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Close Up of Adam Lambert At "We Will Rock You" In London

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, June 01, 2014

And one more:


Anonymous said...

Bam Is right.

Anonymous said...

More pics here:

Anonymous said...

he looks like a rooster actual rooster

Anonymous said...

He is handsome, in some way looks older than his age nowadays

Anonymous said...

Yuup,eat your heart out trolls.

Anonymous said...

@12:50 AM
I totally agree. He has matured in one year and looks like a handsome 35-40 year old man. At AI-times he looked 10 years younger than he really was, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link 12:24

Anonymous said...

I am not good at ages but Adam looks so handsome here.

Anonymous said...

What a GORGEOUS hunk of a man!

Those EYES (unfff!) and yes, there's guyliner and yes his hair is getting a bit darker with some light tops... YAY, The Wolf is Back!!!

Anonymous said...

Who said he looks 35+!!!?# Ridiculous!! He looks his age and stylish. Certainly more mature and manly than he did in AI but that's no doubt because HE IS. The man has grown into an international megastar -- respected by his peers, loved by thousands (millions?) of fans. His voice and his professionalism are why should he appear to still be like the 26 year old we met on AI? He sure looks good to me! Even better than when on AI

Anonymous said...

Geez, people getting touchy about how old Adam looks! I think he looks older than 32 and mighty fine too. Age, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

Adam was 27 when he was in AI.

Anonymous said...

Any other fan site with these kind of fab pics of Adam would be full of awwws and ooohhs!

The constant nitpicking - only on this site!

Anonymous said...

Adam is one helluva handsome hunk!

Anonymous said...

With all these great pictures of this handsome young thrity two year old man; and all some peeps can talk about is how old Adam looks; he or she apparently has age envy; or Adam envy. Whatever the case may be; so what? Now what you gonna do about it?

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking drop dead gorgeous; be still my heart!!

Anonymous said...

Well I hope he keeps his hair just like this for the tour. It's perfect! He is looking so great right now. Not teenage-y or overly boyish (although he always has a boyish quality, and I love that). He looks like a wonderfully handsome, mature man with charisma and sexiness to burn. NO complaints here!


Anonymous said...

Loving the hair color

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dang dang and double dang that boy is fine ... so if you'll excuse I've got to pour a bottle of water over my head and run around the block a few times... It's getting very warm in here..., rose petal

Anonymous said...

I love this look baby!!!!:) You are a Rock God and don't shave ittttttttt!!:)

Happy dance!!!


Anonymous said...

@3:04 AM You're the one who's touchy

Anonymous said...

Cutie pie! Eyes, baby eyes!

Anonymous said...

12 41 am

Bet there are a lot of rooster and hen houses waiting for the man that you say looks like an actual rooster! So what other specics besides a human do you look like, I mean actually; a bat, owl, duck, turkey, which one comes closest?

I would sure like to know where your barn was; and where all these handsome roosters are located, I mean actually! lmao

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Adam does something completely different with his hair for the QAL tour. After all, we're hearing that this tour is going to be different, whatever that means .... ha!

Anonymous said...

When I was fifteen years old, I thought twenty five was ancient! It is usually where you as a person is coming from that makes the other person look young or old. In the large scheme of things; age is just a number.

Class and intelligence and kindness run skin deep. Adam has class, intelligence, kindness. I will also add tolerance for all the ignorant remarks that are made about him! Couldn't ask for a better young celebrity to follow!

Anonymous said...

6:07 AM
What the ............

Anonymous said...

Adam is a gorgeous sexy talented man..He looks amazing

Anonymous said...

When I was young, I thought everyone aged 30 and older was positively archaic, and when I turned 30, I hated it. I wouldn't want to be young again but I think 40 is a great age to be (if I can remember back that far!).

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal/5:41am

You have me cracking up!

I just love reading all the wonderful and some funny comments on here today. Light, funny but, many of them getting the point across in a comical way. Just as effective as being snarky, if not more so! Applause to all!

Anonymous said...

Age....ha!.....when I was ten my mother was stunned to find out she was pregnant. She'd given up hoping.
I was horrified! I was stunned too! She was 33 and now here would be concrete proof that she and my dad were still.....well, you know! I could hardly face them or my friends.

