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Adam Lambert Takes "Original" Quiz!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 22, 2015


otexbert said...

Adam's album is number 2 right now with 37000 albums sold 53% in. Looking good hopefully there are some big ones that haven't reported.

otexbert said...

83% 38,041

otexbert said...
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Anonymous said...

Where did you get this info Oxtebert?

otexbert said...

Hits Daily Double. I can't bring the link over on my phone. It is on MJS on the Monday Morning Media base post

otexbert said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks otexbert. Looks like he will be close to at least #2 if he keeps building. 40K is a possibility. Walmart only sells the clean version and that may hurt their sales?
Do you recall how man sales Trespassing had?

otexbert said...

Trespassing had around 78000 I believe. but the music industry has changed a lot since then. He may be #3 or 4 with all the new streaming rules. They are saying Taylor and Hillary may beat him with that included. We won't know until Wednesday for sure.

otexbert said...

Trespassing had around 78000 I believe. but the music industry has changed a lot since then. He may be #3 or 4 with all the new streaming rules. They are saying Taylor and Hillary may beat him with that included. We won't know until Wednesday for sure.

Anonymous said...

I guess streaming really is important. I plan on doing that all next week.

The Dark Side said...

This cool! A real hit for American Idol alumni to get into the top 10in the UK. I'm sure that fabulous NYE show with Queen showed what Adam is capable of.

Lam-My said...

This interview is quirky but refreshing; the guy asks antiquated questions; Adam looked like a fish out of water. lol! Hey Adam, he asked what musical you would like to star in...How about Jesus Christ Superstar; you as Jesus! oooh-la-la...Jesus in the musical had to sing some really powerful notes, you would be able to do that. Or Phantom of the Opera...take your pick; but I recall after AI/S8, a producer was eyeing you to portray Spiderman; he said because Spiderman had to sing many high notes, squeals. lol!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looked great and very comfortable. So at ease and charming. I like the fact that he never seems overwhelmed. Everyone always tells Adam how great he look; men and women! So true; I guess he is used to it by now. Seems to never let it phase him one way or the other. Just love his interviews, always so cool and calm. Love that he takes the questions seriously, but with fun!

Anonymous said...

I struggled to hear clearly some of the questions that were asked and there's absolutely nothing wrong with my hearing, and the sound on my computer is great too.

Anonymous said...

Adam said years ago he would like the role of Judas in JCSS.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to everything you said!

In so many recent interviews Adam has stated that time for any musicals is not now.
So let's support what he wants to do NOW.

Lam-My said...

Well, if Adam is offered a film musical role like the ones mentioned you think he would reject the offer. lol! Frankly, time cannot be slotted so precisely, Adam will do what is best for him at any given time, with preference of course.