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Instagram photo iambenjacobsen with Adam Lambert posted 4hrs ago "Wasted"!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, June 5, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, June 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam always look funny!

Anonymous said...

Adam always looks fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam always finds these young cute models where ever he is. Ben Jacobsen is a student and works at UNCODITIONAL in London. He has spent some time in LA too, so they may be old friends. He participated in some teen model contest in 2012. Ben has a lot of vines and in most of them he has his tongue out. Maybe his trademark?

But nice to see two good-looking single men having fun in London night.

Anonymous said...

@12:20 PM Always? And how do you know this? Where do you get your information? Give some facts and sources to back this up.

Anonymous said...

@12:20 PM Who are you and what is your relationship to Adam?

Anonymous said...

3:38 PM / 3:39 - Are you the FBI? CIA?

Anonymous said...

@4:57 PM Your credibility is 0

Anonymous said...

Ignore 3:38 & 3:39
They are always on here, demanding proof of everything. Doesn't matter what you say they will challenge it. BORING.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why, but Adam attracts all the cute males, and Sauli all the pretty females. Mystery.

Anonymous said...

@3:38 PM & 3:39 PM

Isn't that photo a proof? What more do you need? Two young single men in some club wasted (the photo tag) = having fun.

And you find the facts from BJ just by using Google. If you are interested. I just checked b/c the name sounded familiar. Not so deep.

My relationship to Adam: just a fan who buys his albums, listens to his music and is interested also in his private life (sorry!) b/c there is a lot of stuff about it too on this site.

Anonymous said...

Adam always has his fair share of pictures with attractive girls and woman. The girl fans are usually a little more envious when that happens.

Anonymous said...

Someone made a connection of this guy with @alerislux, a friend of Bridger, also in London at the moment ;)

Anonymous said...

@9:49 PM
"Round, round, round we go...".

Anonymous said...

@9:49 PM
Pretty boys, both of them (Aleris and Ben). Seem to be quite young, but isn't Bridger also younger than Adam. And ofc you can have also younger friends, lol.

Anonymous said...

@9:49 PM

You mean Bridger is in London atm, or Aleris?

Anonymous said...

His (Ben) tongue must be something special. He likes to show it all the time. ;)

Anonymous said...

The dimwits gathering....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1.45 if that's the way you feel about yourself stop gathering here.

Anonymous said...

Adam takes tons of pictures with females. Just did the Glamour woman award thing took many pictures with woman. Does it all the time. Sauli not a celeb except in Finland so we mostly only see pictures in here if h with Adams long time friends who are girls. Adam on the other hand is an international celeb and takes pictures with many men and woman when he at a function, working or just having fun. Don't know what your trying to infer but both Adam and Sauli or Gay. To 8.33.

Anonymous said...

Oh, apparently Adam has played with some teen boy yet again...

Anonymous said...

@7:00 You almost sound like it was a bad thing to be a celeb in Finland, lol. Some artists are first famous in Finland and later elsewhere. 30STM for example, and Leto always appreciates it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I´m not 8:33.
To me that poster is not comparing Adam and Sauli of their celeb status. IMO It was a fun notice! Maybe it was about pics seen recently here and in Sauli´s IG. If so, I agree with the poster 8:33.:D

Anonymous said...

@8:40 AM
I agree with you (and I'm not 7:00AM either). Just a fun notice. Not so deep.

This is Adam's latest:

And this is Sauli's latest:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for those pics!Yep nice smiles:).I especially love that Sauli´s pic, beautiful and funny!:D

Anonymous said...

Aleris (Frankie Donjae) is all over the place and seems very secretive....