's job description.

Anonymous said...

No point in correcting the mistakes on fan sites only. Give feedback where it belongs. Hopefully someone has contacted the record company, the people responsible for these 'notes'?