Weren't they too old to 'do that' ? I was totally embarrassed. For 9 whole months.

Then, I fell in love with a noisy, squirmy, entirely adorable sweet sweet baby boy! I forgave my aged parents for embarrassing me.

Looking back 33 seems just past teenager!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Wolf picture.

Anonymous said...

@12:41 AM......Your "rooster" reference is "right on". For anyone who has been on a farm,
when the rooster enters the room (barnyard) he enters proud and macho...he ruffles his neck feathers up big and fluffy and looks super cool.

Adam is looking a bit rooster-ish,
mighty fine.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks .... I've been feeling good lately.... Looking forward to Quernbert....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I honestly think he looks his age, not older. I like the more natural look. But I agree with @12:41. Funny. :)

Anonymous said...

Love this look, with the hair darker, and tipped with a different color and longer. Adam you are looking better every day.

Anonymous said...

What a way to wake up this morning looking at these gorgeous pictures of Adam! Breathtaking for sure<3333
His hair color matches his fur trim exactly. I'm loving his hair in the picture. He's let it grow longerYAY! I don't care if he is "roosterish" or "wolffish" or any other animal, I'm seeing a real hunk of a man....Thud.


Anonymous said...

@6:27 AM

Loved your light hearted comments in response to the rooster comments about Adam @12:41 AM. Your response was hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely beautiful; like the handsome young man that he always is.

Anonymous said...

1 04 am

So you are saying by your crazy math; that on Idol; Adam, who was actually 27 years old, looked like he was 17 years old.

Continuing with you crazy math; now, you are saying he looks like a 35 to 40 year old man. So, with your unbiased opinion and crazy math; Adam aged either 18 or 23 years in a 5 year period, since the time he left Idol; ha, ha ha.

In my opinion, I think you are a very young person; or joking; or perhaps you may need glasses; or a change in your eye glass prescription! I won't even question you not being a fan; it is very obvious that you are a major fan of Adam's, obviously!?!
You are right about one thing in my opinion; Adam is handsome!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the "it" factor, that level of attractiveness that oozes from every pore and draws people in. Lucky guy.

Anonymous said...

@9:28 AM
Well, maybe I estimated the Idol-age wrong. I think he looked 20-years old cute boy when he was 27. But his current look is IMO about 35-40 years old matured, handsome man, this I don't change. And yes: he has aged in a five year period about about 15-20 years, LOL. (Maybe it's the facial hair and less eye make up - not so "boyish"or edgy look).

No, I'm not VERY young, but MAYBE I need glasses.

But note I did not say he wasn't handsome now.

Anonymous said...

he looks his age . . .sometimes younger . .depending on camera angle or makeup

Anonymous said...

I think Adan looks GREAT and love,love,his hair now!!I hope he keeps it like this for the tour.What BB has is CHARISMA!!He looks his age,and sometimes younger,IMO.w/o any Melvin,he looks younger,I think.He'll probably keep some sort of facial hair for the tour,but I hope not.

Anonymous said...

Summer 2012 gigs with Queen, and in love, Adam looked so happy and radiantly beautiful!

With the facial hair, actually looks more like a beard now, he looks very grown up, manly and handsome. Maybe he just doesn't want to look "too young" next to the Queen guys (minus Rufus), maybe he wants to look more "rock cred" in front of the Queen fans... Just hopin that the beard won't stay forever...

Look at these pics from the nose up (hide the beard!).... Looking mighty young and gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! I don't know how you could say one negative thing. Phew! What's not to like.

Anonymous said...

Adam was 26 when he auditioned for AI, had a birthday during the show, so anyone who says he was 26 or 27 is right on.

Anonymous said...

When you say he looks like a rooster, would you call him the cock of the walk?

Anonymous said...

The rooster taste good you know .. and looks majestic as fuck !!
I post the rooster comment , glad that some of you get the joke .

Anonymous said...

Posts like 2:03 and 2:35... Arghhhh!

leilani aloha said...

WoW!!! Gorgeous Adam!!!

leilani aloha said...

WoW!!! Gorgeous Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Got the looks,beauty, vocals, charms, personality, what more do u want from Adam??? :):):)
Happy monday all!!!