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Adam Lambert wants to #talkfracking!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

OK, go ahead Adam.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Adam, have you been talking to Neil? I'm with you, let's talk about fracking. It's really scary. Yes, it's a domestic source of natural gas.....yes, it can use up to 8 million gallons of fresh water for a single horizontal fracturing well, which will be used along with chemicals to drill into the shale to get to the gas.

No, that water can never be used again, it's poisonous and has to be buried deeply in the earth, forever, hopefully. Yes there has been pollution of water sources and illnesses.

Is it worth it to produce the gas?
Who knows....not me....but I do know that fresh water is also a necessary resource for life.
Let's talk!

Anonymous said...

I agree that fracking is scary. The earth's need for sources of power and energy are always growing. Fracking's immense use of water and its affect on it is a big risk IMO. For decades, researchers have been looking for ways to convert sea water into fresh water for human use. It's a complicated issue. Bottom line is, we need new innovative sources of power and energy to support people's lives. The population keeps growing and the resources keep diminishing. Fracking has begun, but it deserves lots of debate.


Anonymous said...

Let's talk about Obama! How long are Americans going to put up with this man who bypasses congress at every turn, frees 5 extremely high echelon terrorists to trade for a soldier who deserted his brothers in uniform and his post? By doing this, he has put a ransom on every soldier and every American tourist in the entire world. Feel safer now?This man is so clueless as to what it means to be the POTUS. His speech to the West Point Cadets' graduation was a slap in their faces. He knows nothing of this country's needs. He is out to impoverish the people who rely on coal for energy. He has his press secretary say something one day then contradicts him the next. He spends more time on AF1, vacations and golfing than he does acting as the head of this great nation. In WWII it took our military less time to win the wars in Europe and Asia than it did for Mr. O to produce a failed web site for obamacare that was forced upon us. It's about time for we the people to wake up to the fact that this man is on a mission to destroy America and all it stands for. The world is laughing at us for him being such a weak leader. Take a stance!
Face the truth! Obama is no leader he is a community organizer (whatever that is). How many lies do you have to hear from him before you become fed up?

I'm open to all comments. Jump me. I want to see how you will defend him. He needs to be impeached as many democrats in the house and senate have already stated.

Anonymous said...

DRG - submarnes have been turning salt water into fresh water for decades. It's not that difficult.
It's the EPA that has stood in the way of desalinization plants for 20 years, or we would have more fresh water than we could ever use. Too many gov. rules and regulations stand in the way.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:16 PM,

Calm down and take a deep breath he!he!


Anonymous said...

@2:16 I am soooo on your side and I stupidly voted for Pres. Obama 2 times. I really thought he was giving us hope and far all I've seen is changes which I do not want. My whole family...all dems...want him gone. And Hilary too.

Anonymous said...

Canadian: If you think your funny, your not. Hehe my a$$.

glitzylady said...

To change the subject for minute :))

Quick note: The iHeartRadio Music Theater Queen + Adam Lambert event in Burbank, CA, has just been announced for Monday, June 16th.

Both Adam Lambert Fan Club and Queen Fan Club have announced contests to win tickets. I'm away from my computer so can't post the links, but if you are a membervofveither one, you should have received an email with full rules and details.. They are giving away tickets only with no transportation provided.

I'll post info as a thread topic later, or someone will :))

Quick note: The iHeartRadio Music Theater Queen + Adam Lambert event in Burbank, CA, has just been announced for Monday, June 16th.

Both Adam Lambert Fan Club and Queen Fan Club have announced contests to win tickets. I'm away from my computer so can't post the links, but if you are a membervofveither one, you should have received an email with full rules and details.. They are giving away tickets only with no transportation provided.

I'll post info as a thread topic later, or one of the other Admins will..

glitzylady said...

Sorry about the double post above!

Anonymous said...


I'm also with you. I've been waiting for anyone of the far left liberals on this site will be the first one to have their eyes and ears open about this useless POTUS now that all his agendas are so obvious even to those in his own party.

Obama is simply the weakest and the worst president ever in recent generation. Absolutely inutile.

Anonymous said...

#talkfracking!!" That's the first that I have heard of it... It is a strange name. I will indeed look it up on the internet because knowledge is what I seek, and of course I must be able to converse with Adam when I met him haha

Anonymous said...

