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Adam Lambert In Billboard Magazine's New Issue!!! Photos!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 12, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 12, 2015

Adam Lambert is featured in Billboard Magazine's most current issue!!!

We'll bring the article here when it becomes available.. But for now, here's the photo of Adam from Billboard's Instagram account and the cover with his story listed at the top of the page..

 For the Instagram "scorned"

Enlargement of the caption at the top of the page...


Anonymous said...

Today on GMA I saw a commercial for Adam on GMA next week!

Anonymous said...

"... you're gonna see some FLOWERS in HIS HAIR...."

Oh my, oh my.... THAT pic, the mirror image, that hair & "looks almost like braided CURL"... the tank top, the tats... those LIPS!!! Unffffff in so many ways!

The Dark Side said...

If Adam takes a bad picture I have yet to see it! Again wow! This gorgeous guy should be on the big screen in our theaters. Looking forward to BB articleplp

Anonymous said...

The first pic is orgasmic. Great shot of the sleeve

Dee R Gee said...

The mirror pic literally made me gasp. It took my breath away. The beauty of this man is astounding. Really.

Anonymous said...

Great top shot.