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AL Belgium: TOH CD Booklet Cover and Adam "Thank You's," and Case Insert Photo!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Many thanks to Adam Lambert Belgium! (@AdamLambertBE)


Anne Marie said...

Love all the people Adam mentioned on TOH. Seems his mom and dad and brother all have special others. Loved Danielle and Sauli were the first two named on his extended family, and all the others, I think we know most if not all of them.
Very gracious thank you to Roger and Brian. Also his whole Warner team. I am not aware that he left anyone out. Can't wait to get my album in a few days.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.... I think I like his thank you "order" ♡

Anonymous said...

*thank yous

Adam is always so gracious.

choons said...

we Glamberts are his Fan Family!

Anonymous said...

This shows the class and depth of this man's very soul; I did not even think of us being mentioned; and there we were; the very foundation to help carry it all through to the masses. He recognizes his Glamberts for always having his back. What a nice unexpected thank you to it all. THANK YOU ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT FOR EVERYTHING!! YOU ARE "THE LIGHT"; and what a beautiful glow you have!!

Anonymous said...

Aww... He mentioned Sauli right after Danielle in his My "family"-part, so Sauli still is very important and close person to him.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, among this being so wonderful, but, I was so thrilled to see that he mentioned Nile Rodgers in a sentence that stood alone. Nile has always be such a great friend. It was just so heart warming to see that. I bet it will also warm Nile's heart; he is truly one of the good unselfish guys! Probably did not even expect this. I loved seeing Brian May and Roger Taylor and the Queen Family.


Anonymous said...

There is something wrong with people who put weight on the order of names in a thank you. Should Charl or Terrance feel bad they are so far down the list? Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam Lambert for helping me love music again .... your voice is truly one in a billion...I love being your fan ...a glambert forever

Anne Marie said...

Adam chose to put them in the order he wanted, I had nothing to do with it. These names listed are his closest friends, if you don't like the order, he put them in, too bad. I like the order, and thought Adam was right on point.

The Dark Side said...

Adam always keeps his journey real and his devoted fans live the man as much as his music. Thank you Adam for taking us on this awesome ride!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where we GOOOOO?

Anonymous said...

12:42 PM Grow up yourself! Are you jealous/envy of those people, who seems to be Adam`s closest "family"? Ridiculous...

Anonymous said...

I fell like the Glamberts needed a more heartfelt message, maybe more than 2 lines, but it's probably just me being super jealous that I'm not on that list lol.

Jackie43 said...

I noticed he put all ex boyfriends on that list. Last one first and the others later. Adam is a very generous and forgiving person. Not too many people could be so accepting.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who are those Allan, Jo & Ray?

Gabi said...

My heart is full. So sweet to see confirmed by Adam once again how we Glamberts are the fuel that keeps him going :) I think it has become pretty clear so far that Adam has hit some low points and moments of doubt. I love him so much. And Warner does too :) He has persevered and created this amazing work of art with "The Original High". I'm thrilled for Adam and for myself :) Streaming the crap out of the album right now....Warner tweeted the link again. So I assume it has to be a priority to focus on streaming the album on Amazon now!!!

Gabi said...

Adam is a class act. Everyone who agrees will hopefully feel inspired to stream his album to the max!

ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Warner Bros. Records ‏@wbr Jun 8
LISTEN NOW: Stream @AdamLambert's upcoming album #TheOriginalHigh a week early at

Anonymous said...

Adam put a lot of thought into his thank you list. Each person he listed is special to him. I cannot believe anyone would be so critical of something Adam chose to do. Do you criticize everything Adam says or does? Anyone listed was probably grateful to be remembered. No one has to grow up to understand the list. It is quite clear.

Anonymous said...

Regarding comment from @June 10, 2015 at 1:51 PM

I truly feel this is a pot stirrer... fans, let's not bite and tarnish this nice thread, don't want to tell anyone what to do, because I know that's annoying too, but gosh, what a nice liner notes thread, Adam's very thoughtful, just want to honor that in some small way in this thread. Sorry if 1:51 is not a pot-stirrer, apologies, but not wanting to risk it... and hoping people will not take bait if so. Just my POV.

btw, I thought the nod to Glamberts was incredibly gracious and the way it was worded was beyond lovely to me, imho.

