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From Pop Dust: "Adam Lambert’s Top American Idol Performances Ranked In Order Of Greatness" Do You Agree With The Rankings???

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, August 18, 2014

Posted at : Monday, August 18, 2014

From Pop Dust: "Adam Lambert's Top American Idol Performances Ranked In Order Of Greatness"

Do you agree with these rankings??? 

***Be sure to read the article to see ALL 10 performances ranked, as we are not posting all of them here....

Please share YOUR "rankings" here in the 24/7 "comment" section!

Some excerpts from the article:
***And go to the link at the bottom of this page to see the rest of Adam's performances, ranked from #1 to #10 in the article (I've included 3 here...I also switched out a couple of the vids from the article with better quality ones :))

On to the excerpts:

"Adam Lambert was an American Idol game changer. A true original who set the stage for other contestants to be themselves, not just emulate other pop stars."

 "Add to that his pitch-perfect, octave-defying, titanic voice, captivating showmanship, and prince charming face, and ladies and gentleman, a star is born."

 "Here are Adam Lambert’s top American Idol Performances—ranked in order of greatness:"

"#10: Play That Funky Music — Wild Cherry
Here was this pretty white guy from California, but when the opening chords of Wild Cherry’s 1976 one hit wonder began, Adam morphed before our very eyes, and boy was it funky. He laid down the boogie, and played that funky music into stardom. It was immediately apparent that American Idol had a seasoned pro on their hands, as Adam stood in stark contrast to his much greener competitors."


"#7: Ring of Fire — Johnny Cash
Conversely, when country music star Randy Travis heard Adam Lambert’s snake-charming version of the Johnny Cash classic, he was horrified! Lambert dared to replace a banjo with a sitar and create a seductive, exotic, sexy time version of a song that, up until that moment, no stripper ever included in her repertoire. But there was no denying that Adam is a fearless artist, a true innovator, and a creative genius. Simon may have said, “It was absolute indulgent rubbish,” but Randy Jackson said it best when he said, “If you can imagine Nine Inch Nails doing a country song, that would be it. It’s hot, it’s young, and it’s fresh!” Popdust heartily agrees."


"#1: Mad World — Tears for Fears
The ever-intrepid burgeoning star chose this Tears for Fears ’80s hit and brought down the house with his dramatic perfoamce. Adam came out of left field with his new wild interpretation, but by the second bar had everyone, including Simon, eating out of his fingerless-gloved hands. Adam’s theatricality demanded an upgrade in Idol’s lighting and effects and paved the way for future contestants to push their creative limits. Adam even got a standing ovation from Simon after his performance….and, that, my friends, really says it all."


LINK TO THE FULL ARTICLE WITH ALL TEN RANKED PERFORMANCES, according to Popdust... and leave a comment there if so inclined... They ask if you agree...


glitzylady said...

Weighing in here, right off the bat I think that "Whole Lotta Love" is a rather glaring omission, because, well... WHOA BABY!!!!

And "A Change Is Gonna Come"... So powerful and was so very close to Adam's heart...

Unknown said...

You beat me to it, Glitzylady. I think
A Change Is Gonna Come was an ASTOUNDING performance and Whole Lotta Love was just too sexy and perfect... and that one had me scared because I'm a huge Led Zepplin fan. Can't believe they weren't listed. But we can list them here!!

The rest of the article was great, tho'. Perfect descriptions of Adam. No one else comes close.

xo laura

Unknown said...

All of Adam's AI performances were stellar, so hard for me to rank. As for sheer and unmatched number of great AI performances, it's evident Adam came to conquer. Each performance was so riveting that if anyone thought Paula was hyperbolic about Adam's "iconic" future, she proved a credible soothsayer. Five years later, we're still reveling in Adam's AI past, not so much anymore to gauge his greatness against others, but against his incomparable self.

otexbert said...

