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Adam Lambert: Instagram Video "Top o the mornin' to ya"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, June 01, 2014

Adam Lambert Posts Instagram Video: "Top o the mornin' to ya


Anonymous said...

It's 4.30 AM in London when Adam posts this. Coming home from some party?

Anonymous said...

LOL cute.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha! Adam winks with 2 eyes.

Anonymous said...

8:43, or he still has jet lag?

Anonymous said...

Or he's been back at his hotel for hours but just hasn't gone to sleep yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused "Adam...Are you in Ireland now"? Or is Adam confused and just thinks he's in Ireland?

'Fess up, were you drinking Guinness? That could be the problem. "slainte"

Anonymous said...

4.30am .... if it's that time, it certainly isn't dark in London at that hour. Maybe he's blinking both eyes to stay awake.

Anonymous said...

9:45 PM
Ireland? Why would Adam be in Ireland? He's in London.

Anonymous said...

He liked Django's IG vid also ;)

Anonymous said...

9:49. It's an old Irish greeting, "top of the morning to you" - response is "and the rest of the day to yourself".
Not used much anymore.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello, troll.

Anonymous said...

Adam makes a cute vid for us and people here complain or pick it apart. Typical.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What vid? I saw only the IG-photo liking.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Adam cute when he has a few drinks. He probably has been up all night. Love the hat, it's really different. Sort of suits him.

Anonymous said...

He is probably just getting back to his hotel, from his night out.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what time Shoshana has to get him up for work. She better have the coffee ready.

Anonymous said...

My boss says what Adam wrote on this IG video a lot. He isn't Irish. Born, raised, and lived in LA all of his life.

11:10. How do you know he had drinks? Were you with him? He probably has jet lag and not used to London time yet. I've been to London many times and don't recall 4:30 in the morning being this bright. Maybe he just posted his earlier video shot at 4:30 am cause he couldn't go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

The wolf is in London ;)

Anonymous said...

Iv'e lived in London, The town light are on. This is the city, it's not dark on High street. It's not dark in down town LA either. There are street lights, and store lights. I know he has trouble getting to sleep, at night. I wonder if he drinks coffee, when he knows he has had a few drinks. Mistake, there are other remedies. One good remedy is a double Alkaseltzer.

Anonymous said...

OMG Sooooo cute!

daydreamin said...

How adorable was that?! I love London.

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly!!:) He is such adorable dork indeed!!!:) He knows what we like to see from him eh!:)

He makes my morning day too!!:)


Anonymous said...

Top o' the mornin' to ya is said by all sorts of people in all sorts of places but when it's said by an American visiting London, it's a mistake. Adam doesn't realize that the Irish and the English aren't exactly bosom buddies. He has mixed up Ireland and Scotland before, too. Don't pick "UK for 1000" on Jeopardy, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Top of the morning! Maybe car picked him up for early rehearsals; every minute counts from here on out. He looks very alert, and happy, happy, happy!!
But, one guess is as good as the other; no one knows for sure; except his driver, ha, ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Every time I replay it, I giggle when he does the double wink. :) Adam looks very happy. As he should be, with what's going on in his life right now.

Anonymous said...

does he want on top in the mornin?

Anonymous said...

Love the double wink-wink. He's so cute. "Top o' the mornin'" is Irish, but it's borrowed a lot. I wouldn't be too hard on Adam about it. Hope he's seeing the sights along with his rehearsal work. That first show is drawing near!

6:13, good one.


Anonymous said...

The Adam I love is always cute ;).... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Canadian. Love it.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Cheeky indeed. Plus I reckon Adams got confused with Ireland too!! HAHA!

Anonymous said...

LOL he is so funny!!
maybe he is on his way early morning before rush hour or coming back to hotel, but he is not "over partying" more like jet lag.

OT OT Katy Perry is coming to Finland the first concert ever March
18th. Yay!


Anonymous said...

I think this was take in the day time, and he just posted it at night when he couldn't get to sleep. The double wink is for his mom and family a clue meaning everything is OK.

glitzylady said...

And don't forget that Adam has an Irish grandmother on the dad's side, so I think it's more than fine that he's using a little bit o' the Irish :)))

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of a Seinfeld episode, the one where they sell muffin tops only, "Top of the muffin to you".

(I wouldn't be surprised if Adam was wide awake at 4am due to jet lag. It happens to me a lot when I'm in Europe. Either I wouldn't be able to fall asleep at all or I would go to bed at a decent time and just wake up at 4am and can't go back to sleep)

Anonymous said...

Adam has been there since last Wednesday, how long does jet lag last. Besides he has always been a night owl. It's not that long of a flight, 8 hours, possibly with a stop in NY. Shouldn't cause jet lag. Never did for me, and I have made the trip several times.

Anonymous said...

Brian said they've already started rehearsing. Adam hasn't just been sight-seeing.

Anonymous said...

10:23, it's over 5 hours from LA to NYC and another 7-8 hours from NYC to London, not including the layover. That's at least 12-13 hours in the air. It's well known to cause jet lag among travelers.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Every move Adam makes is analyzed to death; then revived and analyzed again; no wonder he keeps most private things to himself! Ha, ha; so funny!

Adam, every move you make, every step you take, every vow you break, we'll be watching you; and we'll analyzed it to death!! Cheers! Just having fun!!

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make if he stayed up late, or had jet lag; or never went to sleep ast all. Is it really going to make a difference in the way we feel about him? So what?

Anonymous said...

@11:17 Exactly. No protocol.

Anonymous said...

@11:14AM- your comment is so true. It seems whatever he wears, the color or style of his hair, the friends he hangs out with...there is some comment or criticism about all of it. I wonder what we will be reading once he starts the summer concert tour with Queen. I think that London is a lot friendlier and less intrusive to celebs rather than LA or maybe even NYC. I love London too although there is danger in all large cities nowadays including London. I guess if you want to be seen, you will be and if you want to remain incognito, you can find a way. Although with Adam's height and good looks, that might be difficult to do.

Anonymous said...

Eight hours of time difference is a lot. Usually jet lag lasts for one week for me. Overall it's not that bad. But yes after my long trip to Europe back in 2010 I used to wake up 3:00 am to take shower and get ready instead of 7:00 am and dead tired and sleepy by 6:00 pm.

Anonymous said...

Of course we analyze everything he does , since there's no music soon , we have to dig on the other stuff .. .

Anonymous said...

12:43, no reason to dig and complain.

Anonymous said...

Those peepers look pretty clear to me, but who knows?

There isn't a doubt in my mind that Adam is appreciating this opportunity and has respect for the rehearsal process, as well as Roger and Brian's time. He's a big boy with an excellent work ethic...I have 100% faith that he'll be prepared when I see them on June 19! I'm so darn excited I almost can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

You are right; Adam is a grown man, and is very capable of taking care of himself. He does not need a million Mothers! The one he has will do just fine, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Best comment! Seriously.
Not having fun (with all this overanalysing and nitpicking)...

Anonymous said...

Have you thought this:

Maybe the driver said that greeting to Adam, maybe the driver is Irish...there are plenty of Irish people working in London... And the Irish sure know how to make you on a good mood! He hee!

Anonymous said...

12:35 PM. London has a huge population of tall people who would tower over Adams 6'1". He's about average.