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Adam Lambert's Performance Of 'Ghost Town' UK Lottery (VIDEO) PLUS Adam Lambert Answers Fan Questions AND Juggles Balls!! (VIDEOS)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 13, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, June 13, 2015

Adam Lambert performed 'Ghost Town' on the National Lottery UK tonight

UPDATED with new video (replacing the performance only video we posted previously) of Adam Lambert chatting before the performance, pushing the button to release the lottery balls, AND his performance of 'Ghost Town'...

*Be sure to click on the "Watch In HD" pop-up button on the video when the video starts. And if the "Watch On You Tube" shows on the screen after you click on the arrow to watch, be sure to do so..

Many thanks to  @adamlambert_pic for posting the video.

Adam just tweeted this one [below] (we had it up here earlier but added the longer, better quality one) so we'll add it back into the mix :)) Just the performance, no chat...

And some questions asked by fans that National Lottery posted on their Twitter page..

If you want to see all of the Adam Lambert associated tweets, here's the link to their page (We posted many of them on the previous thread here on Adam Lambert 24/7)

The National Lottery @TNLUK

Watch Adam juggle balls after taking up the #LottoJuggle Challenge!!

"If you threw a fabulous party for 5, who, living or dead, would you invite?" via @4evrmomof4

 "What do you enjoy most about being in the UK" via @xxmisswendyxx

"Which song from #TheOriginalHigh are you most excited to sing live?" via @JB_AL_FOREVER

Annnnnnddd. Some rehearsal Instagram pics:

A photo posted by Brian Friedman (@brianfriedman) on


Anonymous said...

I think Adam's guitarist was wearing Adams poncho, that we have seen him wearing lately. Great performance. It always seems to end too soon.

Anonymous said...

Lol, conversation of the UK Lottery presenter and a famous British doctor.

Gaby Roslin ‏@GabyRoslin
@adamlambert @TNLUK So wonderful meeting you. Come back to the UK soon lovely man x

Dr Christian Jessen ‏@DoctorChristian
@GabyRoslin @adamlambert @TNLUK I love him more than is natural and decent. I am most jealous of you!

Gaby Roslin ‏@GabyRoslin
I think there's a very long line of adoring fans. He's one of the sweetest and loveliest men around xx …

Dr Christian Jessen ‏@DoctorChristian
@GabyRoslin @adamlambert @TNLUK I know, we'd be perfect together! ��

Gaby Roslin – Verified account ‏@GabyRoslin
@DoctorChristian @adamlambert @TNLUK Ooo actually yes!!! X

Anonymous said...

I love Adam in black, but it is not the best color on stage, he gets lost in the darkness. Only his face shows up, which is quite all right, because he has a beautiful face. We cannot see his dance moves. Maybe later he might have brighter lights shining on him, if he wears black during his tour.

Anonymous said...

Here is the full video, from Adam talking to pressing the lotto button to the performance:

glitzylady said...

Thanks!! I'll post that one too..

Anonymous said...

I always feel the same, it always seems to end too soon!
This time it truly was least the vid was more than a minute shorter than the official GT vid in youtube!
His vocals though, always soooo GOOD!!!

Thank you for the performance vid! <3

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I don't know where to post this so here goes ...

HOW do we get ADAM's song .. THERE I SAID IT .. considered for a single? This song is a MUST for radio release ... IMO ... it's a hidden gem in a room full of gems!! How do we get more recognition for it?? Every time I hear it I'm in awe of how Beautiful it is & ADAM's vocals are beyond BEYOND!! I hope it isn't swept aside like SO MANY other ballads!! I can't WAIT for my copy of TOH so I can put it on REPEAT & drift away to a Happy & Serene place!! I know I sound a little OTT but I can't help it!! I JUST LOVE IT!! THANX!! for letting me RAVE!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Magiclady said...


I feel the same way about "After Hours"
Such a unique, sexy and cool song!
I need my copy of TOH now so I can listen cranked up in my car!
Although this song probably has no chance of becoming a single because it is one of the bonus tracks. :(

Anonymous said...

Tess @ 4:54 pm, I feel the same way about "There I Said It". It really should be a SINGLE. Can you imagine hearing it all the time on the radio? I still haven't heard "Ghost Town" but simply cannot wait to blast TISI in my car riding to and from work. I do like "Another Lonely Night" for another single. But, why would the decision makers listen to us, we only make the purchases.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE "Another Lonely Night" for a single. I can't get the hook out of my head!!!! It is unique, yet very mainstream radio friendly IMO:) Cheri xo

Dee R Gee said...

ALN for me, too. I hum it all day.

Anonymous said...

Very nice tweets from the dance team.

Anonymous said...

There is something for everybody on this album. I don't like ALN or TISI but I love TOH and The Light.

Anonymous said...

I know Im being nitpicky but I hope he wears his hair more back and modern for the Jimmy Fallon show. I just think he looks more handsome without it all in his face like this. Only my silly opinion of course. Hes gorgeous no matter what.. I just want him to catch everyones attention.

Anonymous said...

I love all the interviews and chances to perform GT that Adam has been getting. I have to say that I am VERY impressed with WB and Adam's management team for getting this much exposure. So much more than Trespassing ever got. So glad he made the change. Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam juggling the balls .... at least he juggled 1 .... I can't juggle at all.

The stunning smile at the end of the last short video ..... *sighs*.

My fave song on the album is There I Said It .... so, so beautiful .... and The Original High is great too.

Gabi said...

Did they have to cut the performance short? I missed the second verse.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed with Adam performing in various countries, that the band members change. esp. the guitarist. The ones he had on the Ellen show are not the same as on the European promo tour. Does he have an "official" band? I like the two female dancers. They don't distract from Adam and Ghost Town and add a certain sexiness to his dance moves. I agree with a comment made about his hair being a bit too long and in his face. I love him all in white and hopefully that's what he will wear for his GMA concert appearance. This is going to be an all Adam Lambert week with him in NYC: B&N cd signing; Jimmy Fallon show appearance; GMA concert and also appearing on the Kelly and Michael show. It is wonderful to see all the backing Adam is getting from WB and his management for this new album. I can't wait to get mine on Tuesday.