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Adam Lambert tweeted This @asvpxrocky #L$D track is so dreamy! AND Also obsessed w this @dukedumont jam from last year!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 28, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, May 28, 2015

Also obsessed w this @dukedumont jam from last year --- #90sRealness: Won't Look Back

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


Anonymous said...

Here is Sterling Fox's version of Ghost Town. He sings my world is a Ghost Town.

Anonymous said...

2:58 PM, thanks. His version is nice.

Anonymous said...

He sounds like next years American Idol. WGWG Changed it up to "my world" not "my heart" from the original. A sure winner! gini

Anonymous said...

Why is one of Adam's co-writer's hired by Max Martin, who Adam hired, to collaborate with Adam on his album, TOH being posted on Adam's Blog Fan Site. Wasn't this subject rehashed once before and many fans felt like this guy was interjecting himself in Adam's roll out of Ghost Town, and leaking the lyrics before Adam had a chance to debut it. Now, yet again a fan of SF's is doing he same thing when Adam is working so hard and getting so much adulation for his hard work. I wonder does him, and his fans do this on all the other singers that he writes for??? I bet law suits would be flying all over the place!! It just seems so unfair for someone to bring this man's video over to Adam's site at a time like this; and the Album has not even been released. Please have some respect for Adam, even if you are not a fan. I don't care how good he is; that does not belong here; and I hope the Administrator removes it. We should giving Adam hits, not someone that was hired to collaborate with him.

If Adam had wanted his fans to see or hear this man's rendition of Ghost Town; he would have tweeted it; just as he always tweets the things that he wants his fans to see and hear. We don't even know if SF is not posting it himself. If not, it certainly is someone who wants help him steal some on Adam's thunder; YET AGAIN!!!!

Alisha R.

Anonymous said...

Sterlu g was the original writer of the song. I am sure these are the original lyrics and Dam and the others changed it to my heart.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Adam's tweet on the subject of this thread regarding the "dreamy track", the guy tweeted Adam a thank you back for his compliment. Very classy!!

Anonymous said...

Many people are original writers of these songs, for many famous artists. That is what they do; then the artist they are collaborating with can make any change they wish that is what artists do. They get paid; and are suppose to keep their traps shut!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!!!

JAK said...

@ 6:28 are so right!
I know there are probably not many country music fans on this site and I'm sure none of you are familiar with the name Cal Forsythe (relatives of mine don't count).....He is my nephew and for almost 20 years he's been sitting in his big sprawling mansion on a Kentucky horse farm....writing songs which he sells to some of Nashvilles biggest stars. He has a great voice himself and I asked him why he didn't record, he would say "I'm not interested in that lifestyle....just the money"..... He buys race horses!

glitzylady said...

I won't be posting the Sterling Fox version here (as an admin..).. (too much potential for controversy this point anyway).. But I've heard his version of 'Ghost Town' and he has a pleasant voice IMHO.. And he's the "whistle" for Adam's version, as I recall..

I just want to mention that "Whataya Want From Me", Adam's Grammy nominated single, was written by Pink, performed by her live, and it was on a recording of hers slightly later on.. So I don't think we should be too hard on Sterling Fox for doing his own version and posting it on You Tube. He wrote at least part of the lyrics.. And now Adam has released it as his first single, changed it up and produced his own fabulous version with his own remarkable voice... I respect Mr. Fox's talent as a songwriter and his contributions to the song....

I don't think people will get the two mixed up.......

That's how I see it anyway.. :)))

Anonymous said...

Just my humble opinion; but, I also think the fault lies with Bill Board for featuring this story when Adam's song has just hit the airways; wonder what this is all about? This whole thing just sound so ridiculous. I wonder if BB has ever done this to another artist. I hope this is the last we see posted of SF on this site. Really tired of people making excuses for this type of behavior from all involved parties. This man is not just some innocent song writer. By the way; like it was said above, he is getting very well paid for his song writing skills, that should be respect enough. What else does he want? Can't he wait until at least the album is out? I really question the BB writer's motives especially now!

Dear sweet Adam Lambert, it never ends does it? Don't worry, your fans will always have your beautiful back!!!! Hope this blog can stick with Adam's version of all of his songs; unless he tweets otherwise. Or, we can have all the collaborating writer of each song over record their rough version, before Adam adds his magic, especially the one's who sing, and just make a lot of CD'S of those versions and each time Adam releases his finished version of the song he hired them to help him with, they can release their version too. Also, they can start leaking each song right before he does; and tell us just how much of the song they wrote and how much Adam contributed. It can be called, "The Adam Lambert Collaborating Song Writers, and Wanna Be Singers, Hanging on His Coat tails Wish"!!Number #1 Bill Board here they come; so write about that Bill Board Writer!!!! Bad fiction, I know, but not much worse than this current reality mess! Just saying!
Ella Ann

Anonymous said...

JAK, I really like your story. I know that Dolly Parton wrote that Whitney song; but, she never talked about. It was one of Whitney's greatest hits. I did not know until after Whitney had passed that she had wrote it. Some people have class and respect; some don't. Dolly writes music but, she does not run in trying to take the glory when artist release her penned music. Most professional writers do not behave in the way this man is doing. He needs no encouragement from Adam's fans. He needs to chill at least until Adam releases his album. LOL!! How wonderful for your relative!! Off to give Adam some more views. Then off to hit the sack!!


Anonymous said...

Original writers post their versions of songs all the time. Some people here live under rocks and don't know that.

Sterling Fox didn't post this on Billboard, Billboard did that. If Adam or Warner had an issue it would be taken off YouTube and Billboard so there is no issue. They may actually see it as positive advertising for Adam and Ghost Town.

Sterling Fox always says nice things about Adam. Now that he has been attacked by glamberts on twitter and Billboard I wonder how he feels about Adam.

Shosh and Adam have asked us to not do things like that on media websites. What else do they need to do to get it through idiot fans heads that this is not the way to support Adam? Any positive advertising for Adam that may have come from it is gone now.

Anonymous said...

8:57 PM/Belle, you are an example of not knowing what you are talking about. Dolly recorded I Will Always Love You back in the 70's and it made it to #1 on the Country charts TWICE before Whitney recorded it.

Anonymous said...

The more attention gb's give to issues like this, especially on social media, it creates a negative never ending cycle, which the negativity can affect Adam. We've been asked to not comment on things on the internet, no wonder we're not age appropriate at certain events.

Anonymous said...

9:29, so true. How many times do we have to be told? All it does is reflect badly on Adam. It's part of not being self aware which just embarrasses Adam in the end.

glitzylady said...

One of the many ways to help Adam is to be polite and gracious to those he works with.. and contributed to his music.. As did Mr. Fox..

Anonymous said...

Belle, then why do I remember this?

Anonymous said...

I just listened to it, expecting it to be bad, instead it's really good!!