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Amsterdam's FaceCulture: Adam Interview

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 24, 2015

FaceCulture is an Amsterdam-based website whose tagline is "gives you the people behind the music."  As yet, the site does not appear to contain this video, nor anything about Adam, but here it is for reference:


choons said...

wow - I loved this quiet interview and the still, close-up camera - you can just soak up every nuance of his facial expressions - just beautiful. And interesting about his not having had a conversation with certain people about certain songs yet ...

glitzylady said...

Just listened/watched.. such a "Zen" and well thought out and well spoken interview.. And as @choons described: the nuances of his expressions were subtle yet fascinating.. Every thought was readable on his handsome face as he spoke the words.. I wanted it to continue for another hour or so........ One question led to another.. And there are so many more questions, yet unanswered here...

Anonymous said...

I was so wrapped up in his childhood experiences and leaving RCA and working with Max and Shellback that I didn't even hear anything about not having conversations with certain people. I guess that shows what I am most interested in and what others are interested in. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Choonsie!
AND, Adam is so deep and at ease self-disclosing. But what interests me most about him is his Love, acceptance and ease with people in general. Through these years since Amer Idol I -- a "senior citizen" -- have learned a tremendous amount from watching and listening to Adam speak about himself, others and life in general. I am grateful to him -- and for the access to his interviews and progress reports via this site.

Anonymous said...

great interview...Adam is so well spoken,,,

Anonymous said...

Part 2... very interesting
a little hint of Sauli in this, in my opinion.
Loved his expressions. And the things he didn't say... ;)

Anonymous said...

Loved what you said, felt the same.
There he said it... Hoping he's had a chance for those converstions...

Kudos to both men, great no-nonsense interview.
The interviewer sounded so genuinely interested and laid back, thoughtful.
Pruobably Adam felt that too...

Anonymous said...

I loved the things Adam DID say. :) There are people here who are always jumping in to read into things Adam doesn't say without knowing the facts. :(

Anonymous said...

The vibe of this interview is so different from those done in UK and US. Also Adam has molded and done 'adaptations' to his answers re the origins, experiences and stories behind rr the songs/lyrics on the album. I say no wonder he likes it in Europe. Also he talked about the toughness of the business in LA and NYC. Hard to be 'broken open' in those cities if you wanna make it. Excellent interview, interviewer and interviewee!

Sometimes it is deep and a bit deep-er... Adam, thank you!