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More NEW PHOTOS of Adam Lambert attends WWRY Finale!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, June 01, 2014


Anonymous said...

I want to visit the UK so much.

glitzylady said...

See the enlarged, close-up versions of these two pics on the previous page on this blog :))) Beautiful man!!

Close Up of Adam Lambert At "We Will Rock You" In London

Anonymous said...

Fashion wise . .too much going on . . I like when he wears basic and then accessorizes

Anonymous said...

Black boots, I'd suggest.

Anonymous said...

Very nice! He looks great in these pics!

Anonymous said...

I don't know a lot about fashion, I wear what I like. I think Adam does the same .... He looks good enough to take a big bite of ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Soooo hoping Brian, Roger, Adam and the band wear some Rock Gear, nothing classy and/or boring... It's a Once in a Lifetime Tour!

Anonymous said...

Can Adam get anymore gorgeous looking? I love his leather pants and his hair is growing in nicely, like the style, color. Can't wait to see what he wears on the tour!

Anonymous said...

No matter what he wears or how his hair is fans and trolls are going to itchbay.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and am a huge fan--for years. I support the right to choose to wear fur. But if this is really fur (and Adam has been known to wear it and defend it) can someone give me a clue as to why he would wear it at an event Brian is at? I mean we know Brian loves animals and isn't this somewhat disrespectful to him? I wish Adam would state it is faux if it is--I am seeing a lot of negative comments on blogs about it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is the source of these pics. See more in HD here:

leilani aloha said...

Gorgeous Face!!!

Anonymous said...

Balmain makes jackets with raccoon
collars, but I thought Adam may have a Balmain jacket, with a detachable collar that is not real. Haven't we seen him with a fur collar before?

Anonymous said...

Ninjas have just unearthed an old pic of Brian and his wife - and she's wearing a fur coat (probably a fake fur). Relax, people.

Anonymous said...

Yes he had a fur collar in Sweden.
It is detachable. He added it to the Balmain jacket. Have no idea what it's made of.

Anonymous said...

I agree, not that deep. Brian is not an extremist.

Anonymous said...

boots are a lot wrong,but nice pics of face

Anonymous said...

No one needs to concern themselves with Adam's relationship with an member of Queen.

Anonymous said...

Just love the look of Adam Lambert. Who can resist. Such a cutie. Loving the darker frosted longer hair.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous 6:33 of course it is his business. But it is a legitimate question to ask when there are a lot of negative comments about it on different blogs. It would just be nice to know if it were faux fur.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear from Adam if his opinion on wearing fur has changed.

Anonymous said...

This looks like the same collar that's not real fur, that Adam has been wearing for a few years I abelieve; and always the same questions. Same answer always given; "not real fur". Guess the questions will never stop. Meanwhile; Adam just goes on living his life as a grown man taking care of his own business as he should. Also, looking fantastic doing it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Brian would be deadset against wearing real fur but whatever, Adam wore the collar, real or faux.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a volatile issue, let's don't discuss it again.

Anonymous said...

8:29, totally different issue.

Anonymous said...

Adam looking good as usual.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aghhh love the shoes!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes can't help but wonder what internet, commenting on web sites, facebook, twitter, social media in general has already now done to mankind... ???

Anonymous said...

I would have thought 65 degrees was a little warm to wear fur fake or otherwise. He is getting a lot of wear out of those boots. He said they hurt his feet in an interview-maybe they are well broken in now. I am still not a fan of the facial hair. I saw in an interview somewhere he didn't like men with facial hair as it hurts his skin, that being true, I wonder why he doesn't shave so he doesn't hurt others skin. We will see if it goes during the tour--I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe other's, if that's the case right now; does not mind having Adam's facial hair touching their skin. Pretty sure if he has a significant other and that were a problem; they would probably face that subject together and make changes if necessary.

Meanwhile, I personally thinks he looks very sexy with or without the facial hair! As long as Adam is happy; it's his face; whatever he wants to do is fine with me!!

Anonymous said...

People will always be talking about Adam Lambert on the internet, and other media outlets; he is a very fascinating person, that is why Barbara had him on show of fascinating people right after Idol. People will either love him or hate for different reasons. So what?

Adam is about living his own life; not hurting anyone; and letting others do the same. Many entitled people could learn from him. That is why he said he stays away from reading internet media forms about himself as much as possible. Smart man!

Adam also knows how to make decisions about what he chooses to wear; and he does not have to explain that to anyone; unless he chooses to; take it or leave!

Personally, I am here for the entertainment; and that keeps me happy and satisfied; the man can sang!! Of course he looks sexy and handsome doing it.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks younger without facial hair ..... and now I'll be screamed at.

Anonymous said...

5 34 am

Why would you expect to be yelled at? Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Adam would be the first to defend yours. Personally I love the sexy looking beard! See, we can agree to disagree; and still both be fans! Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

4.48 probably a lot cooler at night there. You just seem to be a bit creepy. Stalking the degrees lit is. Adam does not like a mustache on who he dates guess he said it never heard him say that. I been here five years never heard it but so what. Beards are very in right now maybe he does not have anyone special right now. Plenty of married men have them. Adam is usually nicely manicured some of those married men's are a big mess.tired of all this constant negativity from the same old few. Sure if he wears a beard for the tour it will be well manicured. Doubt if it will hurt the tour one little bit most people are not that shallow. During fashion week a lot of celebs were wearing fur some were fake some definitely real NY Fashion week. Dennis Basso a furrier who sakes stuff on QVC and has a big fur store in New York had a huge show. He makes fake and real furs hard to tell them a part I have a couple of fake ones that are very nice of his. I can tell you many were wearing real ones like Kim K. Who wore real fur more than once and others where was some of your out rage then. Just because a certain designer uses real fur on some of his coats does not mean he uses it on all his coats. Most people now days working with furs use both. That is a collar Adam has that's not the original coat it was on its detachable he puts it on different jackets. Someone here keeps repeating a certain statement Adam allegedly said about fur. I remembered when that was said that was from a gut on fuse that was pretty much out to trash Adam not only thing he said that was taken out of context. Jus like there are a couple on here that pick on everything Even remotely negative about Adam and try to make it so much worse than it is. Most likely the collar fake I would never wear real fur but I don't go around tearing others down when I have no idea what they are really wearing or eating or carrying as a hand bag.

Anonymous said...

my goodness one can't even have an opinion here without having to suffer the slings and arrows of others here. what a bummer.

Anonymous said...

7:56 AM. I am positive you heard Adam say he didn't like bearded men. You wouldn't have missed his first interview with Byron Cooke when Byron was pretend hitting on Adam and suggested a date. Adam refused and expressed dislike of the whiskers which would scratch his face. You can't have noted every detail of Adams life and reminded us again and again and forgotten that!
Stalking seems a favorite pursuit around here.

Anonymous said...

S please concentrate on recooperating and save your strengths for the coming concert... State your Adam kove in shorter comments, try not to worry for having Adam's back all the time, we all know the things you keep on repeating several times in the same post. Warm thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, above meant Adam LOVE... not kove...