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2014 Queen + Adam Lambert Tour countdown!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, June 5, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, June 05, 2014



Anonymous said...

I am trying; getting more and more excited!

krismidas said...

Whoo hooo! I'll be there -- June 19th United Center!!!

Mrs. GIMO said...

We're driving to Chicago from Cincinnati. Haven't seen him since NYE at Winstar. REALLY looking forward to the concert!

kitty said...

I have to wait another month on top of that :"(

Anonymous said...

Poor you. There are long time fans on this site (and elsewhere and everywhere) who haven't seen him LIVE like EVAH.... and most likely never will!

Anonymous said...

Been waiting for 5 years for this to happen. I think I can wait another month for mine.

Anonymous said...

@8:32 PM

Congratulations to you, for getting a chance to see Adam again. Never let anyone (as the poster @1:52 AM is trying to do) make you feel guilty about your excitement in seeing our wonderful talented guy; no matter how many times you are fortunate enough to have seen him. Many of Adam's fans have seen him multiple times, good for them, more power to them and you; and Adam is fortunate to have such a loyal fan base!

I have not seen him myself; but I am so happy to hear that others are getting this one in a life time experience to see this wonderful man in person and with Queen.

Just hope those of us not attending will be able to experience the joy you experience in some way through videos and live accounts for fans that did attend, and I hope many more will get to attend over and over again; and many times as they choose to.

So all fans going, have a wonderful time and enjoy yourselves to the hilt. Please report back so we can live the experience through you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I just got tickets to see Queen and Adam in Australia in August at the Rod Lava Arena. I'm thrilled to think they are extending their concert to our country, I've seen Adam live once in LA which was amazing so can't wait to see him performing live with Queen.