Where is the picture from? Adam has been in London. How long ago was the pic taken?

The Dark Side said...

Since when has Adam become political. Especially one that such a hot potato ? Don't get it? Not sure this isn't an old picture and someone with an agenda using it. Adam has his hands full as it were.

glitzylady said...

The picture is from London, when Adam was at a club a couple if nights ago... Fracking is currently an issue in London as well...

Anonymous said...

3.50 You are what is wrong with this country. Fracking has been on the news for over 3 years now and you don't know what it is. You and about 150 million others in this counry need to pull your heads out and get with what's going on or you will be the most startled people when the fit hits the shan.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the information

Anonymous said...

glitzylady 4:50 Fracking is an issue with any nation that wants to be free from the middle east's hold on the world for oil. The US now produces the most clear gas of all nations on earth thanks to fracking.

There's such a silence from the libs on this site re Obama that my ears hurt.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:50 I am 14 years What do you want from me? Some adults love attacking children and that makes me so sad :(

Anonymous said...

2:16 I agree 100% but we just have to be patient for couple more years and hope the damage done can be fixed if not entirely but hopefully somewhat. There are still plenty out there who believe he's the comeing of the Messiah. Obama was never vetted by the media and they still cover up for him. Sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

@2:16 PM

You need to be impeached off of Adam's site. This is not a political form. If you want to get in to your obvious political views; why don't you call fox news and joint them is your quest!
Don't want to hear your opinon. I could give a long winded one on the other side! You are so inappropriate, good grief!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:02 PM
I'm aware of the issues involved. I was answering the question of where this picture was taken of Adam, and when....

Anonymous said...

5 17 pm

I don't give a darn about your hateful vent about the President of the united States; President Obama. You are probably agreeing with yourself @2 16 pm. Hope this will be the end of your crazy rants against the President of the United States. Whether you like him or not. This is not the proper form for your hateful opinions! We are all fans of Adams. Why don't you take your political opinions to the proper form. I hope the Adminstrator is made aware of you two, or one! I could say a lot more; but I won't!

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong. 1:18 pm Is not all of the prisoners their known as prisoners of war. Have any of them been tried and convicted? Also please name the crimes that those released have been convicted of, if any.

Anonymous said...

@2:29 PM,

You are the same person and you need to calm down and relax dear! he!he!

This is Adam site and you need to go to Anger Management indeed!!he!he!

Poor you baby!!!


Anonymous said...

sorry wrong their, correction there

Anonymous said...

@2:27 PM

Since this has turned in to bash the President Obama, and no one is stopping it; may as well jump. I doubt if you ever voted for him; your true colors so to speak; is coming through loud and clear. Well, your whole family and you might have been very happy if the voter suppression that your favorite people tried to put in place would have worked. But, fortunately people's rights were not taken away, because people would not stand for it. Maybe you will get who you want in someday! Right now the President of the United States is President Obama! and thank goodness for that!!

Anonymous said...

2:16 pm

Let's not not talk about President Obama; why don't we talk about your hate for him. Why don't we talk about the one's that came before him, perhaps your favorite one.

why don't you call Shaun Hannity or Donald Trump; perhaps they will talk with your about President Obama, sure you will all agree!

Better yet what don't we talk about Adam Lambert; since this is his fan site!

Anonymous said...

It will be nice when this thread comes to an end!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I'm glad I got here late. Earlier and I would have felt compelled to use a thousand words or so to defend the actions of our President. A foolish urge to give in to anger and enter a discussion that has no place on this thread or this blog. I voted for President Obama twice and am proud I did so and would def do it again considering the candidates that the Republican Party chose to oppose him.

What made me especially happy that voter suppression here in Florida did it's best, but many young adults like my g'son stood in line for 6 hours and made sure their votes counted.....

Anonymous said...

2:16 AM

President Obama is one of the strongest leaders we have ever had; a lot stronger then the ones you worship. That lie will not hold; your prejudice is showing. Look at all the bad guys he has captured. Also, you might like or want health care because it was his idea; but, many people do; you are so misguided in your copy cat rightwing views; it is pathetic!

