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Adam Lambert Re-Tweeted: From Much Music @Much: "Can You Handle This Much Glam? #Glambert #MMVAs"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 21, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 21, 2015

                                  Screen cap by @glitzylady from the original photo


daydreamin said...

No I can't, but guess I'm gonna have to. It's a dirty job, but someone's gonna have to do it. I volunteer.

daydreamin said...

New interview from tonight:

Click Here

Anonymous said...

All of this sh.. is pathetic!I vote for Ghost Town 6 or 7 times per day on 12 radio stations. Each of them sends me alert two or three times per day that they play Ghost Town. After all Ghost Town got one spin in last week. And how come Adam didn't perform on any big events so far?Sorry, but GMA isn't as important as this stupid Vegas Pool party. So, what's the point to record and watch all of these red carpet and introducing appearances?

Anonymous said...

12:35 AM
With all due re due respect, every appearance that Adam does is very important. I enjoyed GMA much more than that Vegas pool party, JUST MY OPINION; BUT EVEN THAT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADAM. GMA was prime time; and Adam it was fabulous and got him loads of buzz. It was also mainstream and televised all over the Country on a major television station, with lots of promo before and after the event, all week. Headlining a concert event, and being in the concert series lineup at GMA is much sought after spot by artist and their management teams. It is a very big deal!!

Even as a presenter at these events, which is very important, Adam always seems to shine in the spotlight. He has an opportunity to network at all these events with his musical peers, keeps him and his name out there in the media; and among the public. So much to rejoice, why so much complaining? Adam's larger moments will come; and he will enjoy even bigger moments in the Sun. Warner and his Management Team are doing a darn good job on getting him all the great gigs that are happening to him now. To quote our wise Glam One, "PATIENCE LITTLE GLAMHOPPERS"!

SO OUR MANTRA SHOULD BE: WE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT ADAM IN EVERY WAY THAT WE CAN, and think of the glass as half full instead of half empty. We shall always rejoice all the progress that this glorious LEADER OF THE GLAMNATION NATION is making. WE GLAMBERTS ARE GREAT SUPPORTIVE FANS THAT ADAM THANKS EVERY CHANCE THAT HE GETS!! Let us continue to be SUPPORTIVE, without the CONSTANT COMPLAINING; that is what is truly PATHATIC!!!!!! Jade G.

Anonymous said...

Stop yelling at me and telling me what to do.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are The Mighty Glam One, Adam, and always will be!

Knowing a little bit of Adam's sense of humour... He probably retweeted this message & pic also because of the lady presenter's dress... he he!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Admins, I am bringing my issue here because it is about a post on the second page and I am afraid you won't see it.

It is regarding the pic of Adam with two men at a club. All I did in my comment was identify what the men do for a living and it was deleted.

I have noticed the "comment moderation" on the side panel. My comment was in no way disrespectful, mean or inappropriate. It was very neutral.

It appears many other comments were deleted. Anything referencing the fact that the two men are gay porn stars was deleted. I know not all of them could have been mean, inappropriate or disrespectful.

In addition to being upset my comment was deleted I am upset because I find all that deleting to be censorship. It looks like the admins want to hide the fact of who Adam had his photo taken with.

What is going on? Why was so much deleted? Is anything Adam does that is potentially scandalous off limits now?

Anonymous said...

3:01 AM
Give it a rest. Adam doesn't walk on water.

Anonymous said...

Adam was referring to glammed up lady. All this ordering us to vote for everything, just makes me want to vote for nothing. Adam is just another star trying to make it big. I did my bit, I bought his album.

Anonymous said...

Mine was deleted too, and I was only counteracting about what JAK said about her Minnie Mouse shirt, I only suggested he wear the male counterpart of Minnie Mouse. Apparently that was not funny, as it was intended. So got deleted.

Anonymous said...

@5:07, you have issues dude. So why are you here? You sound like a casual fan, that's great, but taking time to actually comment on a fansite/blog usually falls within the realm of serious fandom... idk 5:07, seems weird that you would take your free time to post, but post with such a meh thing to say. Whatevs dude, free will and all that... have at it

Anonymous said...

@June 22, 2015 at 2:20 AM

What are you 8 years old?

Anonymous said...

JFC,Quit with the baby whining and trolling on here.

Anonymous said...

I love the glam of her dress but I don't know if I really like the cut of the bottom. She was very cute on the program.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Adam's Crazy Train made a stop here and many got off and hung around! If you don't want to vote; and want to keep bringing TMZ trash reporting here; then goodbye. Fan Blogs are not to get involved in artist's personal life; for example stating every occupation that you think their friends or acquaintances are involved in; not our business.

This is about Adam's music, and ways to help him spread that career to the general public; while enjoying the good things. You are very lucky you are on here at all. You are lucky because if this was not a place you had to put your name down; you would not spit out all that garbage, over and over again pretending to be numerous!! Many Blog sites say up front; you will allowed on there unless you are a fan of Adam's, and any unappropriate post regarding him will be deleted immediately without discussion.

If you don't think he walks on water; then just swim away, ha, ha! Just kidding!!
Adam is the Fire, and you are the Rain!! Adam is the Light You are the dark!!

Have a glorious ADAM LAMBERT DAY!! Leaving now so I don't have to take on

Bella R.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so gorgeous last night; so what's new you ask?? I just loved all the aspects of his going on's last night, including pulling up in the Rolls Royce!! I am so very proud of this man. So many great things happening to him. He deserves this so much. I believe this is just the beginning of so many good things to come. I just love Adam's fanbase. So caring and full of so much love for this man; it is astounding. Still here after so many years. He just keeps getting better and better; and fans seem to be falling more and more in love with him; as we get to know all of his beautiful colors. Could not ask for a better artist to love and admire! He is so humble and sweet. He is finally getting the adulatiion from the world that he so truly deserves. Very emotional time. Just love to see the happiness that is radiating from him, and the beautiful smile that just seems to stay on that handsome face!!

CONGRATULATIONS ADAM, Leader of the GlamNation and to all GLAMBERTS who have, and are still working so hard in this man's behalf. Also, to all fans who continue to buy and enjoy this wonderful talented man's music!!
Sarah, a truly devoted fan forever!

Anonymous said...

Bella R
I recognize your writing, you go by many fake names. If you signed up with a name it will come up in Blue. You are here criticizing a lot of the comments, of people who have a right to say what they want as long as it is respectful. Just adding a name at the bottom of your comment, indicates it is not your blog name, it would be better to stick to anon, as usual.

Anonymous said...

On a Lighter Note...
Thought at first that omg that Lady Presenter's dress is made out of Adam's wonderful Life Ball "Aladdin outfit"!!!

(just trying to crack a joke, which is molto difficile around here... so NO offense to anybody or anything...)

Anonymous said...

I went and looked at the previous thread and a lot was deleted. I remember maybe just a couple comments were maybe questionable, but not that many. It does look like anything containing certain words that rhyme with corn or feed were deleted. Adam didn't seem to be ashamed to be in a photo with them while wearing that shirt so why all the deletions?

The Dark Side said...

Glam Rock God is a big plus IMHO so I'm not complaining about anything. Time just reviewed TOH so has many many others! All good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:36 PM, be careful or you will be deleted.