I agree Glitzylady, but I would add One to that list. Love how Adam did it and Tracks Of My Tears.

otexbert said...

Sorry guess I should Have read the article first.

Me said...

To be honest no one, especially us fans, can't rank the performances in a particular order as they are all immensely special. Not because Mr. Lambert performed them, but mainly because of the level of perfection they withhold!

Now me being an Adam fan may disqualify my judgement a bit, but the fact is that I have become a fan BECAUSE of such a judgement.

In my humble opinion the reasons to the aforementioned perfection are a number of factors of which "confidence" is the most essential one.

The fact that Adam KNEW he can pull off these songs vocally and technically, thanks to his incomparable voice, gave him a boost of confidence that resulted in his powerful stage presence, stage charisma and command over the flow of performance. It's undeniable that his background in theater and his prior experiences on stage assisted him a lot during his showcase on Idol, but I think confidence is what eventually pushed him to conquer what was laying there for him to conquer!

Such confidence and self-belief, i believe, paved the ground for Adam to incorporate other factors into his performances. The fact that Mr Lambert very wisely strategized his course of performances on Idol from safe to risky, from plain to brilliant, from just a single eyebrow-raising wail in the middle of a song to a whole performance full of out-of-this-worldly vocal acrobatics, shows that he was unwrapping this precious present of his talent for us gradually to not give away the thrill so early in the show. By doing so Adam maintained the power to gravitate a growing fanbase and inject an ever growing excitement into the show's audience each and every week.

All this gave birth to performances that were "perfect" vocally, visually, technically and artistically. There are very rare artists who can master all of these factors in a single performance. Many lack some skills in at least one field as a result of emphasizing more on the others or simply because they can't (to better put "don't want to") be perfect. That's how i think the magnificent Mr Lambert and his beautiful talent took over the show and made each one of his performances a piece of this bigger masterpiece that we now see as his idol performances as a whole. Therefor no ranking can ever do justice but let's face it; it's one of the many faulty and imperfect ways that we can analyze a "perfect masterpiece".

Like examining the different sections of the Mona Lisa painting to understand it's whole perfection. Bit by bit...


Me said...

Now my ranking...

If by greatness we mean "perfection" in terms of the audience reaction, I've got to say to me "Born to be Wild" is #1, "Mad World #2, and others all in #3 except for "One Love" which although beautiful, it wasn't received with that much of a roar like the others, so #4. In terms of vocal acrobatics, i think "Play that funky music" is a definite #1, with "Change is gonna come" & "Feeling Good" coming in at a very noticeable close #2 & #3. "Satisfaction" a very bold #4 and "Tracks of my tears" a very bright #5. Others rank equally but below 5 IMO. In terms of shock, in any form, i think "Satisfaction" holds #1 for being the first one that put the "WTF" on Simon and others' faces. "Black or White" #2 and "Ring of Fire" a defining #3. In terms of "You think you saw it all eh?", "Whole Lotta Love" holds a firm and historic #1, again "Change is gonna come" #2 and "Kiss Medley & We are the Champions" a tie on #3. In terms of expressiveness and emotional outpour "Mad World" #1, "If i can't have you" #2, "Tracks of my tears" #3 and "One Love" and "Believe" a tie in #4. And finally in terms of letting it loose and just enjoying the moment, "Slow Ride" #1, "Cryin'" #2, "Born to be Wild" & "Play that funky music" a tie in #3 and "Some Kind of Wonderful" #4.

glitzylady said...

WOW! Thanks for your posts!!!

I agree that "Satisfaction" was DEFINITELY a WTF!!!! moment.. and I actually mentioned it in my comments on the actually PopDust article site.. I said it should at LEAST get an Honorable Mention (along with everything that wasn't mentioned somewhere by someone.....because all of Adam's Idol performances were Master Class in vocals and performance skills..and charisma...and pretty much everything else..IMHO)..