No one is perfect. But, I could really, point out some faliures in other administrations; but, I want. But your hate for this man is shining very bright from your ridculous post.

To bad this turned into a political form for crazies.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Regan was the best leader of the free world. what has Obama done? put the country in debt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GLAMBERTS will clean up the mess!!!:) Yay!!:) and we all be in peace here!!!


Anonymous said...

6:26pm & 6:27pm

If you think that about Reagan; and you have to ask what has Obama done; no point in wasting breathe talking to you. Reagan did do something; yes, he put the Country in deep debt. But, let the man rest in peace!

Make sure Trump brings his birth certificate and; if Chris Christy is not in deep bridgegate trouble in Jersey; make sure he brings the truth with him; that will be quite a team; with the same mentality as you! Christy better clean up his mess in New Jersey first; because this time President Obama won't be there to help him!

Health care anyone. Thank you President Obama! What is the matter, rush limbaugh, the leader of your party; won't let you come on his Radio show, so you have to come on Adam Lambert's Blog; of all places, to spout out your right wing agenda?

Anonymous said...

This thread is turning into a political hate form; the last thing that Adam Lambert would want or need in association with his entertainment career! He is not a hater!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture of Adam!

Anonymous said...

OT: Rehearsals are over in London; wonder when Adam will be returning to the states. I hope he will be able to guest on a few talk show regarding the upcoming concerts with Queen. I bet he is so excited! New home to look forward to. Can't wait until the first concert!

Anonymous said...

If we are producing so much gas with fracking . . why doesn't the price of gas go down????

Anonymous said...

**Admin, time to lock this thread.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how bout your ruffle feathered agenda? DA

Anonymous said...

7 26 am; why are you yelling. If you love Trump and Christie so much go to their political forms; why do Adam's fans have to hear about them!

Administrator, I agree with the poster @7:14 PM; this is getting out of hand.

We come here as Adam's fans not to hear everyone's political preference, who in the heck cares! Their own personal agenda; and business!!

Anonymous said...

Why are people with a liberal agenda so nasty?? Probably a good idea to get educated about conservatives and their thought process.

Anonymous said...


Apparently, you are the one with the ruffled and bent feathers; DA, you keep going on and on and on! Convincing no one but yourself! I think everyone is on to you by now, Adam Lambert is a unifier, not a divider!

Anonymous said...

2:16PM Thank you so much! Nice to hear the truth about Obama when he isn't spinning another lie. This man has no respect for our country and only wants us to be a second class country. He has apologized for us when we need not apologize for anything. We have the strongest and proud Military that fight to protect it's people and others. Go home Obama. It isn't the US.

Anonymous said...

6:26 PM. Are you kidding or just completely clueless?
Ronald Reagan? Get real! Reagan increased the national debt 186% during his time in office. The debt rose to 2 trillion dollars. Reagan was a disaster.

By the way the national debt began with George Washington, 71 million!

Anonymous said...

@7:58 PM

You are the one who needs to go home. Don't know where that is, it is apparently not this great Country. You sound like a right wing racist! Thank God for a President like our wonderful President Obama! You are probably thanking yourself
@2:16 PM. Don't be so stupid; you have to be a citizen of the United States to be the President of this great Nation! Prove your citizenship!

Anonymous said...

My guess why Adam has become political is that, as a water advocate through his charity work providing water pumps and wells to needy villages, and as symbolic and literal Aquarian, he could not avoid sitting on the sidelines when our most valuable resource is at stake. Talking about this issue, its pros and cons, should encourage ideas and decision-making. But, bring politics and character assassination into the mix, and what we'd get is more rabid heat than common sense illumination. If we cannot see eye to eye on our politics, we can at least agree that, as stewards of this planet and its inhabitants, our future depends on our making level-headed, enlightened choices. Adam perhaps thought he would shake us out of our apathy or ignorance and become more knowledgeable. He has a history of generating heat on matters dear to his heart, but usually with knowledge aforethought and a forward motion in mind. atm

Anonymous said...

7 50 PM
You are the real nasty one; never heard such nasty racist ranting about the President of this Country weather you like him or not!

If you are a true conservative, you certainly are giving them a bad name; you sound more like a right wing nut job! A true conservatie would probably want to have nothing to do with you!

Anonymous said...

