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Adam Lambert's tweet today, explained!!! "NYX Face Awards: Adam Lambert Make-up Tutorial" via @AlexFaction

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, June 03, 2014

In case you're wondering what Adam's slightly cryptic tweet was all about today, this is what he was most likely referring to!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm in awe of the process. Also speechless.

Anonymous said...

Is he supposed to look like Adam? Nope!

Anonymous said...

interesting..Adam doesn't need all this make-up,but a little guy liner may look nice in concert( not nearly as much as he used to use,but some for making those beautiful blue eyes look more dramatic)

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out how to vote for the guy, I did like his video It was a bygone look of Adam's. I don't care for cryptic tweets, I have enough trouble following twitter.

Anonymous said...

Hope he has a day job. Didn't care for it, didn't like it when Sutan did it for Adam either, although Sutan is much better. Music was creepy.

Anonymous said...

The tweet wasn't meant for us, it was meant for Adam's friend who is in the contest. It wasn't cryptic for Alex.

Anonymous said...

I liked it :)

Anonymous said...

I saw this guy at a Sephora store few weeks ago. Small world. Hope I'll see him there again next time and I'll tell him about this video. He did a good job but I still love the way Adam does/did his own make up. Adam does/did it even better than Suttan IMO.

Anonymous said...

Alex needed to tweeze his inner/and upper eyebrows..He probably would have been more impressive in person,tho,I didn't care for his look.Adam did a very good job by himself when he was doing the GNT glam make-up.A little glam now for his tour w/Queen would look ok,I think.I wish he hadn't shaved the hair so short on the sides again.Maybe he'll color them again like they were a few days ago when he went to the last WWRY performance.hope so..

Anonymous said...

12:30 AM
Quit moaning about Adam's hair!!

Anonymous said...

Struth! What a rigmarole! So funny at the end .... haha! I think he looks sooooooooo much better without all that gunk on his eyes - he has such nice, expressive eyes! <3

Anonymous said...

Who looks better wo 'that gunk', this Queen or Adam??!!

Anonymous said...

Beat that mug.
Paint that face...Put on the make up.

Queen refers to this guy Alex.

Anonymous said...

Alexa Goddard @AlexaGoddard · 36m

When Beatrice met Melvin! 💛☺️ So so lovely to meet you @adamlambert and I can't wait til next time!…

HK fan said...

ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 1h
So lovely to get to know @AlexaGoddard @SophieEB and Richard from @thefeeling last night! London serves.

The Feeling ‏@thefeeling 1h
@adamlambert Aw.. What a lovely man! Hopefully see you again soon. Rx

Sophie Ellis-Bextor ‏@SophieEB 1m
@adamlambert lovely to meet you, too. We had a good table! Xx

ALCvids ‏@TALCvids 2m
: D RT @AlexaGoddard When Beatrice met Melvin! So so lovely to meet you @adamlambert and I can’t wait til next time!…

HK fan said...

dy Dianee Glam ‏@GlamDianee 1h
New pic Adam Lambert with Little Mix so beautiful pic Big Smile)))))))))

HK fan said...

brief little mix interview with Adam and his laugh..

ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 2h
With @LittleMix after presenting them for their Girl Band of the year award for @GlamourMagUK Such sweethearts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks HK fan.

Anonymous said...

Girls are simply helpless around Adam. He melts them to the bone. Handsome, charming, nice, witty, sexy. Sigh. Would like to see his introduction at the podium for these girls, but maybe it didn't get videoed. That's ok. Thanks for the links, everyone! New music on its way!


Anonymous said...

DRG - you need to add one more word to your list describing Adam ------- safe! There is a certain freedom
girls feel about being affectionate with a gay guy, you can hug them and express your delight in their company without worrying that he will think he will be expected to react to a possible "come on." I was told this by my very good looking gay nephew who women have been be-friending for years. He's a very well known big city DJ, I'd hit him up to play Adam's music, but his is classical music station only.
He says "when Adam records an aria let me know!"

Anonymous said...

Yep, you're right, 7:51. Adam is safe for these girls, but he still has that "oh so dangerous" quality that is like a chick magnet, esp. onstage.