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Adam Lambert will NOT be tacky & reveals Queen’s ‘sweet, paternal & warm’ side!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

The first time I saw a hologram was Elvis singing with Celine Dion. My main thought was 'isn't there enough live singers vying for a chance to be in the public eye with out competition from dead singers?'.

Anonymous said...

Well they will not be doing any holograms during this tour.

Anonymous said...

They did in Europe . . . I think

Anonymous said...

Adam is referring to the "sound bath" when everything gels with him and the band.

Anonymous said...

Lots of typos. Is that a professional website or some fan thing?

Anonymous said...

They did have the hologram in Europe, but not on this tour according to Brian.

Anonymous said...

Yea, like I said before, Brian and Roger had been eyeing Adam on AI. Their "taking him under their wing" has never been my concept of Adam, as being nurtured by them to reach his goal, as that is what being under someone's wing means. Yes Adam did say he learnt a lot from Brian and Roger but so is the reverse, true. Adam by being frontman for Queen has taken them to a significant new level. I was only attracted to Queen/Queen songs when Adam sang them; before that I wasn't able to recognise a Queen song even if I heard/liked it. WWRY seems to be the only one I knew because they used to sing it in football stadiums; still I didn't know it was by Queen. I used to follow football a bit. lol! Yes Brian and Roger have helped bring Adam to the forefront as a band frontman. So has Adam, brought QueenBert to the world by literally reviving some of the Queen rock songs. Now, I like 'I Want To Break Free' so much, yet before Adam sang it, oooh-la-la so sexy in that little black singlet; I had not heard of it. I still watch that video and other QueenBert videos like WWTLF...such a touching version with enough voice power to propel it right to the back sections of the theatre. Adam seems to be ushering Queen to the east where they have not been so popular. I've referred to them as 3 sifu each in their own capacity and not Adam under their wing. They fly together, same height in the sky. If you really want to use the term, "under their wing" on Adam who actually very much did it on his own terms and feet...I'd probably accord it to AI...yes AI took Adam under their wing when most would not and turned him into rockstar Adam today; ultimately it still boils down to Adam's talents.


Anne Marie said...

Lammy, I liked how you expressed
yourself. You said it very well, Adam is still his own man, but for AI, I don't know where he would be today. "THEY FLY TOGETHER, SAME HEIGHT, IN THE SKY". Not sure if Adam feels that way, but it so true, and he is very humble. His talent is on a par with theirs, and they know it. I think they have been looking for some years, for Adam, and had to wait until he grew up, before they found him.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie
Thanks for the response. Adam would not feel nor say it the way I expressed it; but I needed to align things properly, from my angle; lol! Adam knows in much greater depth about intricacies of music/business. He is not merely being humble, he knows he doesn't know a lot of things Brian and Roger have gone through in firsthand experience and sheer grit. And he respects that a lot; also he feels their genuine paternal love for him. Brian and Roger are two wise men, now plus 1 equals 3. lol!


Anne Marie said...

Lam- my, these last 5 years that he has been with Queen , a little here and a little there, and now this big tour, is invaluable for him. He could have spent 5 years in college, and not learned near as much as he has from their life experiences. He is a very fortunate young man, and I know he appreciates it.

HK fan said...

@6.58pm and 7.57pm
They did not have a hologram at any of the shows in Europe. For Borap, they did have Adam singing the first part, then a video of Freddie singing the next one point it was hard to tell who was singing.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan
Thank you for telling it like it was. Saved me the effort, he!
Good to 'C ya' here once in a while!

Anonymous said...

Those who very little about the Queen and nothing of their significance in rock music worldwide should leave the commenting of them and their importance (also for Adam) to those who actually know these things.

Anonymous said...

Wait till when? That one becomes fully qualified to talk about rock music? Or wait till a more qualified person comes around. So meanwhile we can't informally talk about it based on whatever we know? This is not a lecture hall, just a chit-chat forum.


HK fan said...

You're welcome:))
I still lurk and post, just not as often.
Its just not the fun place it used to be...

Anonymous said...