For the sake of sane civility; this thread needs to go; just my opinion. It will get worse and worse; would be a shame for Adam to not have fans come to what always seemed to be a non political form. But, this has taken a turn for the very worst of humanity!

Anonymous said...

The economy took its biggest dive in September of 2008, just before Obama was elected. The disaster grew on Bush's watch, not Obama's. It's been a struggle to turn the economy around, but it's improving slowly. We all see politics through our own personal telescopes. Each person takes the facts and turns them into whatever supports their own political view. Time to put the fracking thread to bed, I think.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:11
This is 7:50 and that is the only post I have entered on this thread so I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:11
This is 7:50 and that is the only post I have entered on this thread so I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Except for the last two! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

7:58 PM. Yes, we have a strong and proud military. How can we explain to them why under Geo Bush we went to war with two countries who never attacked us? Explain why 7000 of them died and over 50,000 came home wounded. Many of whom will need medical care for decades.

Thank God our present President understands about diplomacy and would rather solve problems by talking or economic sanctions instead of sending more of our military to die and be wounded in Syria, Libya and Nigeria. These are internal issues and rightly should be taken to the UN as our President says.

Not Sen. John McCain's constant wailing for "boots on the ground" - how many countries would we be fighting in if he had been elected? I thank God,as a member of a military family, for President Obama.

Anonymous said...

7:50 pm/8:20 pm

What case? The poster @8:11 was only referring to your one post at 7:50 am. I read your post, and you did call people of a certain political agenda nasty. So the poster @8:11 pm, was right on point. I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

Fox News is a blight on this country !

Anonymous said...

@8:26 PM

This is the most intelligent beautiful post that I have read tonight; just stating facts that can be proven in a calm and intelligent way. Rational people can check the facts. The truth will always win out in the end; no matter how many lies are spread about this wonderful man. I hope that everyone will go out and vote whether they try to supress the vote or not; that just makes people more determined. The President is such a strong president in spite of all the haters that are trying to tear him down. Thank you so much for your beautiful post of reasons.

I will leave this thread with your beautiful comments as the last I will read tonight!

Anonymous said...

8 32 pm

A double amen to that statement!!
Rush Limbaugh is a blight on this Country too!

Anonymous said...

Why isn't this thread closed???

Anonymous said...

8:45 pm

I don't know; but it sure needs to be; it is one of the ugliest threads I have ever seen on this blog, bar none! Hoping it will be gone soon!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:52 u unify the nutters. remember Jimmy Carter?????? rtfo

Anonymous said...

Crime rate has doubled since BO-ZO became president. Look at the statistics. Robberies, Drugs, Rape, Murder, Domestic Violence and this list goes on and on. When are people gonna take the blinders off the blind eyes? Schools are like social forums and drop outs are on the rise. Children are suffering in the education dept. Gun laws should keep guns out of the hands of the negligent. America is suffering for the hedonistic way of thinking in young adults. I blame the leader of the free world.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama should take alcohol out of drugstores. YOU don't mix prescription drugs with alcohol. That is fueling the fire. Who wants to see someone purchasing a case of Budweiser while purchasing maxi pads???? I sure the hell don't. Priorities aren't the thing anymore. It is all about making oneself happy for the moment and everyone else suffers.

Anonymous said...

8:26 and 8:37 - thank you for your voices of reason. I too will no longer be checking in on this thread and hope it dies soon.

Anonymous said...

Too many deceived people on this site!

daydreamin said...

@atm I can always tell it is you buy the beautiful way in which you write. It's good to see your posts again.

Anonymous said...

9:57 PM - you are woefully ignorant of President Obama's strides in helping improve our schools, save teachers jobs, reintroduce arts classes and help graduates go to college and to be able to pay off their student loans. You are also ignorant of the gun laws he had tried to get past the stubborn NRA lobby and their bought and paid for Republican Representatives. Do your homework before you shoot off your mouth. Don't let racist bigots poison your mind.

10:02 PM - you need to read up on the powers of the President. You don't have a clue.

Everything that is wrong with this country is not the fault of the President. Read about the laws he has tried to enact and that have been consistently shot down by the Republican controlled House of Representatives - the do nothing Congress. Why are we paying them? They are obstructionists who do not represent the majority of the citizens..