My first actual WTF! moment came when I saw Adam perform for the first time on Idol (I had been distracted by other "real life" things going on and had not had the chance to watch Idol Season 8 until the Top 13, so missed "Satisfaction" until later).. I was blown away by Adam's "Black or White" performance and by HIM and I have literally (obviously!!) NEVER recovered ie I'm still here fan-girling after 5 and a half years... He had me in the first 10 seconds of that song.. #TRUTH.

Soooo... getting back to "Satisfaction" (yes, please...): I watched that performance some time after the fact, and I was totally and completely taken in by his charm, his voice, his stage presence, and his "come here and I'll...." um, well...his **sexy bedroom eyes** looks at the camera... I think that one performance could seduce just about anyone, anywhere... Yeah, I'm being a little shallow here, but phew!!!! Actually, there were TWO performances of Satisfaction, and they are both my favorites :)))))

As Adam's tatt says "OOFTA".....

glitzylady said...

Oh, and not to forget probably my favorite single OMG!!! "Adam" moment on Idol:

On the finale, when Adam was standing alone, on the stage, with his glittery eyes, and his sparkly wings, in leather, in all of his amazing "Zodiac Show-esque" glory, finally able to really be "Adam" in front of millions... and he sang "Beth" before he intro'd KISS... I literally started to tear up.. He was breathtaking. And the cheers from the audience was deafening.. A perfect moment........I just felt this huge pride in knowing I was his fan...And in knowing that Adam would always be Adam Lambert...


nancdruuu2 said...

Every time Adam opened his mouth to sing, it was an epic moment! Remember the group songs(and dances). Adam was always the Star! He was the only one who could hit the high notes. Adam was glorious on Idol and I still watch all his performances on you tube. There will never be another Adam Lambert.

Dee R Gee said...

glitzy, Your fingers beat out my fingers by just a few seconds! Whenever anyone asks me about my Adam "favorites," I always include the exquisite BETH. Adam said that at that point in the show, he just went ahead backstage and put on the eye glitter and the shoulder wings and went out and said, "Here I am! This is me!" BETH was a short, brilliant gem that had me gaping at the TV screen in wonderment and adoration. Yes, by that time, I was already IN LOVE, and BETH just sealed the deal.

I love everyone's favorites on this thread. How could I disagree with any of them? Adam was the game-changer on Idol. No one before or since has even come close. A few good talents, of course, but no one really DIFFERENT. Adam is unique in all the world and continues to stand out in the crowded throng of singers.

A few AI Adam songs that I always come back to:

If I Can't Have You: He took the assigned genre and tossed it out the window and then publicly thanked Michael Orland for help on the incredible arrangement. The only contestant to thank Michael onstage.

Play That Funky Music: This song often gets overlooked, but it was so natural for him and so youthful. Loved his dance moves in that song.

Feelin' Good, because the judges almost peed their pants. esp. the woman judge, not Paula. Her name eludes me at this moment.

No one came close to Adam's instincts, talent and sheet guts to push the envelope so far. I know I'm gushing, but when it comes to Adam, my heart rate just soars and I can't help myself. I think I better go lie down....

Anonymous said...

agree with Beth.....that moment the camera pans behind him, and he's standing there in all his glory, makeup, shoulder cages and crocodile vest surveying the crowd......he should have carried on with that song and not brought Kiss on stage!!!
So many of these articles put Mad world at 1....and while I thought it was beautiful, especially the recorded version, I much preferred his second tie singing it on the final night. The long coat, the smoke, the look straight to camera at the end, goodness, and the vocals were better.
I often think its always put at number 1 because Simon gave him a SO, but secretly I've always thought that part of the reason Simon gave him the SO was because they ran so far over time that they had no time for any critiques....(not saying he didn't deserve it though)
I also loved One, think that is one of the more under rated ones of his. And Ring of Fire....vocals were spot on, and it was such a brave choice (if it had backfired he wouldn't have made the tour). I think that one was the real game changer....