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Las Vegas' Mix 94.1: Adam Interview

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, May 9, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, May 09, 2015

Adam called in to Las Vegas' Mix 94.1 early Wednesday and spoke with morning host Mercedes:

Can't embed audio stream, please listen directly on the site.



broddybounce said...

FYI, I've added a comment to that earlier post I created about the San Diego radio interview that changed direction in the comments section and turned into a highly emotional thread numbering more than 80 comments...

Dee R Gee said...

Just read your added comment, broddybounce. Thank you for being a voice of reason on this site and for encouraging a healthy exchange of ideas but insisting on an acceptable level of courtesy. It's not hard to do, really. I know that emotions about Adam run high, but if we can't be civil with each other, the fun and passion for Adam will be lost. Thank you to you and glitzy and Adminfan, and others who run the site.

Anonymous said...

The egos here are unbelievable.

Cheri said...

Great interview!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview. <3

broddybounce said...

@7:31pm: Thanks for your comment; but, if I'm getting the context correct, that statement couldn't be further from the truth.