Anonymous said...

Adam site. Not a policital one.

Anonymous said...

This thread due to Adam's photo and sign opened up a controversial issue. Which in itself is an interesting subject and environmental issue for not only the USA but many countries.

Sadly, the thread was hijacked by ill informed, haters of President Obama spreading their lies and warped view of his policies. People who are too lazy to dig up facts and just believe the talking bobble heads who call themselves reporters. The ones who are proved wrong but never admit it.

I thought this country was grown up enough to accept a man of color as a President, I was wrong. Partisanship has never been stronger and more insidious in this country. Look at the years we've wasted. Shameful.

Anonymous said...

Fracking is scarey indeed.

Anonymous said...

Well, after all this political talk I must really have my mind in the gutter because when I first saw him holding this sign I thought he was being funny and wanting us to think of the other F word. My mind is really not in the place you all are. Cute face on Adam.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:01 JC should have rebooted and kicked IT off the plantation. drugs are being dealt in school and so is murder. Do your reasearch on the matter.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:01 President and Congress are like Ying and Yang. u obviously support guns and keep shooting your mouth off about it.

Anonymous said...

Because of two or more parties political systems never issues get solved. I'm all for one party system of Monarchy. During 50 years of Iran's Pahlavi Dynasty, Iran emerged as one of the rich wealthiest modern country in the region at that time. Women didn't need to struggle for their rights. It was given to them. At the time Iran was listed on all charts as one of the best countries in good life, science, technology, freedom, etc. Look at it now. What can I say. You see it on your TV.

Anonymous said...

I knew this picture would cause a lot of hateful comments. That is why I didn't bring it over here.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a great president. Both me and Adam voted for him :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:49 AM
:)) I have to admit mine did too, and I suspect perhaps Adam's may have too.. A little bit of double entendre, which to be honest may have made this thread a WHOLE LOT more fun that it (unfortunately) turned out...

Anonymous said...

why hasn't Obama done something about mass shootings in malls, schools and residental areas across the good ole USA??? Young people are dropping like flies because of the NRA and the negligent. Background checks should be done on people who want their gun rights. Use guns for hunting and not for the hell of it. I think alot of people think it is cool to pull out a weapon and make a threat. A serious price is being paid and no one is willing to do or say anything about it. Enuff is Enuff

Anonymous said...

Nothing that the poster who brought up Obama said has been defended by the libs on this site. All of you just change the subject. So typical. You should at least prove the statements wrong, but you can't because they are true.

Anonymous said...

2:16 PM June 4 and 1:30 PM June 5.....Why bother to try to change the mind of someone so dumb they admit they don't know what a community organizer is?

Reminds me of another great brain, the former vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin who scoffed at community organizing, I guess she didn't know what they did. Just like her memorable tv interview when she said she accepted the position of vice presidential candidate, now she had to find out what the Vice President job was.

For you organizing is a process where people who live in close proximity to each other come together in an organization that acts in their shared self interest. It sounds like good experience for a President to have.

It sounds a lot like the United Nations and a world leader who tries to solve world problems by cooperation and talking reasonably for the good of the entire Global Family.

Why bother to refute asinine remarks?.......JAK

Anonymous said...


HK fan said...


Maybe they haven't said anything because they realise this is an Adam Lambert fan site, and not a political site....

Anonymous said...

Well this was fun & relaxing after a hard day at work.

Anonymous said...

I thought so! ^o^

Anonymous said...

2:16 with all the inventions and progress of this modern world, we the people of this world live in this 21st century, you have mentality of ancient old world of leadership and isolation. We the people of this planet earth should all use the newest technologies and each one of us be a leader to make the world around us a better place to live. The world's problems are so intangled in a huge ball that leaders of the world are unable to untangle them.

Have you heard what JFK said? Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what YOU can do for your country.

BTW check out the mess done by Jamestown Foundation run by one of your favs. among others Mr. McCain. See how your tax money is used around the world by this organization.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad firearms are illegal in my country.

Anonymous said...

Where do you live ? I may move.

My state has the "stand your ground law" and we have unarmed people being shot dead on a regular basis. An argument in a local movie theatre recently led to the death of a young dad.

Wonder why someone brings their weapon to a theatre?