Anonymous said...

2:22 PM, I don't think they aren't being critical of Adam, rather they are being critical of fans saying Sauli at number two somehow makes him more important to Adam than others.

I say it would be an honor to be anywhere on that list of people Adam thanks. It is silly and rude to be talking about where someone is in the list.

Anonymous said...

2:02 PM, all three of those are long time friends of Adam's.

Unknown said...

Adam just can not win no matter what he does I think he is the most thoughtful person that I know of.

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam Lambert is class personified. Just another reason why Adam is loved by so many.

Anonymous said...

There is something odd about pointing out the order of names.

I'm sure Adam's friends didn't look to see if they were before or after Terrance to see how they rank.

Whoever is doing that must have some issue with a need to elevate Sauli.

They probably also keep track of who gets what for Christmas to see which family member is more loved.

Anonymous said...

It's up to Adam, these are his friends and family. Some on here have a issue with seeing a certain name, and I wonder why be so petty and small. There are other issues to be concerned with, like sales. Or BB#1.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say one thing, compare Adam's pic at time he met Sauli and to when they broke up. People act like Sauli was such a bad thing for Adam, when clearly Adam made some significant changes appearance wise. Sauli was part of inspiration and progression in Adam's life, so if you loving the current pics, and good things happening for Adam, don't hate.

Anonymous said...

3:24, what ridiculousness. Adam can eat well and exercise without inspiration from Sauli. He also had the amazing hair and great stylist, great taste in clothes, and money for acne scar treatment already. Even if all that wasn't true there is no reason to require liking somebody because they helped somebody look better.

Sauli is a good guy but quit shoving him at us like he is some sort of saint we have to keep on a pedestal here and worship years after the break up.

Anonymous said...

No one seems to have any trouble with Danielle's name being the first on the list, or may be they thought she should have been last. The problem seems to be that some thought that the second name should not have been on the list at all. Adam is a thoughtful and considerate man, and he named these people who he considers as part of his 'family'. They have all played a part in his life, some much more than others, but all thanked. The order of the names was totally Adam's choice, and I for one see nothing wrong with it. Sauli was and still is, a part of his 'family, whether some can accept it or not.

Anonymous said...

Adam has not stopped seeing him, and he is not put on a pedestal by anyone. Adam seems very happy to keep him as a special friend. They are keeping the 'single' title, for now and may be forever. That has not stopped Adam from meeting with him at every occasion, even on this very busy promo tour. They may be single, but obviously it is not over.

Gabi said...

Beautiful original post. It clearly seems that to various degrees many people in Adam's life have inspired that amazing work of art in "The Original High". I think most of us here are fans because we adore Adam in more than one way - beauty, talent, spirit, and ultimately hopefully for his latest music that he just shared - so we may want to stream the crap out of TOH and may be think about another album purchase or an opportunity to gift. Don't we all want as much Adam as we can get, and ultimately enjoy a tour?

@anon 3:24 agreed! How some people can possibly be judgmental or start to become argumentative about Adam's notes, is beyond me. I fully trust that he himself knows best who inspired him the most. "There I Said It" ;)

Anonymous said...

I would venture to guess that Adam would absolutely loathe about 95% of the comments in this comment's section

Anonymous said...

How very rude of anyone thinking they know better than Adam, who is his 'family' and in what order he placed them in the list. Some people need a reality check.
Adam is the only one who totally knows what each of these people mean to him, in his personal life and in his career.

Anonymous said...

Alpha and Omega. His "first family" Alpha, and his "career family" :) (the glamberts) Omega! Like the bookends that held he and his career together and all the neat "people" in between!

Anonymous said...

3:40 PM
You really are jealous of Sauli for some reason, aren't you? So ridiculous...

Anonymous said...