I am speaking from a layman's point of view when it came to rock music. When it came to Queen; I knew very little about them except the name. If it had not been for Adam Lambert who broadened my horizons about all the Rock greats, and rock music, through his tenure on Idol; I would still be in the dark with not much interest in it; if I am being perfectly honest. Adam has opened up a whole new world to me when it comes to music and just how talented and wonderful he is, and so many other things; I could go on for ever. Adam has actually cost me so much more money too; ha ha; and enjoyment. I got high speed internet because of him; and a laptop. DVR when he was on Idol. I even bought a new radio; innocently thinking that radio would embrace this talented man.

I don't think Adam knows the impact and happiness he has brought to so many, he has brought such joy to my life; and I will never stop being his fan; and supporting and defending him when necessary.

I love Queen now; and mainly the way they have been treating Adam. Also, Brian and Roger recognizing Adam's one in a Billion voice, have endeared them to me even more. I am telling you, Adam is contagious in a good way, and pretty soon the whole world will know it; just as Brian and Roger and all of us do, and he will finally get the recognition that he truly deserves; way beyond his loyal fan base!

Sorry for the long post; just wanted to express just a little of how Adam has changed my life for the better in terms of music and entertainment joy, and many other wonderful ways;. Adam Lambert is a beautiful soul!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:10 AM........JAK here.....I loved your comment, I think you expressed beautifully what Adam has done for many of us. Though I have been a lifelong music lover I had not stayed current for many years. Finding Adam was a jolt and in following his career I also found myself immersed in new music. And, I too, have spent a good deal on a laptop, albums and I think I support iTunes and Amazon!

I snuggle up in bed with my mini iPad and drift away or bed dance to a variety of, everything Adam has ever sung that I can get my hands on.

Adam has been a transformative force in many lives.

Anonymous said...

@JAK/5:57 AM

Thank you for your kind words. Means a lot coming from you. I enjoy reading your most informative and enlightend and sometimes humerous posts. You seem to be quite a delightful person. Exactly what this blog can always use more of. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert made me "want to listen to music again". It is because of his appearances with Queen inEurope and the UK, that I became interested in Queen and their music. Of course, I knew about them,Freddie, heard their music but was not a fan back in the day. Once I heard Adam perform with them, I went out and bought their greatest hits cds and listen to them often. And if it weren't for IDOL, who knows what would have happened to Adam in the music world. For me, he is the best vocal talent in music today and has a mesmerizing stage presence. Pair that with Queen and you have something spectacular, so special and as Adam has said a "once in a lifetime experience". I am not able to attend one of the Queenbert summer concerts, but I am looking forward to any vids and pics that will be posted and hopefully a cd and dvd that will come from this show.

Anonymous said...

Love the beautiful posts about Adam & Queen on this thread; I feel the same way!

Anonymous said...

Lovely posts about Queen and my dear Adam. I do not think that chatty me can add any more. That's a miracle in its self. Adam Lambert is such a lovely person and a fantastic talent . Queen are as well lovely and talented people. Sue

Gabi said...

As Adam matures he becomes more and more of a class act (and I am even more fond of him now than I was 5 years ago). I believe that he wore a more subdue outfit for the Glamour awards as the spotlight was clearly on the girls for that event. Win/win!

Anonymous said...

I know it is supposed to be the latest style, but I am so glad I did not see his ankles in that suit. Not to say I don't love his ankles, but rather when he is wearing shorts.

Anonymous said...

After reading some new comment practically everyday about an inappropriate remark made by some celeb(Bieber, Jonah Hill) or in Pharrell's case, the Indian headdress on a mag cover, it is so nice to read such positive comments about Adam Lambert or from him. He is intelligent, articulate, witty, compassionate and just so personable. Of course, there will always be the occasional negative remark, but overall we read about a decent and caring human being who just happens to be extremely talented and well-liked by those who work with him or are in the music business. Even though there are generations in age separating Brian, Roger and Adam, there is a love, respect and understanding among them because music is the universal language that seems to bring all ages, genders, and types together.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sue, first time your chatty self can't add anymore...yes, that is miraculous; see no need to keep thumping you down, a bit of sifu kungfu works wonders. lol! Yea, I'm pleasantly surprised by the educated posts on this thread.
Hey Sue, give yourself a whale of a time at QueenBert; don't forget my advice...sit! lol! Don't mean to be flippant but that's what I commanded my dog to do; but it seems appropriate a bit now. lol! Hey don't get angry huh!
