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Adam Lambert is so CUTE!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 2, 2014

Posted at : Monday, June 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

So Cute!

leilani aloha said...

Ha! Ha! Cheeky Adam!!!
Adorable Cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

Squeeze! back at ya, Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute gif of Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

He's so adorable I wanna hug him and kiss those cheeks !
He has such huge eyes and beautiful they are<33333


Anonymous said...

Wink! Wink! Right back atcha!

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a doll; I swear. So sweet and playful. I bet it would be such a joy to be his friend!

Anonymous said...

You can see why we all love him so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can we imagine Justin B, Justin T, Chris B, Kanye, Jay Z, Pitbull, Usher, Adam Levine, and anyone else being playful silly? Adam, only Adam, can know the body language babies respond to. What he's doing is how you get a baby's attention. That's why we react so viscerally to this man. He makes us fans feel so like his babies with his "eyes, baby, eyes" love.

Anonymous said...

he is eyesexxxing again.

Anonymous said...

Goofy BB!

Anonymous said...

I think he is playfully blinking at us! A playful wink is with one eye, I believe. Both cute and sexy on Adam!

Anonymous said...

I think he is playfully blinking at us! A playful wink is with one eye, I believe. Both cute and sexy on Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about double post.

Anonymous said...

Adam is too adorable, and adorkable, beyond measure..but, one thing that absolutely causes me to that he keeps shaving the sides of his head..on a later pic over on Adamtopia you can see those shaved sides..WTF Adam...your hair looked perfect at the WWRY show...WHY?????

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM

Why????? Because he can, and he is entitled to his personal choice of hair styles. It also may be easier for him to keep up himself during these very busy times; and not to mention, cooler. I personally think he looks gorgeous no matter how he chooses to style his hair.

As long as Adam is happy and healthy, I as a supportive fan, am happy too; and I am entitled to nothing more. Also, Adam's personal choices are what makes him unique. He can't please everyone, so the important thing is that he pleases himself.

I am happy just to hear him sing, and see him entertain us. We can't ask for anything more from this exceptionally talented, one in a Billion voiced beautiful man!!

Anonymous said...

why is everyone so sensitive on this blog..we all have opinions..and no one, and I mean NO ONE, could possibly love Adam more than I..I just like his hair a little longer on the sides..of course it matters not what I is just my opinion, to which I am entitled..having said that, I would adore Adam even if he shaved his head bald..but I would still state that I preferred it longer...

Anonymous said...

7 21 am

I think your post and 7 13 am's post was stated very respectfully; actually, both stating your own point of view! Just saying. All entitled to an opinion!