Why pull any name out of any order? Adam had many people to thank, and I am sure he put a lot of thought into it. ALL VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN HIS WHOLE LIFE! Who would be able to list their people that have affected them so personally and not wish they could put them all first on the list? Adam's generosity gives weight to all he deems dear to him. So first or last, they all should feel blessed and special to know him and be mentioned. To try and figure out who all these people are and why they are in a certain spot is ridiculous. Business or personal, he considers them part of a large FAMILY! IMHO!

Anne Marie said...

I counted only 3 detrimental comments about Adams choice of the order of his 'family', that is definitely NOT 95% of the comments.
The I agree with letting Adam make his own choice of the order of his list.
Adam has now made his list of 'thank you', it is a done deal, like it or not. I personally thought he was very gracious to all his friends and family, and the people responsible for any part of his Album.

Anonymous said...

All of this is really so silly!

@3:24 Sorry, but, what you said about Adam's appearance being due to Sauli does not make very much sense. They dress nothing alike as far as style in dress is concerned. As far as health wise; they probably helped each other.

This sounds as silly as what I have seen out there where some are blaming Sauli for all the torment in Adam's songs; as if Sauli was some kind of monster. Some are mad at Adam also, for putting all his sorrow in the songs, saying they hope fans don't jump on Sauli. Adam has said that these songs were not just about him; but, many friends and acquaintances, and what many people have gone through in their lives!

On all three album booklets; Adam mentioned the last person he was involved with for a period of time or last 2 or 3. This is the very first time I have seen so much controversy! No wonder Adam tries very hard to keep his relationships private. Some sound like a bunch of jealous children! Sorry children!! I meant jealous adults!!

This good and beautiful talented man does not deserve all of this crazy, crazy talk.
I am going off to stream the way Warner and Adam asked us to do. Just had to say something! Trying very hard to be as kind as possible. Was very hard to do so!!

Janet L. J.

Anonymous said...

To all who always seem to get their panties in a w... when Sauli's name is mentioned - doubt very much Adam was including 'your kind' in his thank you Glamberts note!

The truth of the matter is that Sauli's name IS there in BLACK & WHITE, appreciated by Adam and put next to his Bestest Gal Danielle, belonging the His Glamily.

So there are no excuses for you or anyone (on an AL fan site, i.e. in public!) to mock, ridicule or try & "delete" Sauli from Adam's life. From now on - if you respect Adam and truly are his fans and if Sauli is of no interest to you - please, just be silent if you can't say anything nice about their friendship and/or Sauli. That is grown up behavior.

Thank you @AdamLambertBE for the CD booklet & STUNNING NEW pics!!!


Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, you were the first to point out Sauli's name was second.

Why does anybody care whose name is first, second, tenth or last?

Anonymous said...

@3:57 PM
There you go again! Of course he is going to see Sauli if he is in Finland. He has said they are still close friends. He has said that he was close to all the men he had cared for deeply. It would have been strange if he did not see him; I would think. No one knows anything about Adam's relationships unless he tells them. People need to stop this guessing game. So silly. Adam says he is single and not in love every time he is asked. Almost at every interview. If this were not true; why would he want to hurt someone's feelings if they were the special one? I believe Adam. Just let it be. He is very busy and has said he is in love with his Album!

He is having the time of his young life now. He is enjoying the ride; and he seems perfectly happy for the time being. Let's enjoy these wonderful moments with him, and let him enjoy every beautiful moment of his new found fame.

Loved the beautiful words and the gracious thank you to all his family, friends and business acquaintances. To know Adam is to love him. Who would not want this beautiful man's love and friendship!!!! Perhaps a fool?????

Off to stream The Original Hi! Later!

Anonymous said...

5:12pm here/correction
That should be THE ORIGINAL HIGH!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my word.

Some people are just looking for attention.

Who cares that Sauli's name comes Danielle's. Obviously he is an important person to Adam. That is all that matters.

Who the heck would analyze the crap out of a CD sleeve and read more into it than what it actually is?

Conspiracy theorists and at best,people who are NEVER gonna be happy with anything.


