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Adam Lambert in Stockholm Meet & Greet!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 02, 2015


Anne Marie said...

The guy with the red hair, really does seem to follow him everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE seeing Adam with these young Swedish fans who adore him and his music!!

Gabi said...

Quite a hip and good looking crowd over there, but still Adam manages to stand out. He has never looked better, and he seems so comfortable and grounded.

Anonymous said...

@12:32PM/Anne Marie
The young man won a meet and greet. This has already been discussed in a previous thread. He is a major young fan and Adam is his special hero, for many reasons in his young life. You can read about it in earlier thread regarding Alexander M. shown in the picture with Adam. After he saw Adam at the airport the night before, he told Adam he had won the meet and greet. Adam took a picture with him; treated him very kind. Told him that he would see him the next day, that made him so excited. He is very popular on tweeter and a major fan. There is no problem there, as has been stated over and over again. Wonderful young fan! Adam now recognizes him as such; and it is all good!! Abby

Dee R Gee said...

My oh my oh my....Adam looks amazingly gorgeous. I just never get tired of looking at that face.

Anonymous said...

Adam must be suffering from major jet lag - all this traveling! But, he looks great and I guess he is now used to all the traveling and has learned how to adapt. Aaah, the challenges of a superstar .... :-)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tweeted about the 2 new songs... Like how good they were? I understand we dont get to hear them yet but Id love to hear what they thought of them.
South Texas

Anonymous said...

Alexander is creepy.

Magiclady said...

I was wondering the same thing. I can't believe we haven't gotten some info on them. What the listeners thought, what kind of songs etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam is there with Sara Forsberg (Saara) on the second picture. Sara is a Finnish aspiring singer, who lives in Los angeles nowadays. She is now in Stockholm to promoting her new single.

Anonymous said...

You're being an _ss!

Adam's wearing not so high healed shoes/boots (?) and suddenly he does not look so tall... or maybe many Nordic people are quite tall?