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Adam Lambert Reveals He Is In Love With Disney’s “Maleficent”!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, June 03, 2014

“Maleficent,” the new movie version of Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” that’s told from the point-of-view of the evil villainess, has just opened in the US and the UK.
But already it’s amassing a massive worldwide fanbase.
One of those fanboys appears to be glam-rocker supreme, Adam Lambert.
Adam saw the Angelina Jolie film, the day it was released, and immediately tweeted his review: “Ooooh Maleficent was wild!” he wrote.
Then he called it a “visual Masterpiece!”
Between treating his eyeballs to new movies and readying his upcoming album for release, Adam’s been busy in the UK, rehearsing with his buddies in the rock band Queen.
It was after one of those rehearsal sessions that the band’s legendary guitarist, Brian May, tweeted out this high praise for their pyro-voiced frontman: “Great song ideas!” he wrote to fans, who are busy sending in their requests for the upcoming shows. “I’m listening! Adam also is full of great ideas…this tour will be a little different…
“And @adamlambert is in crackin’ form!” Brian added. “What a voice!!! What a bloke!!!”
The Queen +Adam Lambert tour hits Chicago first, June 19th, then treks across North America before hitting Australia and Asia — and tickets for each of the shows have been going FAAAST!
Adam told Music Geek that he’s “so excited” to be fronting Queen again.
“And when they added Australia to our tour,” he said, “it was like the icing on the cake!”
Adam added that “I think it’ll throw together a slightly different fan base. I think it’ll be good…it’ll be refreshing for everybody. I’m really excited that I get to sing for die-hard Queen fans! There’s a lot of joy!”

Do YOU get a lot of joy, thinking of Adam rocking your fave Queen tune?

And which tune do you hope n’ pray the band trots out for their shows? 


Anonymous said...

I don't like this pic when he does that look. This is just my opinion and mine alone.

Anonymous said...

Maleficent was so good! I'm glad Adam likes it.

Anonymous said...

Please trot out Radio Radio GaGa. I know all the moves now. The paps will more than likely be trying to film me at the Auburn Mi concert when I do it. Lol

Anonymous said...

I'm going to see it this weekend in 3D with friends. Dinner first. Then movie.

Anonymous said...

Love a man in a bow tie and suit; espcially Adam Lambert, trying to hide behind those dark shades with a slight little duck lips showing! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Hair to new heights :-(

Anonymous said...

Agree with @10:32AM ..... Radio Ga Ga please ...... my fave Queen song. :-)