It's a beautiful testament to all involved in his career!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe some of the comments I have just read here. Criticizing or arguing about the order in which Adam gives thanks for this new album. Or some of the names mentioned as to their importance/relevance in his life. Give me a break. It's just so ridiculous. I am just happy that he has this third album coming out in a few days and so far the songs that have been heard have been fairly well received. Adam seems very happy and satisfied with TOH and the promotion his management and Warner Records is giving it. You are right @5:59PM about analyzing "the crap out of a CD sleeve". Adam is just giving thanks and recognition to all who influenced, helped, and loved him in his professional and personal life while putting this album together. That's it. Don't criticize these thoughtful and selfless remarks from one of the most talented and nicest individuals in the music industry today.

Anne Marie said...

It's a done deal. signed and delivered. Make of it what you want, nobody cares if you like it or not. Just get on with your life, as Adam is getting on with his, and with anybody he wants. Try to get over any thoughts of disagreements you have with his choice of friends that he thanked. Just enjoy his album, and be happy that he is doing well with it. I have been streaming it as Warner asked, hope it helps Adam.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait to buy this album and touch it with my own hands. <3333333

Anonymous said...

My name is going to be in one of the booklets for buying the big bundle, I can't wait to get it because I completely forgot what name I wanted them to use. Lol

Anonymous said...

Best Album I have heard in my entire life! Not even a Glambert, at least I was not one until I heard this wonderful album that I can't stop listening to. Now I want to research all of his past work. But, that is just going to have to wait until I have helped this man with streaming and whatever else it takes. To have such loyal fans is amazing. My friend has been talking about this man for 6 years I was not paying much attention. Now I see what it was all about. I told him I now have his Adam Lambert addiction!! He just smiled and said, "I knew you would drink the Kool Aid sooner or later!! Well I am hooked!!!! Pre Ordered 2 today. Will gift some on
release day!! I might add, the man is gorgeous!!!! Color me excited as hell!

Jadam NZ said...

Donna, welcome. I hope you are the first of many new fans this album brings to Adam. You have come on board at a great time.
You will find this a crazy, maddening but passionate place at times, stick with us, it is worth the ride.
Yes Adam is a crazy talented, genuine, beautiful person.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a lot of good friends. Very nice that he also would like to thank all ex boyfriends. No drama, just friendship. I appreciate.

Great photos and wonderful CD!!!!

funbunn40 said...

Welcome to Adamland,Donna! Once smitten by Adam, he's with you forever in the most satisfying, beautiful way. There's a wealth of videos on YT from before American Idol, His world Glamnation Tour, Musical Theatre performances, the Queen Tour & previous Queen performances. The interviews are great, giving a real insight to his charismatic personality. The more you see & hear him, the more addicted you'll become.Happy watching! :)

funbunn40 said...

I thought Adam's words were heartfelt, appreciative & thoughtful to his family, friends, business assoc. & Glamberts. He acknowledged those who are personally meaningful & supportive, joining him in the creation of this album. I'm glad that he's surrounded by loving, intelligent people who honestly care & support him. Elvis, MJ and other unfortunate celebs had hangers on & opportunists that didn't keep it real. Adam keeps those that matter to him close, including ex boyfriends. It's a measure of his maturity & reason to respect his humanity. No pettiness, mean spiritness or drama.I admire Adam's kindness,positive energy & good will towards others, a great example to follow. :)

Anonymous said...

Bridger not in the list?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@5:01 PM
Yes, it was Anne Marie who posted Sauli's name as being in Adam's thank you-s after his extended family. Any excuse for her to mention Sauli on this blog. It's none of our business who Adam thanked, apart from thanking his Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Bloody disrespectful with the negative bickering on the thread!
OMG Adam is about to release 'The Original High' to the world! It's a time of massive celebration!!!!

Anonymous said...

4;44 AM, I noticed. And then later tells us to get on with our lives. The irony.

Anonymous said...

3:11 AM
?? So it's evident that Bridger was/is not any significant person to Adam.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It is accustomary both in music, literature, anything published by artists in general to THANK those nearest & dearest first, nothing to bicker about. Adam's call, good conduct and business manners.

My heart flutters at the thought of getting the actual CD in my hands, hope to get it in vinyl, too!

"People are not stupid!", says Adam.
Let's try and prove him right.... K? ;)

Anonymous said...
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